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Posts posted by bruce90

  1. ...some photos I took a few weeks ago.

    1...Site of Russian Bastion Number 4 in the Crimean War Sevastopol defences

    2...The 'Valley of Death' viewed from Lord Raglans' position on Sapoune Ridge. Balaklava is

    the right and the Light Brigade charged from right to left.

    3...A view of the position of the Russian guns the Light Brigade charged in the middle

    distance.The artillery and trenches etc. in the foreground are Russian positions from the

    fighting on the Ridge in World War II




  2. Yes, the subsequent peace treaties might well have set the US-Canada border significantly farther south, leaving most of what is now Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Montana and Washington State in Canada. The Columbia River might have been the border. Canada too might have become a very different, more industrialized nation, with the rich iron ores of the Great Lakes region at the disposal of newcomers. The great Yankee migration to the Upper Midwest which took place in the mid 19th century (due to overcrowding and climate change) might have resulted in many resuming (nominal) allegiance to the Crown, but bringing their entrepreneurial energy.

    And with fewer Free states and Senators, the US Great Debate over slavery might have been more protracted.

    EDIT: Oh, you're wisecracking about DEE-troit. Yeah, well fleeing slaves might well have become a part of the population in an enlarged Upper Canada, but a very different subsequent social evolution. Labor was always scarcer and more valuable in Canada, so they might have done a lot better for themselves, having arrived earlier. Who knows?

    Imagine what all of that might have meant to the Native Americans. Surely they would have been better off?

  3. I have their Take Command game, but I get a CTD when I try to play it, even with the current patches.

    I have been looking at the Gettysburg game, in the hope that it won't crash, but haven't picked it up yet.

    Yes it was the series of Gettysburg, The Wilderness and Antietam that I meant. Because of the rather simplified ( but in my opinion wholly adequate ) graphics, you don't need a mega computer to play a game where you can command from a Regiment up to a Corps. The AI isn't bad either.

  4. Hello. I have a book entitled 'Experiences of War. The British Airman' written by Roger A Freeman. One of the photographs in it shows a black officer and the information under the photo states that it is of 'Pilot Officer Peter Thomas the first Nigerian to be commisioned in the RAF'. The book is largely a collection of the rememberings of RAF personel and concerning Pilot Officer Thomas, a man named James Double says," On 1 October 1941 I was posted to No. 3 EFTS at RAF Watchfield near Swindon Wiltshire and on arrival was allocated the top bed of a double bunk. It was late in the afternoon and I found the bottom bed was occupied by a Nigerian who was fast asleep. He proved to be a distinctive character!

    He was Peter Thomas, son of a Nigerian chief who had,I learned from Peter sponsored several Spitfires."...... Double goes on to say that Peter was 'passed down' from several flying courses and had crashed a few Spitfires usually in ploughed fields but if it was suggested to him that he might get 'washed out ' of flying altogether his reply was always.. " My Father will buy some more".

    Double says that while he was transferred to the USA to continue training, Peter Thomas remained in the UK and eventually got his 'wings' and was commisioned but was later killed in a Spitfire in a flying accident.

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