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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. It is literally a slightly upgraded V1. Still a problem, though.
  2. Every front line soldier thinks the other side has everything, and his own support sucks. That is very close to a truism.
  3. That really was the one place where the Russians had infiltrated the Ukrainian military was well as they thought they had. They thought the whole war was was going to work like that.
  4. Drones are an incredibly powerful asymmetric capability. They are being adopted very rapidly by rebel groups and large scale criminal organizations world wide. NATO may find a workable technological solution for them, and invest the half a trillion dollars to build that solution at scale. There are still a vast swath of unhappy places out there with ongoing civil conflicts where drones are going to change the balance of power for decades, if not forever.
  5. Magyar needs to go into the vehicle certification business, I suspecct the pass rate would not be high. Quantum entaglement is one of the more mind breaking concepts in physics. What the article doesn't mention is what temperature the setup has to be held at. I would be beyond amazed if this set up works at temperture above liquid nitrogen. I would not be at all shocked if it required helium cooling. If they can do this at warmish room temperature my very limited understanding of the above mentioned quantum concepts implies that improving military sensors and communications are one of the less important things this technology might improve. I suspect he may be offered a diversion program that involves getting a much closer look at the war. A " The Russians are a couple of hundred yards that away." kind of look.
  6. They aren'y hitting these nearly as fast as I would like. But I am pretty sure they hitting them faster than they can be fixed.
  7. I have this vision of two very large new factories. One of them makes five thousand rounds of 155 per DAY. The other one makes thousands of drones per day that make anything flying in Ukraine currently look Like a biplane compared to a P-51 Mustang. Edit: The Japanese are not exactly going to be doing back flips of joy at the thought of better North Korean missiles either.
  8. This one made my blood boil. Their are two alternatives to admitting Ukraine to NATO in the medium term. Putin winning now, and this whole mess restarting a few years after whatever ceasefire is eventually reached. I am really curious which one this guy is for.
  9. To paraphrase someone, don't compare the U.S., and the world order it tries to uphold, to the a utopia, compare it to the alternative. The alternatives on offer are Russia and China. Both of which barely bother to obfuscate about a literal infinity of crimes against humanity, and their intentions to KEEP doing them. They furthermore are really quite open about their intentions to inflict said crimes on populations that they do not currently control.
  10. Two years in there is at least a twitch of acting like there is a war on. Better late than never.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/19/iran-nuclear-enrichment-fordow/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNzE4NzY5NjAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNzIwMTUxOTk5LCJpYXQiOjE3MTg3Njk2MDAsImp0aSI6ImEzNmE4NTIxLWIwNTMtNDI1ZC1hMmI3LWNhY2YxY2NhOGEwNCIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9uYXRpb25hbC1zZWN1cml0eS8yMDI0LzA2LzE5L2lyYW4tbnVjbGVhci1lbnJpY2htZW50LWZvcmRvdy8ifQ.d0TcdgwRGrMZ-OTCj1BBTSDxSlgGPcxEsynW3UbHYxM angry_staffer 1h about an hour ago People always ask me which stories to pay attention to.This one. You should pay attention to this one.According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran is undergoing a major expansion at Fordow, its most heavily-protected nuclear facility.Post-expansion, Fordow will be able to enrich enough uranium for a bomb a month, according to experts.There are also plans for further expansion at Natanz.
  12. The placement of this DPICM is 10/10, Rembrandt level artistry.
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1djl2zq/ukraines_3rd_assault_brigade_drone_pilots_spotted/ This sub-reddit has a near infinity of drone footage, but this one stands out for its truly artful drone piloting.
  14. Think about the level of situational awareness and C4SIR this implies. A command center somewhere can see the entire airspace down to things the size of a Lancet, and divert and already in flight FPV drone to kill it. This is fully integrated air defense with FPV drones, the world just changed people, and this is before better, autonomous, engineered from scratch drones hit in mass. I repeat if the Russians can't match and or counter the effects will be LARGE. Also Ukraine, or whoever built this system for them, is going to have an order book it will take twenty years to fill.
  15. Ukraine is cracking drone vs drone. If the Russians can't catch up tyhe effects are going to be LARGE.
  16. Going to second this one, truly excellent article.
  17. This is a really good article. Given the enormous number of problems we have seen with Russian ammo storage the crews may be stuck between keeping the hatches closed and asphyxiating, or opening them and inviting a drone to visit. I wonder how many bad rounds you have to fire before you decide to take your chances with the drones?
  18. Appointing the Czars relatives is going to reduce corruption....? Well I guess their is first time for everything.
  19. The last thing one poor fool did was turn his lights on, just to be sure the drone couldn't possibly miss.
  20. I am sure the Russian crew training is somewhere between bad and nonexistent, but I wonder if they are are operating tanks with incomplete gunnery systems? Maybe they have just given up on modern gunsights in the attempt to push more meat to the front. Could be both...
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