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Posts posted by Redcon-5

  1. OK quick AAR from this past Sunday.


    Some great games on Sunday, quite the cast played (or tried to, poesel was having some connection issues, and so was somebody else but I cant remember). It was great having that many online and so few problems. Yes there were a couple of glitches with sound from team chat, but lag free for the most part, atleast for me.

    At one point there was a five-on-four, or was it a 5-v-5?

    the maps,

    I belive the fight realy started to build at desert mesa. Jung ,Nexus, and I held the base against jby,Phonan, and bbolye. The fight was one sided as about half way through the attacking bots joined a union and stopped for their manditory half-hour lunch smile.gif

    Next was Boiling point were stiff defences on but sides prevented a flag capture for either side.

    Slug fest was a rough fight that ranged over more of the map that I can remember any other fight. But it was a defenders victory in the end.

    There was one more map that I started on but sadly could not finish.

  2. The first match of the tournament is over. And Redcon defeats Rua'anith 2 to 0. Scores below. AAR will follow after I sleep! Yes the fight was that hard.

    Match 1 Rua'anith on defence

    Redcon Attacking

    Ok so I'm more asleep then I thought and I saved over the first scores. #@(*&*(@##

    Match 2 Rua'anith Attacking

    Redcon on defence


  3. Originally posted by rua'anith:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Redcon-5:

    What type of flying vehicals did you have in mind?

    And there have been a few air-to-air kills. Jung and I have blasted each other from the sky and I know others have as well.

    The Dragonfly is a good example of the type of aircraft I had in mind. Since the CZ server is down we have yet to see a dogfight between two dragonflys </font>
  4. Between two dragon fly it becomes a fight for postion and who ever can get the rocket pods to bear first. Then saturate the point defence with dumb rockets and kill with the ATGM.

    Alot easier said then done :D

  5. No, not a programmer, but I try to mod as much as I can. The programming staff is realy helpful and more than once has changed a bit of code to let us mod things, infantry and weapons on dropships for example.

    I was just rattling off the mod chalenges. Yes it might be tough but thats half the fun :D

  6. Boiling point was an apt name for the event. Fevered pitch would have been more accurate. While jby and poesel handled the practical defenses I did some pointless digging, bad habit of mine. After that it was an infantry drop in to the base to help poesel clean out their turret defenses. A tip of the hat to Nexus, and Phoanan for novel turret placement, I had lost half my squad before I saw where the shots were coming from. (side rant: I agree with Imperial Grunt the turrets are spotting infantry way to easily, 2200m, no jump-pack , not a shot fired, and a 76mm turret spots me!) Once the defender were cleared poesel made a well executed flag run. Setting up to grab the flag as soon as it was back I was smashed down by a second wave of bot defenders. Some great gunning by both of my teammates allowed me to get a squad on to the base. But our fortunes changed as Nexus and Phonan had successfully started a heavy tank flag run. Jby put up a valiant counterattack just out side their base but was overcome by the odds. Having only a handful of infantry at my disposal against two Thor’s I hunkered down behind the rocks just outside the lava pool. Ordering my two other troops hold fast and not fire I waited, watching the two heavy Thor trudge toward me there was only one chance to stop them from scoring. The last rock before the ramp gave me the best shot and as Phonan’s Thor rumbled past I fired AT grenade from under 50 meters. One sneaky grunt can ruin everything.

    Slug Fest was all jby. He did most of the base defense and did a wonderful job. I skirted the outer reaches of the map killing any Bacchus I could find. This kept our reinforcements flowing. At the high point of the wave attacks the 120 tango was being performed at the base by all in and amongst the rubble of buildings, but I must say I think we gave better than we got. Like my companion I was lead to a relaxing calm when no more dropships fell. That soon turned to panic as more drop pods then I could count fell on to the base. I believe my gun tube would have been white hot by end of that game.

    The last match was Dead Gulch and I was defending the lone bridge. I’m sorry I don’t remember much to this fight other than few notable facts. Yunan joined in for this fight and accounted himself very well. I tried to set up the defenses to keep the attackers at a distance on the south side of the map. Mines were placed just outside their deployment zone in hopes of knocking out their dropship fleet. Still they managed to get in a Bacchus and I took off after it trying to restore the supply line. After it drove of a cliff and killed itself I saw the bboyle was harassing the bridge, and Yunan to great effect with long range Thor fire. So I spent a good deal of time using an infantry squad to sneak up on him. Yeah that didn’t work. Long range tank duels was the order of the day and soon it was down to Paladins and twenty paces. In the latter minutes the bridge was lost. However due to some miraculous team work (it was miraculous we were working as a team) we retook bridge by throwing the kitchen sink at them, we were out of bathtubs by that time. The last exchange of note was a infantry fire fight for the northern bridge head between Rua’anith and Recon.

