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Posts posted by slysniper

  1. OH look, my timing is perfect, demo is out.

    Correct as to the AI not being able to hold vs arty. So that is broken, But I never consider AI much of a fight anyway. The only recourse would have been remove the arty from the game files.

    But hey, your one step closer to getting that new programming today.

    But I would suggest trying to play other people, at some point you need to test your wings and fly, or your just a chicken. (no wings necessary)

  2. Jerks, plenty of them to be found, It appears some have gathered here.

    I just did my pre-order, knowing true and well, that it need not be given too early. Now if I see something in the next 6 weeks, I will feel good about my timing.


    Now, those of you who have parted with your money sooner, I thank you, Steve needed food on the table so he might have just enough energy to maybe finish this project and get it in our hands.

    As a few wise ones have pointed out, being jerks does nothing but maybe push these guys someday to move on to something else to make money instead of having to do this.

    So learn to appreciate what you have, not what you wish for that might never come.

    P.s. - two years for a patch, (it would not have been two years if it really had a issue.)

    I just finished a battle where my opponent rained arty on me for twenty minutes. Had my troops hold their ground, no fleeing, no mass losses, no issues.


    If you know the commands and how they work, you get the results. (no sharing on how to do it, since it can be found on this site). As for other issues, most is minor stuff.


  3. 4 hours ago, Ultradave said:

     "The parachute on the Battery Commander's jeep trailer will always streamer in"   Well, not always really , but it happened once and it was hilarious (to everyone but him - he wasn't terribly well liked). All his personal gear and living equipment scattered over a 100 yard radius.  BOOM!..   Unfortunately the #3 gun came down without a chute that same jump. That was a worse loss.  Thankfully personnel parachutes are more reliable than Heavy Drop chutes.


    That is not always true, We were training with a unit from the 82 once, we were the bad guys and they were the good guy and of course they had to drop in as part of the training.

    I was posted as a forward scout to watch the landing zone and to inform our units of their movements and to spy on their activities.

    What it gave me was a front roll seat to watching one poor trooper falling to his death.


    Seen two such events in my life, the other one was at a 4th of July calibration, that fellow walked away from it. To this day I don't know how, but the guy hit and somehow bounced 6 ft in the air, came back down and acted like he was dead, but when the first people that ran to him to help, he came to and just showed no sign of injury. (One of those events that you know there is a god, because no other way to explain it.)



  4. Awesome

    I cannot wait for the rebirth of CMSF 

    Its the one set I never did own. So getting a update and making it all available is a dream come true for me.

    Once cmbs was out and I spent time with it, I realized how much more I enjoyed the modern battlefield, thought about going back and picking up the old cmsf but decided I was spoiled with the new engine and would just wait for the discussed possible update.

    So its almost here, My money is ready to support your efforts. 

    I am glad BF keeps doing what they do and they have the ability to tune out the whiners they have to deal with. 

    You do a great job of keeping your standards high and doing things the right way.


  5. He also had a other tank that managed to become his wing man for the last half of the battle, he also had a huge day, but his diet was a little more manageable in that he was dueling Bradley's instead of Abrams


    But I cannot remember two units having such success in a long while in this format. 

    with CMSFII coming out soon, I am getting hungry for some interesting match ups that can happen.



  6. Its not often in CMBS that the Russians feel success against the Americans

    But this T90, was my hero as I did a practice battle.

    Not only did he manage some realistic kills vs Abrams.

    He also manage to survive hits from two Abrams also (Yes see the rabbit foot hanging from the open hatch.)

    The Commander and Gunner has just bailed before a Bradley finially removes this tank from battle. At least those two get to fight another day.



  7. Bil, excellent AAR as always

    You are the best source that BF has as to how to promote and showcase these games.

    I always enjoy that fact that you put out there a clear description as to what you are tactically thinking and trying to accomplish.

    And your tactical skills seem to reward you better in the modern battlefield over the WWII one.  

    You generally get no second chances or much luck on the modern battlefield. Death is easy and quick and each decision is rewarded with that or success in a very few moments.

    thanks for your efforts as always

    I will go back to the shadows now

  8. I think the real strength of AT guns was the fact that they could get a couple of shots off before being spotted and getting return fire on them. They were easy to conceal.

