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Posts posted by womble

  1. Also, it looks like the Stuart has to take a pretty long run-up to those bits of hedge to go blasting through like that. The Rhinos in the game can roll through thick bocage with a '2-inch punch'...

    Then again, it's entirely possible to use the editor to make stretches of Bocage which a Rhino can't get through, with trees in the hedge (there was one shot where the Stuart nearly hit a tree that looked like it might've stopped it dead) or 'Thick Forest' ground types under the Bocage feature. Dunno what these look like once a breaching team's had a go at them though.

  2. I do hope at some point it becomes possible to place single trenches at angles other than those allowed by the terrain grid. I understand that having adjacent trenches snap together in the appropriate orientation is also appropriate.

    Being able to put foxholes immediately 'behind' another foxhole should be easier than it seems to be at the moment.

  3. In CMx1, IIRC, Assault QBs gave the defending side a bonus wodge of points which had to be spent on fortifications, and the attackers got a larger multiple of the 'base' game purchase points, too (than Attack). Don't have the full game yet, but you could load up a hotseat example of each QB and look at each side's purchasing options to find out whether that's still the case.

  4. The TacAI has X-ray vision. It can find LOS with great ease into places you would have to take a month of Sundays to find, placing waypoints and checking LOS, a metre at a time.

    Bullets go through, HE goes "Bang". Seeing a 'Schreck team in a trench, 3 bocage rows separated from a Sherman, with the two duelling, and the HE and HEAT exploding in the hedgeline in the middle is quite perplexing. The Sherman will win, because its MGs are slowly suppressing the Jaeger team, having only been somewhat attenuated in effectiveness by the intervening shrubberies.

  5. Ok, you were correct. The radio contact was lost because of movement of the 4th platoon HQ.

    But the "HQ support" guys, even if in radio contact cant help the others to call in on-map mortar fire.

    On-Map Mortars -> HQ support -> 4th Pl HQ -> K Company <- 3th Pl HQ

    All are in contact (radio exept the mortars are in eye contact with the HQ support) but the 3th Platoon cant call the on-map mortars, why ?

    This way it works:

    On-Map Mortars -> 4th Pl HQ -> K Company <- 3th Pl HQ

    Again, all are in radio contact except the Mortars and the 4th Pl HQ which is in eye contact with the mortars.

    Can someone please explain ?

    I think mortars have to be in voice range of the previous link in the chain (if they don't have their own radio). Giving azimuth and distance corrections by hand signal is going to be a lot slower (impracticable?) than by voice.

  6. 2. Troops should aquire weapons from friend and foe casualties. ie I have a bailed out tank crew which I used in a firefight. They perform well with there pistols and 1 x SMG but run out of ammo. I move them over to an eliminated enemy squad but they do not scavenge weapons and you cannot "aquire". In sure I remeber squads in Cm X 1 scavenging captured weapons.

    This has been discussed many times, and I think you can be pretty sure it ain't gonna happen. Troops were told not to pick up enemy equipment and they soon learned not to after an ad hoc booby trap killed a squadmate. The ones that didn't get blowed up by a grenade left under the weapon/body-for-loot with the pin out got shot at by their own side when they heard the distinctive sound of enemy weapons being fired. Historically, it happened so rarely as to not be worth modelling.

  7. There's no solution for that at the moment. Except putting an infantry AT next to your MG so it opens up on the unescorted Tank when the MG does.

    Though I do believe the AI could do with some poking in this regard, adding some evaluation of the potential effect (by which I mean 'chance of causing damage', rather than anything complicated like potential consequences :) ) from firing on a given target, alongside the evaluation of the threat a given target poses, which would, respectively be low and high for an MG looking at a tank; not a good combination for choosing to attract attention.

  8. 2. Why does this unit not have contact the their Platoon HQ ?

    They have a radio but no radio contact...why ?


    AIUI, units will often lose radio contact while they are moving, and regain it after a while sat still. This has been commented on in the context of artillery spotters: if you have your spotter move about too much while calling in strikes, they'll not be able to correct the spotting rounds properly because they might not be in radio contact.

  9. I think infantry consider making a tank 'button up' to be a very high self-preservation priority, which means they'll override their target arcs when you perhaps hoped they wouldn't. I wonder whether it's because they're not good at telling whether a Tank is 'buttoned up', and so fire speculatively, even once it has blinded itself.

