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Colin I

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Everything posted by Colin I

  1. Arado, Agreed, but if we are going to expand the map then we need to use it. Actually, I like Nupremal's approach - concentrate on the important regions. I've played both European games (3R, SPI's WWII) and whole-world-map versions (again SPI's one - was it Global war?). Unless done well a complete map does not add that much, particularly if convoy lines are fairly abstract. I think such games can work but if most of Africa, South America etc. are largely dead space that force the Allies just to spend more time pushing transports about the place then we do not gain so much.
  2. Arado - but we do need some mechanism for opening up the global map. Lets face it MOST of WWII was fought in Europe and the Far East, of this MOST was in Europe, of this MOST was in Russia. So global games always suffer from a lot of poorly used space and do need to mine the what-if and convoy/colonial aspects to stand a chance. So, actually I think we do need lots of political/diplomatic options and complexity. If anything I think we need to simplify the military aspects (lose some unit types) and expand the political/diplomatic and this is one such suggestion that migfht help.
  3. AAR 1 Colin Axis. Russia - Germany attacks in the South with some good weather. Partisan problems in Poland/USSR border. Western allies reinforce their raids. Some critical fights coming soon. Far East rather slow moving. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Russia holds fast around Moscow - holding back on attacks except for harassing a low supply German paratrooper. Think I will hold through the winter now. Yugoslavian partisans active again. British with US naval support active in Italy - around Nice and destroying an Italian fighter based near Rome with carriers (Nupremal - carriers seem too effective vs land based air - I was surprised when 2 carrier groups destroyed 2 level 3 British land-based fighters in India). China and communist China weigh in - hard to see how Japan will do much now despite the low troop quality of the Chinese.
  4. AAR 1 Colin Axis. He did not get all his big ships out from Suez, sink a battleship and there is a carrier and battleship to go - fish in a barrel! RN must really be short of ships but US is coming. Russia continues - some progress up North. Japan taking Philipinnes but slow in SE Asia. UK launches harassment raids in Norway, Low Countries, France and Spain. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Russia calms down a bit, Russians still hold Moscow. British land in Nice and continue pounding Italy. UK holds on in Burma but is taking losses. I'm starting to think Axis have it tough in this mod (both games) but lets see.
  5. Game 1 Colin Axis Suez and Cairo falls, that is the Middle East in Axis hands with a few stray RN vessels trapped and harassed by Axis air and a Spanish cruiser and 2 Italian submarines, maybe the residue including 2 UK battleships but not sure if they can escape or not (Nupremal, do transfer arrows still work when Suez has fallen?). Russia keeps rolling - we are shaping up for a big battle or two. UK harasses around Spain and Norway. Japan rather slow but staring to get moving but the Dutch East Indies declares for the UK.
  6. AAR 1 Colin Axis. Axis sieze the Suez canal sealing various Allied cruisers and destroyers in the Med - but looks like he got his carrier and battleships out in time. Russia continues. Japan lands in the Philipines. UK ambush an Axis sub off Spain. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Russia has very intense fighting in front of Moscow. Italy under pressure with US fleet added to the mix. Major fighting around Rangoon and Philipines in the Far East.
  7. It takes me 45 min too - usually I replay the previous turn then walk away, think then play. I'll certainly plunder my tech if I get the MPP wrong. I would appreciate slightly lower complexity of units and lower density for faster play and more thought to strategy and less on tactical combinations. I would appreciate an autoreinforce option - flag a unit and it gets reinforced max at start of turn until I countermand the order. I would appreciate naval transfers nopt arriving on return arrows for reasons discussed with Nupremal. The side that has the strategic initiative takes longest to play.
  8. Know what you mean. There have been a few cases where I forgot to move ships on after transfer arrow use, in the few cases where they ended up on the reverse arrow and they have jumped back to the start. Gibraltar was probably a lost cause, I had more forces moving in.
