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Posts posted by raz_atoth

  1. Heh heh , how about we just bump the generic thread, raz? ;)

    I'l go and do it now. Franko can read about the options there.

    Meantime: Franko: the Peng Challenge Thread is where the tards are allowed to let of steam, that's why they are there.


    You're probably right.The only issue is quite hard to look for-then bump-the generic thread since it quickly loses it's position on the first page.For me,it's much easier to spot those 'looking for opponents' threads.

    Now,if the powers to be would create a sticky thread listing the clubs where one might find opponents,that would be an entire different story,wouldn't you agree? ;)

  2. This issue i encountered during the setup phase of a pbem game. My opponent-when he started the setup-set the 'Battle Type' param. to random.I'm playing with the allies,he's taken the side of the invading huns.Now,comes the interesting part :)

    His turn safely arrives in my inbox,i open it,i'm prompted to input a password then i'm taken to the screen from where one purchases his troops.I click on 'map preview' and what i see is what you all can see in the first pic.

    Naturally,i assumed-because no info is provided at this stage [the briefing button doesn't show any info. during the map preview]-that i'll be the brave defender. After all the manual states:

    "The Setup Zones are visible as colored areas (in shades of red for the Axis player,

    and shades of blue for the Allied player) overlaid on the terrain".I'm playing with the allies,so i should have the blue setup zone,right?Wrong!My designated setup zone-in the next turn-in which i can actually place my units is the one from the second pic.Needless to say i wasn't exactly thrilled at the thought of having to attack with mines,bunkers and AT guns.

    So,my question is: am i missing something here,or this is a bug and while i previewed the map i was shown the wrong setup zone?Second,is there a way to tell what the battle params are during the purchase phase?Unless i'm missing the obvious the info is displayed just when the map+the units are first presented but not before-not even when clicking the 'Map Preview' button.And this means the player is pretty much left in the dark as he has no way to determine if the battle type is an attack/defence not to mention if it's a probe/attack/assault at the crucial point when he's purchasing units.

    btw,if it's of any help the map is 'Probe Med Hills QB-055.btt'.



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    c69431e27eCM Normandy 2011-06-07 12-23-50-57.jpg

  3. One of the side effects of having the scoring system is,i guess,that members who play more usually rank higher.It's also true the more you play the better you get.In most cases,at least.I remember,when i first joined the CM1 ladder from the first 12 games i played against human opponents i won just 1 :) And i'm doing just fine,right now.Not that i brag ;)

    Another feature you should be aware of-because you mentioned you aren't able to play a lot-is that the ladder comes in two flavors,so to speak.The overall ladder and the yearly ladder.The overall ladder tracks the results from the day the ladder was established to the current day.the yearly ladder tracks results from 1st of January to 30th December of that current year.When you report a game it will count on both the overall ladder and the yearly ladder.

    Regarding your question about how ELO is computed.Yes,victory levels do matter.You'll get more ELO points for scoring a total victory than you'll get for a minor victory.

    I hope this helps,


  4. It is a poor winning percentage.But the hard fact is the first player with a poor 25% winning percentage has won more games than the second one with 80% wins,thus he gains more points.He'll also get points for draws and even defeats: you get more points for a minor defeat than for a total defeat,just like you get more points for a total victory than for a minor one.Obviously,you'll get more points for a minor victory than for a minor defeat ;)

    I'm not saying it's a perfect system,still it's a system that works and worked for the past 12 years.


  5. I read your site and it looks to me that the place on the ladder is more heavily weighted towards playing lots rather than having a winning record. From what I understand if I have a less than 50% win rate but play 100 games I would likely have a better score than someone with an 80% win rate but who can only play 25 games. Did I read that right?

    You are absolutely right.Which i believe makes sense,no?Let's say the player who played 100 games has just a 25% win rate.This means he won 25 games.On the other hand the member with 80% win rate but with just 25 games under his belt has won-if my math is correct-20 games.Obviously the first player would get more points for 25 wins than the second for 20 wins.

    What you should also consider is the ladder is ordered by score(in which the above statement is correct) by default. And i mention this because it can be ordered using other criteria as well [number of played games,wins,wins %,streak,ELO] .Just see it for yourself:


  6. I believe this has been brought before,although i'm not 100% positive about it.I've just had 2 units-a tank hunter team and an armored car-vanishing from a bridge-in the Huzzar scenario and appearing under it.They were not under fire,so i guess this doesn't mean they simply jumped for their lives :) Whether or not they decided the pay is better in the Kriegsmarine is beyond me ;)

    Savegame can be provided,if needed.

    ebe0d8c5fbCM Normandy 2011-06-02 10-53-13-28.jpg

  7. Man, when you think about it: how lucky are BFC, with all this fantastic CMx1 community support, after all these years !?

    Not only Blitz and WeBoB, but AFGM and AppiFeu ... all substantial , active, enthusiastic clubs in their own right, running with the love of WWII strategy wargaming and the great CMx1 engine to play it on.

    Spot on! Those are quite some fine clubs you listed in there.And now we have the CM2 engine to push forward :)

    On this topic, how are you guys going dealing with the CMx2 Terror issues in your club? We've set up a few counselling groups, etc, I think everyone is going to be OK...


    No counseling groups for us.We have a truck of booze prepared for those who'll lose it ;)

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