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Everything posted by Saviola

  1. The following is the BF coummunity's honorable and learned opinion vis a vis Boo Radley's labido orientation. The community's intell describes one Boo Radley as a Semolina wolfin' Moroccan midget in his 100s who insists on copulating with sheep because, and always according to Boo, "they're always in the mood, never have a headache and he can eat 'em after he finishes funkin' them _ with Semolina course. A BF Intelligence Estimate further has it that ABoo Radley Le Moroccan went "sheep-crazy" after "Ladies of the MBT" disapproved of his North African Semolina ways as he dispondantly describes above. Boo got Boo Boo? sheep warts? Yeh? Poor Boo Boo.
  2. The following is the BF coummunity's honorable and learned opinion vis a vis Boo Radley's labido orientation. The community's intell describes one Boo Radley as a Semolina wolfin' Moroccan midget in his 100s who insists on copulating with sheep because, and always according to Boo, "they're always in the mood, never have a headache and he can eat 'em after he finishes funkin' them _ with Semolina course. A BF Intelligence Estimate further has it that ABoo Radley Le Moroccan went "sheep-crazy" after "Ladies of the MBT" disapproved of his North African Semolina ways as he dispondantly describes above. Boo got Boo Boo? sheep warts? Yeh? Poor Boo Boo.
  3. The following is the BF coummunity's honorable and learned opinion vis a vis Boo Radley's labido orientation. The community's intell describes one Boo Radley as a Semolina wolfin' Moroccan midget in his 100s who insists on copulating with sheep because, and always according to Boo, "they're always in the mood, never have a headache and he can eat 'em after he finishes funkin' them _ with Semolina course. A BF Intelligence Estimate further has it that ABoo Radley Le Moroccan went "sheep-crazy" after "Ladies of the MBT" disapproved of his North African Semolina ways as he dispondantly describes above. Boo got Boo Boo? sheep warts? Yeh? Poor Boo Boo.
  4. Yeh, right, as if the fine ladies would proposition someone like you. </font>
  5. Yeh, right, as if the fine ladies would proposition someone like you. </font>
  6. Yeh, right, as if the fine ladies would proposition someone like you. </font>
  7. But kids like that get to fornicate, topless, with super blond goddesses who prompt you to wingedly reach for your Vitamin V while drooling over court TV. :eek: Railroad 'em some mo, and they're liable to transmute into neo Columbine skip tracers. Especially after reading and salivating about all the wonderful massacring toys on tap @ BF & CMSF. Today’s kids are in vogue ATF-orientated studs, "Ladies of the Pool" poposition and respect them. Whilst old fartin’ is so Commie-era passé.
  8. But kids like that get to fornicate, topless, with super blond goddesses who prompt you to wingedly reach for your Vitamin V while drooling over court TV. :eek: Railroad 'em some mo, and they're liable to transmute into neo Columbine skip tracers. Especially after reading and salivating about all the wonderful massacring toys on tap @ BF & CMSF. Today’s kids are in vogue ATF-orientated studs, "Ladies of the Pool" poposition and respect them. Whilst old fartin’ is so Commie-era passé.
  9. But kids like that get to fornicate, topless, with super blond goddesses who prompt you to wingedly reach for your Vitamin V while drooling over court TV. :eek: Railroad 'em some mo, and they're liable to transmute into neo Columbine skip tracers. Especially after reading and salivating about all the wonderful massacring toys on tap @ BF & CMSF. Today’s kids are in vogue ATF-orientated studs, "Ladies of the Pool" poposition and respect them. Whilst old fartin’ is so Commie-era passé.
  10. The Last Mohican Deathbed Award for the poor bastard who couldn't play.
  11. Yo Abbott, Moi? Worry? Not even your next of kin are likely to worry about postal you. When you leave that "hall" or hole of yours, "Monitor" the door with your ass' eyes. Go visit Castello, he has a cosy, "mortal" lille "hall" for ya down there. Oh ya, now tell us a Letterman joke.
  12. No one can disagree with your observations, all very true. Rumsfeld called all the media theories out there products of “fantasies”, and Bush labeled them “pure speculations”, yet you’ve no categorical denials either. “Said officially” is the operative phrase, you’ve to give ‘em time. The second Bush took office in 2000 he had every intention, as we know now, to do Iraq. But he didn’t start to "say officially" till roughly 2002. We’ve no “official” announcements, but tell tale signs are beginning to emerge. Take Condi Frankenstein Rice’s statements for example, she insists on stomping the UN Security Council into farting a resolution allowing for sanctions under chapter 7 of the organization’s charter. Condi ain’t interested in sanctions, she wants a so called legitimate conduit to pulverize. She’s looking to cover her bony ass internationally. Then you’ve W’s statements (with the swagger, twang and passable English), he states not only will he not allow Iran nukes, but he will deny it “the knowledge to develop nukes.” Here’s when the “official” statement will come, when you get wind of Russian and Chinese diplomats vacating their families from Tehran to Moscow and Beijing, listen to the whirl wind, not to what’s “said officially”.
