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Posts posted by wunwinglow

  1. If there isn't a switch to kill the music (yet...) can anyone point us at the file responsible so we can, um, fix it, ourselves. I find the music very intrusive too, and I haven't bought the full game yet.......


    PS Oh, 'Search' is your friend. Found it. Apologies. And thanks. I'm off to buy the full game now....

  2. Pity the customers can't design their own vehicles, as they can in programs such as Microsofts flight sim series. It isn't easy, but with thousands of dedicated customers, design and painting software, tutorials, add-ons for free and purchase, the base program has a couple of dozen aircraft and a bunch of basic, and not so basic airfields, but the number actually available to the customer must run to thousands and thousands. And most have been done by gifted enthusiasts, for free.

    Just a thought....


    PS Heres a Sea Fury I did a few years ago for Combat Flight Simulator. It had working undercarriage, flaps, prop, control surfaces, canopy, arrestor hook, cooling gills. It had alternate ordnance loads, bombs, rockets, fuel tanks, guns, all of which 'worked'. It had alternate colour schemes, and flew pretty well too.



    I can't think that a tank would be any more complicated....

  3. Perhaps snipers should sight their weapons in all 4 cardinal directions, and at maybe 4 different latitudes, then write out a correction card, like they have on magnetic compasses.

    It was weird seeing metric inches, by the way! Isn't it wonderful that the country that threw off the shackles of British Oppression in 1776 is now the only country in the world still using Imperialist feet and inches... I must show my kids, they will be highly amused!


  4. To figure out where each texture fits, make up a set of numbered grid bitmaps as a dummy set, same size as the originals, paint the vehicle with these, the screen grab it from several directions. This will give you a good indication of which pixels line up with which features on the model. Looks like yo are doing just fine right now!


  5. I use 3 high-end CAD programs at work, and the only time I use the keyboard is for data entry, dimensions, angles, array quantities, file names and so on. Pretty well everything else is mouse/context menu controlled. I'm no typist, which perhaps explains why I don't use many key commands, but I get the work done. And my only source of fury is that one program rotates the 3D view with rightclick and drag, while the other requires the F2 key to be held down. Switch programs, instant 12 minues of blue language, until my brain has caught up. Until I switch programs of course...

    My point is, right click/context menu allows me to focus entirely on the design process. I don't look away from the area of interest, and the commands are limited just to those that are relevant at that moment. My mouse cursor is already very close by on screen, so the physical distance my hand has to move is tiny, and so no 'motion sickness' effect of having to rove all about the screen. The screen 'acreage' is completely clear to see the work; no 'panel' taking up 1/4 of the screen; the menus are tiny in comparison, and vanish once the command is made.

    OK, I'm not making much effort with the key commands, I will freely admit that. But you did ask for comments on the interface. And I still think the current situation is messier than CMAK et al. So as far as I am concerned, things were changed for the worse. I prefer the old system. It works better, for me. The new one gets in the way, and I end up getting frustrated 'cos I can't issue commands accurately and quickly. I loose units because of the ui. To me it feels like trying to write while wearing boxing gloves. Which is a shame, when the previous set-up, OK, wasn't a Mont Blanc, but it was a perfectly servicable Biro. And I could write with it....


  6. I think the rightclick menu for each unit is the single most useful tool I miss from CMAK etc. I recently reinstalled it on my new PC and I can play so much more fluidly with this communication tool. I am sure familiarity is helping, but I have really tried to get to know the new CMSF interface, but I'm sorry, it just doesn't work for me. The simple fact of having to look away from the unit is disorientating enough, but the number of accurate mouse clicks to issue an order is twice that needed with the rightclick menu system. I find the new system is just, well, clumsy. Sorry, but that's what I'd like to see fixed. Sorry if it isn't what battlefront want to hear. Sorry if I just don't get it. Sorry.


  7. Usually clients come to us AFTER they have got a patent sorted out. In fact, we won't usually deal with anyone unless the HAVE got a patent already. It can get very messy otherwise. If I was you, I'd get a patent for your idea (yes, you probably won't need a model) before you mention it to anyone else. The paptent officers will check to see if anyone else has already come up with the idea. This happens a lot more than you would imagine. With 7 billion people on the planet, it is not surpprising....

    Good luck with your project. I haven't any idea of how it would change thinge geopolitically. Just remember humans just adore killing each other, and have spent thousands and thousands of years perfecting the art. The mere fact that we are discussing this on a forum dedicated to a GAME designed to test ones ability to succeed in combat is itself a damning indictment of human nature and our inability to learn from our past. If it works, you'll make a fortune. And so will the guy who comes up with a counter solution to it.


  8. Nooo, please, not yet! Coolbreeze, I am a professional rapid prototyping technician by day, so if you want to send me your secret plans, I'll make a model of your uber-weapon and then people will take the idea seriously. I've worked on medical scanners, bar fittings and dog chews, as well as daft things like 12-inch slices of lemon. I regularly sign non-disclosure aggrements, so your secret will be safe with me. So long as you can reassure me that MOSAD aren't going to come creeping around. Remember Supergun? No, I didn't have anything to do with that....No, really, I didn't!


  9. The history of weapon technology is littered with perfect solutions, which, if ever implimented, merely spawned the next generation of perfect solutions. If we are witnessing the blossoming of the next great step forward, I reckon give it 3 months, there will be a counter for it, and humanity will be back to square one again. Not that I am decrying this chaps sincerity, but maybe preparing him for a bit of a disappointment a few months down the line, when some other genius counters his product.

    It is called progress, apparently.


    PS Wonder what it is, though. Remember, wacko suggestions to the RAF for Death Rays led directly to the development of radar.....

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