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Posts posted by Honch

  1. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Nice thread! We want the USA represented in the REAL GAME, NOT personal mods! FIX IT!

    Try the editor and it would solve 99% of your problems Rambo!

    They gave us the editor so that they didn't have to deal with all of the personal opinions about who should be stronger, who should have what techs, who is under-represented etc.

    Very few of us think that the US should be all powerful.

    Why don't you use the editor, make everything max attack values and max tech for the US with 100 armies, tank groups, air fleets and ships and I think that you'd finally make yourself happy.

  2. Update as of June 21, 2006, my 36th birthday:

    Siam and Burma are mapped and terrained. The OOB is done and the only thing left is the terraining of India. Event scripts have been added for Indian partisans, Chindit attacks and the Calcutta-Bombay-Liverpool Indian convoy.

    Siam starts the campaign as Japanese controlled/occupied with activation in December 1941. Bangkok represents the capital and supply source for Japanese units.

    Extreme South West China with the city of Kunming is US controlled. (Again, a compromise since I am short on country slots)

    The Japanese "Burma" fleet is positioned in Bangkok and the British "India" fleet is scattered throughout Indian ports and in Ceylon.

    It should be a good add-on to the East African and Middle East theatres that I have added to the original campaign.

    I do have room to add China as a full participant, French Indo-China, Malaya, Dutch East Indies and the rest of Siberia once we have more country slots and I have more time.

    I want to exclude as much of the direct US-Japanese conflict though and will focus on the conflict between UK and Japan, USSR and Japan in 1945 and maybe China-Japan other than just Burma.

  3. Exactly Hubert, you could probably make one script format that would cover any event. The ability to use dummy variables would cancel out those lines that are not used for a specific event.

    For example, at the least, every script should have:



    PICTURE JPG image to be added to the popup

    SOUND WAV file to be played with the popup

    DATE (date that must be satisfied in the game for the event to occur)

    FAIL_SAFE-DATE (date that will trigger the event regardless of if any other conditions are satisfied)

    COUNTRY_ID Owner of the event

    TRANSFER_ID Country Receiving the territory and/or unit

    TRIGGER % Chance of Event Occuring

    VARIABLE_CONDITION (eg. Italy Politically Aligned with Axis and Not Surrendered, Greece DOW'd upon by Axis and Not Surrendered) AND Logic

    CONDITION_POSITION (units within a certain range of a designated tile) OR Logic


  4. I have now added all of India, Burma, Ceylon and the Western parts of China which will have to be Neutral for now as I have no more country slots.

    Thats as far East as I can go using my current scale. I woudln't really want to include much else of the Eastern theatre as it would involve ALOT more work and I would need several more country slots. My passion is for the European Theatre, not the Pacific.

    I will fill out the terrain, British/Indian OOB for 1939 and then the Japanese entry scripts tomorrow.

    Stay tuned.

    After that, its all I can do until we get more robust AI and Event scripts with the new parameters that myself, Edwin, Normal Dude and a few others have asked for.

  5. Difool:

    I have just updated the Axis AI scripts with Normal Dude's now and made all of the adjustments. The ones you are using right now are the plain jane ones from patch 2. The next update to cmmods will have them. I hope for Edwin's Allied AI scripts soon.

    The starting OOB for Italy in East Africa was over 250,000 Italian and Abyssinian troops in 1939 so I think that the scenario is well balanced. Remember, I have adjusted attack values for Italian troops downwards to represent their lack of quality, leadership and overall battle worthiness in WW2.

    Regarding the error, please email me a saved game file so that I can have Hubert look at it.


    I will get that script in there soon. I also have to fix the Bessarabia annexation script as it triggered even after Germany had conquered most of Southern Russia in my latest game. It may be a problem with the limitations of the script.

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