    As long as the game does that, then I think they are factored correctly as to being correct as to realistic results.

    Now at one point they were too easy to spot in the game, but the coding has been improved and now I find that the smaller guns do seem to have the ability to shoot and stay.

    hidden for a period of time.

    As to pinning them once spotted, hard to say if it is too easy, that is not a hard factor that can be proven, its a opinion and the designer is in control of that 

  9. For me, CM is very much like reading the paper. I enjoy it most when I am playing H2H and I can sit down and do a couple of turns for the day, Taking maybe a 1/2 hour to a hour of my free time.  Been doing that for about 12 years now.

    If I do more it becomes a problem with other things in my life, if I do less, I feel I am missing something that bring me a lot of enjoyment.

    So I try to keep about 3 games going at a time and take a break every once in awhile just to drop my typical activities and go and do something else.

  10. After much thought and watching and reading this thread for awhile since nothing else has been happening on this site in weeks. 

    I have decide this hobby is full of nuts and I should really remove myself from it because why would any logical person want to be a part of this.

    But I would then go insane myself because of not getting my BF fix.

    So I will wait for the next release, Whatever it is does not matter. I will enjoy it. 

    Knowing that BF just does things different than most anyone else would, but it is what it is.

    Steve will update us again, nothing will be solved as to keeping the crazies in line and the nuts on this site will in a short time start the same stupid comments once again.

    Sometimes I really do understand why Steve just lets you go on with the stupid comments on the site without giving updates. The best way to punish you guys is to let your own logic put you in a bad mental state.

  11. Or just send them blazing forward as scouts.

    the only good scout is a dead one, for sure you have found the enemy when that happens.

    Really, I do try to keep them alive, but it seldom happens. But sending units like that as you recon, is really a good thing.

    Knowing where I can move my main forces is very important, I love units like that, which might survive a out post or something along that lines. But getting that information quickly is worth the risk of such units being sacrificed


  12. I find that many times the situation you had might be because of smoke from the guns of the firing units.

    Shermans spotted first, fired and the smoke from their discharge is helping them from being spotted from the panthers.

    The speed and direction of the wind has a factor in this as to how long and what it might be affecting.


    But if I had to make a guess, that would be it. Thus the reason when you tried to run a test you are not able to duplicate it.


    just as a side note, if the wind is from your back or front, this is when the biggest impact is felt in the game. (especially in the tank duels at times)



  13. campaigns is about the last thing I play, which is the most likely thing to have plenty of Arty and large scale stuff on top of it.

    H2h play is most of my gaming, seldom is arty a major part of them. second, if my opponent is trying to hit me with arty. In most situations my goal is to bug out and let the arty rain on where my troops were, not where they are at.

    but as for this QB, I was trying to see how noticeable the bren issue was. So I did a infantry only battle with only light weapons and placed on a map that I have to move the Brits through open terrain. It has not stopped me, but I can see that I have no way of pinning any unit at range because the brits lack any long range weapons that will put lead on target at the moment except for maybe their MMG.

    But again, normally, I am not going to use Brens as the weapon for such a task, in most battles, you have much better weapons for engaging the enemy at range with while you move your infantry up to assault and clear out enemy resistance at close quarters.

    But if you are a fan of the Brits, its been a long time for you guys to have to deal with such a flaw.


  14. To make you all feel good, I set up a QB and played the Brits just so I could feel the pain.

    And painful it was, so I can see why you all have reason to complain about the patch that has never appeared.

    So why it really has not bothered me since 4.0 came out is likely the event that I have not played the British much since the change

  15. On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:28 AM, Miller786 said:

    Try fighting german squads with mg42s firing bursts with your good old british sections with single shot bren guns, i'd say that's pretty game breaking in certain scenarios... after 14 months and no patch people will complain, like it or not, and they do not care how marginal you think the issues are. 14 months are a long time.

    Well, people like that post of yours.

    But I would like to point out, that the distance the bren presently fires one shot is pretty far. So even if it was working more to your likes, it still is not the range to be engaging the Germans in a prolonged fire fight anyway if that is the weapons you are using. You will still likely lose.

    Of course there might be a situation I am not envisioning here. But in anything of a pretty even match up, I am not doing a very good job of commanding my troops if I am relying on brens to try and pin or kill a mg42. (just off the top of my head the only time  I would do it is if I think I can get a first major burst in on the enemy and for that to happen, the range is going to very close. (And guess what, the bren fires rapidly just fine at that range.)

