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Everything posted by Freder

  1. Mine has to be a Feb. 45 QB Had a King Tiger and a Sturmtiger with a good amout of inf. AI snuck a tankhunter team around my right flank and sneaks up on my sturm tiger (I had moved it too far foward after knocking out all the AI's armor) Tank hunter team suddenly races out of some nearby woods spooking the Sturm which turns and fires on them Killing the tank hunters and itself. Not the First time I've suffered FF from those sturms but the first time I've seen a unit kill itself. Leson learned never move a stum thats out of mg ammo anywhere near where it can be attacked by inf.
  2. Well acually thats the type of situation the german armor rules. long range with no cover they just have to pick you off while you try to get through their superheavy front armor. Best bet (comeing from a russain noob and german vet.) is spread your foces out as much as you can so the slower german turret and stuggs have to pick their targets and take a long time to move on to new ones and move those T34/85's in fast try to use the IS-2's to distract the germans and hopefully one of your t34's will make it in close enuf. to get yourself a panther kill after the those stugg's should be short work if their still left
  3. Well Late to the party but if you need a German I'm here for reinforcement duty other wise look forward to seeing how this turns out ElfWizardofChaos@msn.com
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