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Posts posted by bruce90

  1. Originally posted by landwarrior:

    It is one of the best war games, that has ever been made smile.gif

    I agree.I also think it has much more potential which hopefully the makers and publishers will exploit.When people express disappointment in the state the game was published in I can see where they're coming from but even in it's original state personally I got a lot of fun from it and have always considered I had my moneys'worth.Since then we've had a few nice additions with more to come and I think one of these days we could have a classic on our hands. The important thing for all of us who support the game is to keep on doing so in whatever way we can. I know it's aggravating when a patch we were seemingly promised by a particular date doesn't happen but at least we know it will turn up and we know this because people like Sneaksie and MadMatt have said so and we know from past experience that we can trust them. Theatre of War is good. It's going to be great.

    Merry Christmas.


  2. One thing I liked very much while playing the CMSF demo was the animation of the infantry during the 'Move' command.It seemed to add to the authenticity of the game in that except maybe during actual combat soldiers would walk in that almost 'strolling' sort of way.Now in Tow during the animation for infantrymen to move they kind of walk,run then walk again and so on.I was just wondering if any of our resident genius modders would know how or if it would be possible to have them simply walk?

  3. Google Jonesoft. Go to the site download the Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler.Its a tiny download. Install it in the CMAK main folder, run it once. It will create a folder called Mods. Put your mod in that folder.Enable it. It's in the game. If you don't like disable it. you are back to the original mod.It's so simple I can do it. :D

  4. I agree.I've always thoght Tow is a great game and as far as I'm concerned was well worth the money I paid for it.There is so much I like about it,the game and map editor the user interface,the shear spectacle of it.There is not much of it on the downside for me at the moment even in it's present condition but if there is one thing it's the difficulty in setting up scenarios with the placing of units then the placeholders which,for me anyway,never match up with the units they are supposed to which then means that before I can start a game I have to reorganise them all.Hopefully this could be improved sometime in the future.

  5. ....and if you've got to take a peek over the parapet don't look towards the Shock Force Forum they're tearing each other apart over there and you just might take one between the eyes.I've stopped playing ToW for the day and I'm watching the Battle of CM.SF as it happens.Must say I'm really impressed with Battlefront who are fighting a dogged rearguard action against a fanatical foe who are hurling themselves into the breach again and again like a pack of hunting dogs who sense the quarry is tiring.Old alliances and friendships seem to be forgotten as Grogs, Fanbois and Haters turn on each other in a frenzy of fraticidal bloodletting.It's dead good!

  6. I have not been very impressed with CM2 graphics wise since I saw the first videos.To me it looked like CMAK II.Now in my opinion ToW is graphically stunning,so much so that I wish that Battlefront would concentrate their undoubted genius on it and make it up to the standard of gameplay that CM2 will have because we all know that this is what ToW is lacking.Personally I think that an upgraded ToW would make it unnecessary for a WWII module in CM2.Having said that I fully intend to buy CM2 as I think we all should to support Battlefront.

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