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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. heh I have a personal affinity to Dilbert.. Scott Adams was an employee of Pac Bell. My background is in telecom out here in Calif. mostly so he's a bit of a legend. My favorite was when he took a shot at the new Lucent logo. I was working for Lucent at the time and that dang logo was on the side of my truck. I took some red tape and changed it to a ban side until I was told I had to remove it.
  2. oops, did I say that with my outside voice? Belarus TV Guest Hits Back After Being Told Country Is 'Part of Russia' (msn.com)
  3. I think that is actually from Dilbert Elbonia | Dilbert Wiki | Fandom Elbonia is an impoverished Eastern European country in the Dilbert universe. In the comic strip, and originally in the TV show, its major commerce was mud. There are also mentions of a currency called the Eye-Crud. Path-E-Tech Management often outsources work there, and has a factory for their subsidiary ElboCo.
  4. well not sure what you're seeing but in my perspective Russia has already lost. 1. Russia's best troops have been mauled. The semi trained troops they had have been worn down over 8 months and are mostly combat ineffective now. The mobilization can't answer how these new conscripts are going to be prepared for a horrendous battle situation and who would even command them. The combat power ratio between Ukraine and Russia continues to tilt in Ukraine's favor with nothing on the horizon to reverse that trend. If anything, it is accelerating in Ukraine's favor. 2. Economically Russia is raiding its intellectual base to feed this war at the expense of long-term industrial impact. Personnel who took a decade or more to train are being turned into cannon fodder. 3. Politically Russia is now an embarrassment for their main ally China. On the world stage in both soft power and respect for its military might, Russia is about the lowest point since probably 1905. I think you have bought way too much of the Russian myth. Russia does not "account mistakes" there is no self-critical righting of the ship. That isn't the way things work in an autocracy.
  5. Did Kadyrov's sons say something to piss him off? Kadyrov to send three of his sons, minors, to Ukrainian frontline (msn.com)
  6. you were the one who said all these human resources so obviously you are thinking something beyond what we are currently seeing. What it is you are thinking I don't understand but clearly you aren't taking your own advice.
  7. lol really? Russia is already throwing these stupid poor sots into the meat grinder. They aren't really going to affect any operational decisions by Ukraine. Granted not in significant numbers yet but that's largely because Russian logistics and the whole mobilization process is a train wreck. The only thing these "significant human resources" are going to accomplish is complicating the mess Russia already has in their rear areas and possibly creating more work for Ukrainian casualty collection teams and POW management. They are unable to project any combat power onto the battlefield in the state Russia is sending them. Just take a couple minutes and think about this. The existing Russian officer corp has been shredded over the past 8 months. We cn see that periodically where junior officers are leading larger combat formations because there are no higher-ranking officers left. The training forces have already been thrown into combat so there isn't anyone left to train these guys much less their officers. So this mobilized mob is going to be tossed in either as ineffective formations or penny packeted to units as complete untrained strangers. How long do you think they will last in combat?
  8. I'm confused. We are watching the Russian position at Kherson start to collapse while around Kharkhiv the only thing it seems that will stop the AFU is outrunning their logistical lines. So what is it Russia is going to do in order to achieve "it doesn't take much for Russia to win, to force Ukraine to the negotiating table". Ukraine has already said they are not interested in any negotiations as long as Putin is in power.
  9. Read that article. Felt it was a bit too gruesome to post here.. which is saying something.
  10. best to not get carried away with limited info, but kherson forces have got to be aware that there isn't anyone coming to help if things go bad and with all the stuff the Nats are saying on telegram morale has got to have taken a severe hit.
  11. I see a window in his future followed by a couple flights of stairs.
  12. "buts in" - inserts her much more well thought out observations to correct some inadvertent errors in your recall of events I think is how it is translated.
  13. They have at least one cannibal in the military so maybe they figure the problem will "solve itself"
  14. how about we deport this guy to Russia and he can go serve with that "victorious" army
  15. suckers. Haven't they noticed the excuses Russia has to not pay up.
  16. Russia confirms arrest of Zaporiyia nuclear power plant manager (msn.com)
  17. There was a shift noted of a few Russian nuclear capable bombers moving up near Finland in one article I saw. 'Irregular presence' of nuclear-capable Russian bombers detected near Finland (msn.com)
  18. China Trying to Rescue Russia From Ukraine Debacle | Opinion (msn.com)
  19. A Russian Regiment, Currently Surrounded In Eastern Ukraine, Has A Tragic History Of Defeat (msn.com)
  20. dude I was already down from that video then you decide I'm not down enough? So sorry to hear of your loss.
  21. They would seem to be a good target for a psyops campaign after Lyman especially if UA pulls off a double envelopment. If Russia can't get those folks out of that trap how the hell will they deal with Kherson?
  22. or if they grabbed him and told him he is now a driver.
  23. would have been a nice moment to hit that bridge.
  24. I am going to enjoy watching these a$$hats live in their crap country with no industry or technology for the next decade plus. Modern hospital resources... yeah not so much, but you can still make plenty of alcohol.
  25. Note in the NATO response they did confirm NATO position - Crimea is Ukraine. No telling when or how, but I expect eventually Ukraine sovereignty over Crimea will be restored. What remains of the Russian federation remains to be seen.
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