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Posts posted by Chainsaw

  1. And even if you lie on the ground, you´ll be hit because the pieces of the exploding projectile fly very low over this ground.



    And forests becomes your worst enemy, a grenade hitting a tree don't only shower you with fragments, but tree splinter to, creating even more shrapnel falling from the sky!

  2. this can explain why some people notice bogging more then others. I am one of those who rarely get bogged vehicles. BUT Im pretty detailed when putting my waypoints down (detail nerd) so they move ON the road. So those that get boggs frequently are a bit "sloppier" and sets the waypoints "wrong" so the vehicles move allot more on the road verge and get stuck.

    thanks for the data!

  3. The problem with the Yorkshire regiments (apart from the obvious one - being full of Yorkshiremen) is that a few of them don't have 'Yorkshire' in their title, obvious ones being The Green Howards, The Duke of Wellingtons Regiment and The Prince of Wales Own. Personally I think it's a cunning plan to give others a false sense of security until it's too late.

    Additionally, as in the Polar Bears, the Division isn't the 'West Yorkshire' Div, it's the West Riding Div, and if you don't know that Yorkshire was historically split into three Ridings (North, East and West) then you would be non the wiser with regards to their origins.

    And, to confuse the issue, 50 Northumbrian Div (who were first onto Gold Beach) 69th brigade were all Yorkshire Regiments.

    The term 'riding' is of Viking origin and derives from Threthingr meaning a third part.

    Nice info, thanks :)

    The problem with the Yorkshire regiments (apart from the obvious one - being full of Yorkshiremen) is that a few of them don't have 'Yorkshire' in their title, obvious ones being The Green Howards, The Duke of Wellingtons Regiment and The Prince of Wales Own. Personally I think it's a cunning plan to give others a false sense of security until it's too late.

    Thats the good thing with 53rd Welsh Infantry division. it clearly states its Welsh so you can keep away from it! :D

  4. well, its always a bit hard to see really :)

    both canadian and polish troops was dressed as British infantry. :)

    Normally the biggest difference is on the unit insignias.

    Canadians had a red or blue square as unit designation on their arms, poles had "poland" shoulder title and 1st polish armed divisions division mark on the arm with different cap badge insignias (i guess)

    But on the pic above its infantry from 49th Polar bear division West riding, which is a british infantry division.

    The airborne chaps I cant tell, all the insignias being covered by the denison smock

  5. cw3a.jpg

    Grog I know, but that polar bear is the wrong one for 49th West Riding Division :cool:

    The one in the picture has it's head hanging down, just as the divisions polar bear did when in the UK after the Island tour. But before Normandy a new aggresive polar bear was introduced with its head pointing upwards:


    Other then that it all looks wonderful!

    another question, are some of the troops in the pictures wearing MK III turtle helmets? almost looks like it, if so, bloody cool! :D

  6. And finaly, a 43 Essex through epsom, up to hill 112.

    You mean Wessex :) But yeah, just been reading "The fighting Wessex Wyverns - From Normandy to Bremerhaven with the 43rd Wessed Division" and the fighting around Hill 112 is terrifying. I always knew the battles around hill 112 was bad, but when I read the first hands accounts of the soldiers from 43rd Wessex I was appalled over the casualtys and the hard going. :eek:

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