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  1. I would think that you would have to find your own website for hosting scenarios, unless Battlefront is willing to host the files but I'm not sure if they do that with any other games. It would be more likely for the developers of this game to do something like that rather than the publisher.
  2. So someone should make a Croation campaign because Serbs are evil? Somone should try editing the Super Sherman and other models and their coding to make more in-depth Croation missions then and develop an extractor to unpack all those game files.
  3. Hey Moon, since you know how to script/mission edit for this game I wanted to ask you a question. How do you create a multiple-objective mission and make the mission only completed and won after all the objectives are satisfied? I have all the objective triggers set to 'ts_passive' at the start but if I set them to 'ts_win' for after they are triggered then the mission is over even if only one objective is accomplished, and setting them to 'ts_active' doesn't allow the mission to give the mission accomplished message. Thanks for any help. Anyway, I'll be downloading your missions now
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