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Everything posted by donnieitaly

  1. Okay. (I got tomorrow off so why not...) I went to www.cmmods.com and copied over a few (ten) scenarios. ((Only one was a Zip)) I copied those into the Scenario folder in my CMBB folder and everything looked ok. So then I went to the game and couldn't see any of the new titles. So I went to Scenario Editor, clicked on load and a list named Scenarios opened up, WITHOUT any of the new titles. So near and yet...
  2. Okay. (I got tomorrow off so why not...) I went to www.cmmods.com and copied over a few (ten) scenarios. ((Only one was a Zip)) I copied those into the Scenario folder in my CMBB folder and everything looked ok. So then I went to the game and couldn't see any of the new titles. So I went to Scenario Editor, clicked on load and a list named Scenarios opened up, WITHOUT any of the new titles. So near and yet...
  3. Sorry I haven't replied, it's been a busy weekend. I appreciate the offers and will get back to you. (When I've dug multiple graves for multiple Squirrels.)
  4. Well first my thanks to Phillipe who implies that English is not his first language. If that is the case then its a damn sight better than my Italian. Secondly thanks to all of you who titillated me with the sight of so many scenarios. As to the actuality however...Nothing came down as a Zip file (I have WinZip and have used it frequently), in fact nothing seemed to come down at all. I clicked and saved and opened files and slew several passing Tree Rats (Squirrels) but nothing has worked. I offer a flight* from anywhere in the world to here, Walsall in England to anyone who will do this chore for me. I can't seem to manage it But thanks anyway. Donnie. * Just the flight, I didn't say anything about paying for it
  5. Thanks to all of you. One problem though. I can't open them! What's a CME (I think it was that suffix)? My computer doesn't know and I don't know enough about these things to figure out how to find out. But thanks again to all. ((So far no Rodents have been harmed in the production of this publication.))
  6. Don't have racoons in England. Will an Aussie Cricket player do?? <g> PS Thanks.
  7. I've played every scenario five times each side. (Well maybe three times.) I need more. Is there anywhere I can go to buy/download/steal/obtain more scenarios for CMII? If you can tell me I will sacrifice a small rodent in your honour. Donnie
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