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Posts posted by PanzerMike

  1. Yeah, try it. Designing a scenario is a lot work, but very rewarding. Start small. Start simple. The best scenarios are the ones that are actually finished. Don't be tempted to start out with that super duper battalion sized historically extremely accurate mega monster battle you have been dreaming about for years. Chances are, you will run out of steam long before it is even close to being finished.

    Save yourself a lot of time and use an existing map. Adapt it if need be, it will still save you a lot of time. Maybe find some inspiration in existing board game scenarios. Use their OOB and/or background stories as a start and build from there.

    Join the Scenario Maker Guild for true glory :D

  2. Sorry to hear that Umlaut. For a number of my scenarios I asked the betas if they were willing to test in the Beta forum. And some of them helped me out greatly. But after a while they are mostly busy with the new BFC stuff (CMBS for example), so their efforts are required elsewhere.

    So I also asked for testers once on the normal forum and a few volunteered. Quality of the feedback was rather mixed and sometimes I had to wait quite a while for it. But hey, it is all unpaid volunteer work, so your mileage may vary. It is great if some are willing to help at all. But it is not an optimal situation clearly.

    Much has been said about the repository (lots of moaning and groaning that is). Yes, it is not exactly stellar, but not half as bad as many say IMHO. The number of downloads is the best indication wether your stuff is liked or not (or if an AAR is started, yeah :D) I guess. Only a few percent of the users that download the scenario actually rate it or provide brief comments in the repository. Sometimes they respond in the initial generated thread in the maps and mods forum.

    All in all, I have received quite a lot feedback on my stuff. Could it be better? Yes. But I'll take what I can get.

  3. I come from a land down under

    Where beer does flow and men chunder

    Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

    You better run, you better take cover


    Hmmm, guess it's not the beer...

    No worries mate, all Oddstraylians are very welcome here :D

    Have fun with the game!

  4. Steve:

    Because all of us could be making a lot more money with a lot less stress and increased job security doing any number of other things. You guys are definitely lucky that we're too stupid/stubborn to look for work elsewhere. Because if we did, guess what you wouldn't be able to buy?

    Yes I am a fanboi (sue me...) and totally biased (oh dear), but as far as I am concerned we are indeed lucky to have a game like Combat Mission at all. The small staff at BFC together with a bunch of volunteers have worked miracles IMHO. This game is what I always wanted, ever since I played with my little Airfix plastictruppen as a kid.

    There is no better game in this genre out there. Period. And it keeps getting better. And I hope BFC will keep at it for another 15 years at least.

    And yes, I can understand the frustration if you are bugged by a ... bug that inhibits you from enjoying the game. Waiting for a fix can be a pain. But, it will be fixed like Steve said.

    Now, if you will excuse me, I'm off to sacrifice a Donkey to appease the Powers that be at BFC. Perhaps this will result in a new module for CMRT :D

  5. Wonderful map! Great work! Worthy of a good battle for sure.

    Sorry to hear you burned out. I fear you are not the first nor the last that bites off more than he can chew. I often see people all enthusiastic about their (monster) project, but they go silent after a while. Too much work...

    I know you love large battles. You said so in the "Smaller Campaigns" thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=115391

    But I would advise you to start simple. Start small. Huge does not necessarily equal great. In fact huge mostly equals nothing, because the scenario is never finished...

    Crop this stunning map and design a small(ish) scenario for now, would be my 2 cents!

  6. PanzerMike,

    Outstanding work. I will have to check how many AI plans you have in there as I want to play each one. This battle gives me an overwhelming sense of dread. Few fights with the AI do that. Man I wish I had a fresh platoon to attack with. Everyone is shell shocked!!!

    p.s. My Hurtzer was a play on words...get it?

    Thanks Lanzfeld! Nice to hear you are enjoying Polozk :cool:! I tried to make it as immersive as possible. You experienced dread, sounds pretty immersive to me :D. Mission succeeded, he he he.

    It was a lot of fun making it, knowing it was going to be different from other scenarios in this game thus far. Bagration is not particularly well known for it's city fights, the next module will probably focus more on that (Budapest, Berlin, Konigsberg, etc.). But I wanted to make a somewhat large urban battle for Red Thunder anyways to see what the current engine can do. And the engine does pretty well IMHO.

  7. Ow man, what are you doing to yourself, Knight of Ruin. Making a spectacle of yourself that is. That must be the most pathetic attempt to write a 'funny' rhyme in the history of Peng. Ever. Like really. Dang!

    In Dutch we call someting like that: "Rijmelarij van likmevestje". Loosely translated it would be something like Rhymelarity Gone South.

    What were you thinking? I can see old man Emrys now, at his desk, after having read your little piece: *facepalm*. You have disgraced yourself and all that the Knight of the Cesspool stand for (cheap booze, foul smells, accordeon music, Donkey acts, you get the picture).

    Surely a Knight of Ruin can do better than THAT! Or not... Perhaps you should be relegated back to Stable Boy for a while. Shoveling Donkey poop. A fitting punishment I would think. I think even Bore Radish will agree with me on this one...

  8. No defeat, Repsol. Only winners, good discussion.

    There is one more thing I would like to mention. The scenarios I make and put up in the repository are playtested, for sure. But probably not as elaborate as the ones used as stock scenarios in the CMRT release for example.

    Still, I get mostly favorable comments on them so far. I could have held back on them, fearing they are not up to par, because testing was not as rigorous as could have been. Or take much longer to develop and test and thus release less scenarios (with the risk of loosing interest altogether if things take forever to make). I chose to release them because I felt confident enough that they were fun.

    Could they have been better if I had invested more time designing, testing and tweaking? Perhaps. But maybe the law of diminishing return sets in at this point. Good is good enough, if you know what I mean. There is no such thing as a perfect scenario. And there is also your own gut feeling about what you have made. After making several scenarios and getting the hang of it, you kinda start to develop a 'feel' if a scenario you made is any good or not.

    This approach is probably not suitable for stock scenarios, but hey, these are 'just' freebies. If my somewhat 'looser' approach to these repository scenarios is wrong, I would have expected a lot of negative comments on them, and I would stand corrected. But so far so good.

    It is great to see one of the scenarios I made being featured in Repsol's excellent AAR. If it was crappy or sub par, no such AAR would have been made. Still, the Polozk scenario was finished within something like 4/5 weeks and I work on it only some evenings and weekends (I do have a life you know :D). And that includes testing by me and some great guys that playtest for me (thanks guys :cool:).

    Could Polozk have been tested even more thoroughly? Definitely! Would it have been a LOT better than it is now? Not so sure.

    Just my 0,02!

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