  7. Originally posted by StellarRat:

    1. Can we add some aerial recon to the game? UAVs, 120mm rounds with cameras, space/satellite recon, etc...

    2. How about a vehicle with a sensor mast that can be raised from behind cover?

    That is a great idea. Trying to get it to work in the game is the next step.

    Ok I’m going to ramble on for a minute or two (but I’m using a spell checker this time). These are just my thoughts and mostly likely full of holes and misconceptions, but it is a place to start.

    1)UAV’s or a bot controlled dropship might be the hardest thing to make. I don’t think bots can fly, other then Phonan flinging them :D . Maybe a really high hover would be the solution? The other issue is how to get the data back? Mercury (Command tracks) as far as I have noticed only data share when a human is controlling, (please correct me if I’m wrong). So it would have to be hovercraft only deployable with a bot driving while a player had a Mercury, that being the case just use bot in a Shrike, same effect.

    2)I liked the sensor shell idea. So far I made a sensor that fires from a heavy mortar. It fires just fine but no data comes back while in flight and it still blows up when it hits the ground. I just made the Sensor an ammo type. Despite this failure I think that this idea has the biggest potential.

    3)A sensor mast sounds great. The trick that I see is trying to get it to extend correctly. By using the "AnimationID 9" line it could be made to extend and retract. What I don’t know is whether the game engine recognizes the motion. Take the Cutter for example, do incoming rounds deflect differently with the plow up vs. down?

    4)Space recon. Yes it is realistic, which is half the reason we play. But I think it would offer too much of an unbalancing effect, if only one side had it, and realistically only one side would have it. The planetary defenders would have it to start with it but a raiding live-ship would take out those satellites first thing (I would). Then the raiders would have space recon, they are in orbit after all. As a defender I would be trying to take out anything in orbit above the conflict zone I could, so that means moving the live-ship to relatively safe orbit (or out of LOS) thus denying space recon to the raiders. So either one side has it or nobody does. I like the nobody.

    Ok I’m done now. Great ideas lets get together and get them working.

  8. It makes the hours I have put into the DragonFly well worth it just to hear how much you guys like it. Thank you.

    I would also like to pass on my compliment to rua'anith. The Mars is way cool! The 120mm barrel on the Hurricain turret gives it just the right look. And the 30mmHV coax on the Jupiter has ripped me from the sky so many time I shudder. Good work.

  9. One of the other player had a heavy tank with better armor sloping and I think a slightly bigger gun. It was near completion last I heard. But that was six months ago?

    Sorry for the speeling errors. hope its not too painful to read.

    And Grunt we'll have to get together over many beer to have the "Bolo" vs. "Ogre" debate. :D

  10. old thread, it would be easier to search the board then for me to explain it.

    Also I spelled it the American English way (thanks Google). In the boards it is spelled "Mjolnir".

    [ August 09, 2007, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Redcon-5 ]

  11. Originally posted by Chilibird:

    I actually began work on a MASSIVE ion beam. (I set it to like... 200 mm diameter. It's big.).

    YAH, Bolo's need Hellbores!

    However, 2 catches I'm running into.

    1. I set the ablation amounts to insanely high values ( > 200), but it still takes at least 2 shots to destroy a vehicle. (However, it will ALWAYS destroy a vehicle in 3-5 shots, and usually disable (pop a few tires give the size of the beam) wheeled ones with just one) Is that just a code thing? Or do I need to REALLY crank that value?

    I have the cranked the value up to 9999.0 with the same results. It seem to be code thing. Near as I can figure it destroys the armor on the first shot. Then any follow on shots pass through to the inner parts (fuel, crew, engine).

    2. I set the beam duration to 10 (up from it's normal 2), which I figured would mean the beam lasts for 10 seconds instead of 2. (Partially for 'where the heck did that come from' reasons, partially to portray the power of the beam) However, it continues to last for a shorter time (and definately not 10 seconds). Is that also a code limitation, or is that another value that needs to be rediculously high before I see anything?

    I personally thought that it was possibly tied to the length of the wav file used when it fires, but I'm trying to find something else to test that with. My other thought is that it actually is still 'firing' in the game's mind, but it stopped drawing the beam too early.

    Any thoughts? Suggustions?


    Make these two match and problem fixed. Which ever is smaller cuts turns off the beam, kind of like an AND gate.



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