  13. Abott, try to be a bit original eh? There are others who watch Jay Leno ya know. Don't make me link evidence cuz I'll do it. Now if you say Hu gave George a Shezwan Hu Woo Pap Smear as a male bonding token, that'll be more like it.
  14. So all you great grand veterans, tell the good BF folk about Sherman’s breach of the Confederacy. While his adjuncts, and from first hand experience, was he really Savannah’s Stalin :confused:
  15. According to the New York Times, a commission due to report to President Bush this month will claim that our intelligence regarding Iran's weapon program is inadequate. Today Bush said 'Hey, good enough for me. </font>
  16. Mullahs just announced they aim to nuke US hicks and oakies till they glow and shoot'em in the dark of Persian nights. What a gas. [ April 26, 2006, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Saviola ]
  17. Know Your Enemy 101: Camels are Arab Strykers, Low Hovering Persian Rugs are Iranian Delivery Systems. You gonna **** everything up with your reckless National Intelligence Estimate and prognostications.
  18. The new president of Iraq said that U.S. troops will probably be out of that country in two years. ... The good news is they'll be next door in Iran. </font>
  19. We’re gonna escalate a bit now, just a bit. Yes, you sure know what to do. You know how to defeat unequipped, raggedy armies who scram when they hear Boo! And you brilliantly assess the necessary troop level for occupations too. Add to all that your super expertise on how to quell an ensuing insurgency. Not only do you stop Baghdadi sniper fire with your foreheads in preparation for the German World Cup, but you also discover and dismantle biblical-era IEDs AFTER they explode in yo face. You also know how to watch under-your-nose Zarqawi videos giving you the finger. And Bin Laden tapes practicing hyena giggles at ya. Because when you think of well-built US Humvees and Strykers, you think daily Iraqi theater pyrotechnics. Iran may yet serve you mustard before you Americanize it a la Iraq. :eek:
  20. Yeah? Yeah? Not only are you poopy drawers, but after losing le nouveau Duce Berlusconi, Spain’s Asnar and soon-to poo Blair, the US formed the Coalition of the ShhShhing with Papua New Guinea.
  21. The USA warns North Korea to not go CaCa everday. And if the DPRK dares to devolop more than 100 nukes, you know, the US will have to go oui oui, OH non, SHEIZE.
  22. Yes, it's best to carry out your ritual on a remote Chinese poultry farm. Make sure no hospital is in sight though. And while examining the slain bird, create profuse facial, yet nasal contact with its feathers and vital organs. Otherwise, omens may prove illusive and rather anemic. :eek:
  23. Throughout their modern history, Republican administrations have steadfastly searched for and invented enemies. A foreign enemy to Republicans is crucial to their style of governance, for they believe foreign policy is their strong suit. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Bush Senior administration was distraught, how could it govern without an obvious enemy. So it zeroed in on Japan, maybe most forgot, but Japan became the corporate cannibal who’s attempting to saturate America with Japanese commercial interest. The Republican enemy-invention machine began sowing the neo surprise attack theory. But this time, an attack in the form of a corporate Japanese Trojan Horse. In other words, conservatives of the 90s asserted that the “Japs” are coming again but this time through Hollywood, Wall Street, Jap electronics, incapacitating trade deficits, hostile alliances, and they had to be stopped. Then a miracle happened, an obvious, easier to sell enemy presented itself to Bush Senior’s administration on a golden platter. Saddam alleviated the Republican governance crisis, the Japanese were forgiven and the rest as they say is history. That Bush Senior wasn’t able to exploit his liberation of Kuwait vs. Clinton is his problem, more able incumbents could’ve succeeded. Enter Iran, the new and necessary invention which must sustain the Republican style of governance. Wars have a way of saving Republican ass, and if at first they don’t succeed they parlay. It really doesn’t matter whether Iran represents a threat or not, after a long search and interviews with Syria and North Korea, the winner and chosen enemy for Republican sustenance is Iran. In order for Republicans to live in office, Iran must die. After Iran, they’ll reassess Venezuela, and if not Venezuela, Belarus, and if not....
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