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Posts posted by wunwinglow

  1. Actually, what always catches me out is the level of micro-management you sometimes have to engage in. I'd rather give an order 'Go scout over there, see if you can see anything down that road, but don't get your head shot off.' But no, I have to plot every tweak of the ACs steering wheel, and when I miss a little valley that the driver would have applied his initiative and used, he blindly follows orders and gets his head shot off.

    But I'd still be rubbish......

    Tim P

  2. Does the use of bigger bitmap files have a serious effect on game play? Obviously the visual impression is magnificent when viewed close-up, but I presume the video system uses smaller and smaller versions of the original master bitmap as the viewing distance gets more and more? I certainly have not noticed any negative impact when using these sorts of files, but then I'd still use them even if it did!

    Lovely work, MickeyD!

    Tim P

  3. Does the use of bigger bitmap files have a serious effect on game play? Obviously the visual impression is magnificent when viewed close-up, but I presume the video system uses smaller and smaller versions of the original master bitmap as the viewing distance gets more and more? I certainly have not noticed any negative impact when using these sorts of files, but then I'd still use them even if it did!

    Lovely work, MickeyD!

    Tim P

  4. Archery report; Loved it! 24 of us tyros managed to only lose 3 arrows between us all evening, and after 2 hours I was getting them all on the target. No-where near as painful as the last target shooting I did, which was with a No 4 Lee Enfield. But I think it will be a while before I can get as good a group with the bow; especially at 300 yards.


    Back to the battle, map rebuilt and extended, starting to repopulate it with troops. Back soon...

    Tim P

  5. I've only been playing CMAK for a year or so, but it is the only game one my HD at the moment; all the rest have long gone, mostly via eBay. I have Stronghold 2 on the shelf awaiting a more powerful PC, but CMAK is just so engaging. Sometimes I think the graphic limitations of the scenery make it 'look' odd, but what actually happens during the game just strike, well, true. There are lots of improvements thet could be made, of course, (how about limiting the actual views available to those of your troops, plus a 'map'for plotting reported positions?) and I am sure the advances in PC power and programming will make the next version 'look' much more realistic.

    But it is the game's inherent 'honesty' that keeps me coming back for more.

    And the editor, so I can do my own thing.

    Tim P (wunwinglow)

  6. I knew I'd strike gold.... Thanks DesertFox for your pointers, and the link to your Cintheaux download. Weird sensation, loading someone elses game that you have spent so many hours on; similar, but different. Different, but so similar!

    Of course, I hadn't thought of twisting the North-South alignment to get the main road straight! Duh...

    I found this aerial photo on the web, but I can't for the life of me find the link, so here it is on my website. Apologies to anyone if I am breaking copyright! Let me know if so, and I'll take it down. http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/vue_aerienne-8_aout_1944.jpg . Warning. it is 2mb file.

    Anyway, 3 tiger wrecks marked in diamonds, but look more closely and there are dozens of other vehicles! It was taken in the morning after the 8th August.There is even what appears to be a Spitfire, in, or above, a field just to the right of the main road; west, in otherwords. South is to the top. Look at the light, diagonal field, level with the middle Tiger diamond.

    Anyway, thanks again, I'll keep you posted; I might just redo my map rotated slightly! Brilliant idea....

    Tim P (wunwinglow)

    [ April 30, 2006, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: wunwinglow ]

  7. Hi team,

    I'm working up a map/battle for Wittmanns last action, and am having trouble locating any detailed info on the composition of the German forces involved. I have several good discriptions of the action (Fine Night for Tanks by Ken Tout, Road to Falaise by Stephen Hart, etc) and several reports from the Internet. Of course, loads of data on Wittmanns unit, but little else. I realise it was very much a scratch operation for the Germans, but any pointers would be appreciated.

    work in progress is at http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/wittmannA.cmg if anyone wants to have a look! Any comments more than happily received!

    Thanks in advance,

    Tim P (wunwinglow)

  8. True, given the limitation of the Africa/Italy theatre, but it wouldn't have taken much more effort to add all the European vehicles too; well, maybe the Brit and US stuff, I appreciate all the extra Wermacht stuff that would have been demanded might have taken longer!

    My point is, the FS2004 approach taps into the vast skill base of the customers, the end users. You only have to look at what HAS been done with CMAK, within the editing limitations of the system. With an editable system, no doubt we would have had Cambrais, Ethiopia, Spain, Every theatre of WWII, Korea, and all the middle east, as well as dozens and dozens of others I can't think of just now.

    Of course I understand the required limits imposed by a 'game', and the need to stop the inevitable cheating that would happen (CFS2 for example) but for the majority of sensible, serious users of such software, these attractions are very compelling.

    What I REALLY want though are AVREs with SBGs, Bobbins, Bullshorn, Crabs, LCTs, Buffalos, Comets, and yes, Crusader AA tanks!

    Don't worry, I'll crawl back under my stone now.


  9. I don't mind not being able to add new vehicles, provided all the appropriate vehicles are in the software! Otherwise, the MS Flight Sim approach where you only get 12 or so aircraft, but a copy of GMax to make your own (Like the lady who wanted to get to Carnagy Hall, you gotta practice!!) is a great way. Look at the huge variety, and amazing quality, of enthusiast-developed aircraft for FS2004. I doubt if MS have sold less copies of the software as a result!

    Same goes for scenery items.

    Being a Brit, I wish CMAK had a lot more Brit types than it does. The German 'library' of vehicles is massive, in comparison. Bit like looking on the tank shelves in a model shop, I suppose!


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