    I've had the AI waste a lot of HMG ammo firing on my Shermans... I know there can be degradation, but mostly it just gets the MG's peppered with HE once the job in front of the tank is done, or sooner, if the MG might be able to fire on the squishies.

  10. And, while I'm here, what about ATGs in trenches? Once again, I thought this was totally a done thing in real life? At the moment my ATG has half it's leg sticking out of the trench, is this bad?

    There is, I believe, a "Sandbagged Emplacement" which is what ATGs and HMGs are prolly meant to go in. Foxholes are/should be, in my estimation, only really useful for sqaud-type weapons: small arms, LMGs and infantry AT. Stuff that can be used lying down.

  11. I find it somewhat of a surprise that XO teams aren't 'command rated'. I would have thought that the CO's 'strong right hand' would be almost as effective at keeping troops motivated on the battlefield as the HQ proper. Sure, they might not have a radio assigned, but replacing a missing Platoon HQ seems like one of the functions of the XO, or bossing a secondary duty with units detached from elsewhere in the TO.

  12. I should have mentioned it in the tutorial, but forgot to. It's not actually something you need to use all that often, since if you really think they might come from any side, your force is probably already FUBAR. ;)

    My only use for a circular cover arc is precisely as a hold-fire order. It's quicker to hit V and shift-click at the 'security reaction' range than it is to hit V and then find that range twice with the mouse.

    The good thing about a Cover Arc is that you can allow the unit at least some freedom for self-defense in the case of 'surprises', which you wouldn't be able to do if there was an absolute 'hold fire' command, and you have more control than if a 'hold fire' command had some facility for the unit's AI to override it.

  13. That would be interesting to try more helmet types but what I'm really wondering if there's plans down the road to add caps to some of the troops as seen in these pictures:

    I'd say probably not. I notice that all the cap-wearers are carrying helmets elsewhere on their webbing. This would suggest to me that in combat, they'd doff the cap and don the tin hat, and that the cap is for non-combat wear only. So maybe when BFC gets with EA and does "The Sims, behind the lines in Normandy" :)

  14. I just had a tank scurry backwards into a bocage (desperately fleeing AT fire). Now, I'd sort of expect some track damage, doing something daft like that, and doing it in a paniced attempt not to get all Schrecked is almost expected. What I didn't expect was for the Sherman to cut the hedgerow down too...! Not the best escape strategy, immobilising yourself in a hedge.

    Is this an unavoidable thing for the Cullins? Is it possible to only make 'em work when the tank hits a hedge front-on? I can't imagine it happens very often under player control that a tank even tries to go through a hedge backwards (it's hell on the old coiffure, I gather), so it's hardly an important issue, but if it's something simple... :)

  15. I haven't had enough experience with them yet, but I think a foxhole (set of four holes) is meant to hold a team, not a whole squad, so you would need two or three foxholes to accommodate a whole squad, depending on the number of men in the squad. And the best way to get the whole squad in is to break it up into teams and place each team into a set of foxholes.

    Yeah, this came up during the dissection of the WEGO VAAR. Each tile's worth of foxholes is for one squad. IIRC, 5-man squads will double up on one scrape, and yes, anyone outside their excavation doesn't get the bonus.

  16. yes, this seems like a case of reactionist who are used to a certain style (CM1) that was great, and understandably having a difficult time adjusting pitted against the new age of increased gameplay difficulty/complexity derived from added realism.

    Condescending, much?

    I second the "What would you do if you were that soldier/driver?" approach to this new game. Taking yet another step away from the classic wargames, percentages, and dice rolling, and really putting up a temporal-spatial simulation.

    I don't want to have to have to undertake the equivalent of tank training and terrain appreciation classes to be able to have a decent idea of the going that the trained troops that I'm giving direction to would have a far better idea than even the best JPG can show on a computer screen. If I "were that soldier/driver" I'd have a far better idea in my head of what I'm actually looking at, and my vehicle's (in the driver's case) capabilities: can a halftrack squash/cross that wire fence? As it stands, I have to try it and see.

    Essentially everyone needs to use the Map Editor before they can DEFINITELY say they can recognise terrain tiles just by look alone. Why I should need to do this when all I really want to do is just play the game is a bit annoying.


  17. AIUI, taking the bodies off after Buddy Aid is mostly to help reduce the number of objects that are making demands on the LOS calculator. But it might be more possible to have all the casualties replaced during the 'end of battle' map review, when everything is visible anyway.

    And I don't think HQs that call in support get the kill credits... They should, or the support units represented somehow at endgame.

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