  9. Games are really heating up..... AAR 1 Colin Axis. Second big Axis turn in Med as the Rock falls to German stormtroopers and both a British armour and air dies in the desert. Italian navy keeps hitting the British ships and more troops are brought in (yet more air and an Italian corps). Situation in the Middle East is critical for the UK. Some naval skirmishes off Spain and in the Baltic. Leningrad falls. Some signs of russian couterattacks in the South. Japanese finally launch Pearl Harbour. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Conflict in lots of locations - its quite hard remembering everything. Fighting all along the line in the USSR - both sides take significant casualties. Axis suffer in front of Russia - perhaps spreading themselves a bit thinly? US helps UK harass Italy, the latter using Malta and Sardinia and aircraft carriers as airbases. UK and US make a stand near Rangoon - think we will lose but should be enough to keep India safe.
  10. AAR 1 Colin Axis. Something of a breakthrough turn in North Africa - Italy loses a sub but Axis ground and air forces destroy Wavell HQ - its unlikely he can get another HQ there fast so as the Axis ground already had the edge its a good opportunity. Axis bring in Italian AA unit. In Russia he attacks, destroys Axis army (but in supply) but has lost 3 armies in return. Leningrad will fall next turn. Partisans appear. Axis stormtroopers assault the Rock - should fall soon. UK pick off a damaged U-boat in a Spanish harbour with a carrier - nice move. Japan quiet. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Russians lose Leningrad but ambush his Special Forces and destroy it. Some partisan activity. He is very strong in Russia. UK takes Sardinia from Italy. Japan advances on India though quite some UK opposition deployed and has a foothold on the Philipines in several locations.
  11. AAR 1 Colin Axis. UK strikes at Axis air in North Africa killing a fighter. But there is a lot of air power there on the Axis side and with the help of an Italian sub a second carrier is destroyed. The DAK refuels and resupplies. British have 3 air, a decent armour and a few corps/garrisons plus a French artillery unit and lots of navy. Weather still poor in Russia, a few partisans and an Axis advance on Leningrad but that's about it. Canadian transport is really unlucky, bumps into the same sub a second time and is sunk. Spanish menace the Rock (no, not the film star.....). AAR 2 Colin Allies. Japanese strike British fighters in India with elite carriers and destroy two in a great move. On the land though he is more bogged down. Continued fight between UK and Italy in the Med. Russians dig in and prepare for the battle of Moscow.
  12. AAR 1 Colin Axis. UK assaults Alexandria, severely damaging German army. But in doing so really exposes his infantry to Axis armour and reinforced air and loses 2 armies. Axis brings in a corps. Russia is quiet due to bad weather, one city falls. Axis subs running for safe harbour in Spain severely damage a Canadian corps transport heading south. Japan is oh-so-quiet. USA is not yet in. Spain starts to mobilize. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal's Barbarossa continues to roll very nicely, he is heading for Moscow. Still partisan trouble in Yugoslavia. Italy and UK battle for dominance of air and sea off Italy. He nails a battleship but is under pressure - Italy must be short on MPP. Japan attacks Phillipines but is a bit scattered - though his carriers destroy a US fighter. Turkey drifts towards Axis. British army and supporting air and ground slows the Japanese in SE Asia. Italy is very active in horn of Africa, sending a bomber there. My impression is Japan is harder to play in Nupremal's mod but that is a good thing - its due to having more choice where to go and what to do but you have to organise all those transports and assault boats yourself.
