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Posts posted by bruce90

  1. I ordered TOW first chance I got.I read everything about it as it was being developed and I thought 'Well,sounds like it might be a bit limited with next to no editors but I can always fall back on CMBB and CMAK.'Now having played nothing but the Demo since it was released while I wait for the DVD,having watched tanks disintegrate after taking hits,artillery crews feverishly loading and fighting their guns all the while mopping their brows and ducking rifle fire,infantrymen running,crawling and reloading their weapons,SP artillery advancing down a hillside their tracks churning up chunks of earth and loads of other little bits of eyecandy that surprise me each time I play,I think it's going to be really difficult to go back to CM as great as those games are.Once the gameplay on TOW comes up to CM standards I think it will be impossible.

  2. This is why personally I believe the game will suit my tastes exactly.I've collected CMBO, CMBB and CMAK over the years and the last two have never been off my hard drive and I've played them for countless hours and yet I've never played or even had the inclination to play any campaign or even a single battle with anything more than a Company of infantry and a few supporting weapons or armoured vehicles per side.Probably I'm in a minority here and I appreciate we all have different tastes but for me if there's anything going on in my games I want to be able to see and enjoy it as it happens so that mostly means small actions I set up for myself working from,'I wonder what would happen if...'.This also means my little battles are for me a much more personal affair where I can actually get quite concerned about those little sprites in my units :rolleyes: Anyway,as soon as I saw the Demo I thought the game had great possibilties with what I consider great graphics and I'm sure that with Battlefront's support and the efforts of the great modders in this community we'll soon have quite a game on our hands smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Moon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Freaky:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dmg:

    You may change them in the map editor tool (not in the MissionEditor). The map editor will be issued later... soon smile.gif ...

    Mapeditor is only a wet dream :mad: </font>
  4. Originally posted by Moon:

    The Mission editor requires .NET 2.0 to be installed, including the latest two service pack. Here are links:




    If you don't have the two updates, please make sure you grab and install them (if you have the Windows auto-updater on then they should have installed by themselves after installing .NET 2.0).


    When I try to download the program from both these links I end up with just one.Is the second one an update which means it over rides the first?
  5. Ah yes Prince but 'in stock' is the main phrase I was thinking about and I was simply wondering whether anyone in the UK had received a copy through the mail as opposed to a download.

    [ April 22, 2007, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: bruce90 ]

  6. With respect I doubt that any of the Modders on these Forums will manage to make completely new maps for a game that is based on the IL2 engine.Just read through the posts on the UBI forums,apparently it is almost impossible without specialised tools and knowledge.That said it will not stop me buying the game.

  7. ''RCMP - psst, don't tell anybody: we didn't want to include it in the official press release just yet, but it looks like the game will ship with a mission editor. You won't be able to do all new maps most likely, but will be able to create entirely new missions with the dozens of maps the game ships with.

    Once this gets official, we'll send out a new news item later this month.''

    Then on February 27th he said

    ''We're planning to include a mission editor in the initial release, yes, but it's not 100% certain just yet if it will be possible to implement.''

    So with all these rumours of an April release I was just wondering if the Editor question had been resolved.

  8. What I do regarding the different mods for the campaigns like Sicily/Italy,Normandy or the Ardennes,is to group the mods together and put them into the game using the Jonesoft Mod Enabler which can be downloaded free.That way you can easily play the various theatres on just one installation of CMAK.

  9. MikeyD


    Member # 5596

    posted 13-09-2006 13:36


    I sorta understand how you feel about this forum when I go visit the 'Grognards' forum. That game looks like a real killer (which is good) but it's hard for a non-Napoleonics grog to get hot about Hungarian tunic colors.

    You 'mechanical' types.No sense of fashion. :rolleyes:

  10. It's you CM peoples' fault.The Combat Mission series is the benchmark for all of these types of games now.Before I buy anything today I think 'How does it compare with Combat Mission'.You created a monster but a great one it must be said.CMBB and CMAK are never off my hard drive.The modding community for these games is without equal IMHO. smile.gif

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