  13. Rambo - Egypt can definately be a trap for the Axis. Basically, though, part of my strategy for Nupremal's mod is based around the idea that this region is more important as a cross-roads for the UK in a world game than a solely European one. I'm wanting to stress the UK for quite a number or reasons. Quick update for Colin Axis (Game 1) Winter 1942. A combination of weather and the need to reinforce and rearm slows the pace of the war. But the DAK (actually not Rommel, he is in Russia) continues to get rather more support than he did historically and has some shiny new tanks. Also, the German army in Alexandria is becoming very experienced and continues to be active. British have 2 armies, 1 armour, several air and various corps and garrison and a free French artillery unit facing a smaller but extremely competent Axis force with significant air. The big news is, thanks to a Japanese ambassador supporting the German and Italian delagations, that Franco decides the Axis will win and declares war on the Allies. That should increase the pressure on the UK ;-) We might see the US soon too, though Japan continues to tread softly in the hope of not bringing them in too fast - have a feeling Spain might trigger trouble ;-(
  14. Seamonkey - I propose low cost, single-level winter and jungle and desert and mountain warfare technologies that let properly equipped troops ignore or reduce negative effects and give combat bonus relative to unprepared troops. You only get the right unit shading (Desert Camoflage) if you have the technology and can only specialize in one. On with the action: AAR 1 Colin Axis. Italian sumarine force survives - indeed he takes naval casualties bombarding Rhodes - trying to nail a sub in the harbour. Axis pull back in North Africa (but still hold Alexandria) - UK comes forwards too fast and loses armour and a corps in the desert. Axis restart fast in Russia after the worst of the winter - still have excellent momentum. Take Kursk amongst other cities. Spain shifts towards Axis. Japan treads softly on express request of the Germans - want to keep USA out of the war for a little longer to let Germans really maul the Russians. No Pearl Harbour. Some naval skirmishes off Norway as Germans try and get their subs out - causualties on both sides. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal's Barbarossa continues to be effective. He has partisan troubles in Yugoslavia and Italy is being menaced by the British fleet. Japan is much more active in his hands (see his post above - he is taking Dutch East Indies too). British reinforce South east Asia but lose a corps to a sub in doing so. Pearl Harbour attack hits the USA. USA has entered the war. Naval skirmishes off Norway.
  15. AAR 1 Colin Axis. Axis lose stormtroopers near Alexandria and pull back, though still holding the city, in the face of UK armour. But the British lose a fighter to intense luftwaffe strikes. British retaliate for the carrier - Italian navy is now basically submarines. So, I'm on the back foot in North Africa though its taken a huge concentration of resources from the UK to achieve this. In Russia, Axis will take Smolensk next turn. I'm limiting the advance to survive the winter better. Russians are rallying around Moscow. Some Naval action around Norway whilst the RN is distracted (I hope). Japan is active but no DOWs yet. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal's Barbarossa is doing better in the South than the centre. On the whole I'm happy with the Russian defense - a few local counter attacks made, particularly trying to keep the Finns in line. Some signs in the South that his supply lines are too long - seem to get better odds attacking out of cities that expected though russian IW2 helps. In North Africa the DAK is reduced to an isolated Rommel, Tripoli has fallen to British armour and the RN cleans up sallying Italian navy. Japan is attacking Singapore and various islands.
  16. EMF It varied - the Germans did hand out good gear sometimes to minors (Finns and on occasion to Balkan allies).
  17. Its all a bit one-sided this AAR - Nupremal, care to comment?
  18. AAR 1 Colin Axis. Axis are stalled by dense British lines with excellent air support in Egypt after taking Alexandria. The Italian Navy is slowly losing at sea but converge on a UK Carrier and sink it. Ferocious advance in by Axis Russia though. Japan enters the war. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal's Barbarossa is a bit ahead of mine and might be slowing a little in some areas though his drive in the South is way ahead of my effort. In North Africa the DAK are being destroyed, a German corps and Italian armour are killed by UK which is using 2 armies, 2 armour a corps and mass air. There is really not a lot left to defend Tripoli. But Italian navy is effective, sinking a battleship and damaging 2 UK cruisers and sending to the bottom the UK sub in the Med. Methinks Italy has spent a lot of MPP repairing its Navy........ Japan amphib transport spotted but its not possible to deduce his strategy yet, could just be isolated island hopping.
  19. I think that was the point with Italy - she is a weak ally but used right (building on her strengths such as decent Navy) she could certainly outperform the historical situation and become a major force. It seemed right she should have her own diplomacy and develop technology distinct from the German's. For me its a question of complexity/potential within the Axis nations. The Allies are interesting because in Europe they start the game with 2 majors, usually drop to one (vs 2 majors in Axis) and then climb to three after a period of hanging on. This see-saw has military (and diplomatic) consequences that go beyond MPP totals and force pools. Effectively then in Europe Germany would have no majors but be bolstered by a LOT of minors. I suppose what might help would be if Balkan countries and Finland contribute 1 diplomatic chit and Italy (and Spain if it enters) 2. But even better would be an overhaul of the diplomacy system - but not leave Italy out of the loop. The issue of technology development is important here - would Germany have a centralized technology pool which it could share with Italy? You mention Germany building up Italy but I would have thought the reverse was likely - almost no MPP to Italian activities, just a German takeover. I can see that late in the war this kind of happened but it would have been unacceptable in 1939 or 1940.
  20. I think there should be 3 Axis majors - the European games are greatly added to by the question as to how to develop and use Italy as a "weak major" despite its disadvantages. The diplomacy game loses something (but perhaps good to overhaul it anyhow) here too.
  21. AAR 1 Nupremal Allies. Colin Axis. Axis storm Alexandria despite fierce resistance, especially from the RAF which is well equipped and numerous. But the Axis are there in force and have the edge on the ground (but not the air). British roll out some new tanks which they plan to test around the Nile by the look of things. Barbarossa kicks off, Germans reveal IW3 and start to storm Soviet cities. Finns weigh in for the Axis. British hit Mogadishu, Italian destroyer flees. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal Axis. His Barbarossa is a bit ahead of mine and shows no sign of slowing. And, Japan now declares for the Axis. Russians grit their teeth and pray for Winter...... We hold our breath and wait for the Japanese to make their move. In North Africa the DAK continue to retreat, hotly pursued by the British.
  22. Thanks Rambo. AAR 1 Nupremal Allies. Colin Axis. UK under pressure with its ships active on multiple fronts. British take on the Kriegsmarine off Denmark (losing two cruisers) but get the better of the Naval fight off Egypt with Italy. Axis threatens Egypt and is winding up for Barbarossa. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal Axis. Barbarossa is go, Germany, Balkan Allies and Finns coordinate a massed assault only to find Soviets have IW2. Not that this stops the Axis though a German army dies in a local counterattack. Meanwhile pesky Italian corps hit British colonial positions. North Africa is an Axis disaster - Afrika Corps retreats after a rather rash advance but leaving behind their armour after the British Navy finishes what the RAF started. Nupremal has been committing (just) too few land/air resources in North Africa (in both games) to win, but enough to make for significant casualties when they lose. In taking minors and setting up for Barbarossa it is text-book perfect play. His Barbarossa is nicely planned with the Finns as an additional early stress. In both games Japan > 75% readiness.
  23. AAR 1 Nupremal Allies. Colin Axis. El Alamein is assaulted with quite some Axis casualties - but its taken. Both side's air and navy takes a battering in and around North Africa. Norway taken with a mass paradrop plus amphibious assault - British cruiser in Oslo harbour is left with a problem..... AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal Axis. Allies are busy securing area around Tobruk, Canadian bomber is moved to spot Axis navy but instead runs into Afrika Corps and is lucky to survive. Allied air bomb German tanks to limit this threat - was very surprised to see them this close. Axis is meanwhile accumulating on Russian border but no Barbarossa yet, Finns similarly. Italian corps rampage in horn of africa. Game is starting to heat up.
  24. AAR 1 Nupremal Allies. Colin Axis. Italian fleet chases off the UK fleet off North Africa and the Axis land forces advance towards Suez in quite some force. British sally to destroy a Italian corps but lose and Army in return. Elsewhere its pretty quiet with bad weather and a little sub action. AAR 2 Colin Allies. Nupremal Axis. Very much a reverse/mirror image. British fleet drive off Italians taking out a sub and battleship for the loss of a battleship. Tobruk falls to UK in an intense assault (2 armour, 2 armies, 1 corps, lots of air). Sneak attack by Italian corps in Horn of Africa continues. Germans reinforce Finns and start to accumulate in Poland, it looks worrying for the Soviets. Overall my focus is still North Africa in both games - I figured they are a more important crossroads in a global game but we shall see.
  25. The Japanese and Russians clashed between WWI and WWII so there was no love lost. But, I've some sympathy with your point of view. Bill HAS tweaked Russian entry so in the first few games I usually lost because of this and in later games with later patches they have not entered. I do wonder if diplomacy should be scrapped for PTO. The minor players are not worth influencing, Russia is the only game in town. in a recent game with Baron I felt the need to invest in diplomacy (as Japan) because an allied strategy to convince Stalin is so catastrophic. Its a game balance issue too. One of the limitations of the Pacific war is that Japan starts at war with most major powers and also needs to work a bit too hard at keeping Russia out, if it did not need to put so many resources in here then strategic options open up.
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