    The bren does not have the sustained fire or ammo amounts or loads generally to be used well as a long range pinning weapon even if it did fire burst. 

    So no, it has not frustrated me much at all. (Now if a battle was designed for just that type of situation and I had no other options other than to try and pin the enemy MG's at range with brens I can see your frustration., But really, there is battles out there that rely on that as the key to winning. Please point me to it, for I would like a little frustration in my life.

  16. On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 4:31 PM, Kuderian said:

    I think your perception of the 'defect' is different from most of of us players. I have been playing v4.0 since day 1. , every fffing day and my experience is that the AI High Explosive awareness has often saved my troops bacon (despite sometimes my best efforts to thwart them) which more than compensates imho for the odd 'running-away-too-quickly' behaviour. So please tone down the hyperbole( and vitriol) and try and understand  that your opinion of 'defect' is by no means a deal breaker for most of us ( and BF are not sitting on their fat asses' smokin' cigars -  Read Steve's candid post's on BFC's year of 2017).

    This is pretty much exactly what I feel also.

    Loaded 4.0 and have been enjoying it the whole time, so I really cannot feel bad for those of you that think it just screwed up the game so much that it is a sin to have one play it.

    Now I heard the complaints from the moment they started but I did not see it in the play of my battles.

    It was months before I finally came across a battle where I saw the arty really rout my troops in a very obvious unnatural way. So I tested stuff to help try and expose the issue instead of just whine about it.

    But did I go back to version 3, no, and nobody I have played have asked to play version 3 either.

    So where are the masses that cannot live with the issue til 4.0 is correct. Oh its the same handful here that about every three of four weeks have to act childish once again since they have not been given what they want yet.

    Now in the whole 14 or so months I will say, maybe 3 battles I played have been impacted by the flaw, but you know what that means, I have played about 30 battles that have been really enjoyable with the added improvements 4.0 has given.

    But you all stay with your version 3.0, because you have your agency and isn't that wonderful. But keep your attitudes in check about your demands, a change will come.

    And after all these months of suffering because you did not get the improvements because you demand it play in a certain manor, I doubt you will like the next release anyway, no matter how it comes out, because being jerks is just such a natural thing for us all to do now days.

    From one jerk to a few others, have a nice day.


  17. They cannot get the games they already have out and added onto and updated fast enough.

    So why in the world would you think they would ever get to such a  un-logical game concept.

    If anything has ever been proven, BF stays in the realm of realistic and non - fantasy.

    I like the sandbox concept, but again logic tells us that would never happen.


    If they do ever get to a point where all the present titles are not keeping them busy. I am sure they will delve into something that interest them and that follows logical paths and present capabilities.

  18. Because one person thinks the whole game is junk because of abrams ability in the game, that is how this thread was derailed.

    As to how realistic this game is or any of CM games.

    They all suffer from some basic flaws that are intentionally there to make it a good game. not a realistic simulator.

    But still, they are the best thing you are going to get you hands on as to a battle simulator, but they have many unrealistic aspects to them that are not close to being realistic .

    On the other hand, there is many things modeled well enough, that you do get a great feel for the advantages and strengths of the different weapons on the battlefield just as they would in real life.


    The fighting in the game is always more bloody and deadly and the time frame very much reduced compared to how it would play out in real life generally. Plus the battles and situations players create would not normally be the situation in real conflicts.

    players also direct their troops in unrealistic manors compared to real troop leaders. (Or at least ones that have not been shot by their own troops that is).

    Plus, there is plenty of people as you can see from these post that will try and point out every flaw they can as to what they think is incorrect about the game - in general it is best to not encourage them. :)



  19. Sure is.

    And don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with RT, I like it on small quick battles where it can help create a fog of war and I can manage not to stop play and just try to manage my units without allowing myself to stop the clock.

    In Wego, if I think I am going to move my unit into possible trouble. I try to time it with pause or other methods so that my unit only moves into the area with 20-30 seconds generally. Thus preventing me from having a minute of possible issues before addressing them. But time enough to normally spot what I need to.

  20. I still prefer Wego, first it is how I play h2h, so It keeps me in practice for that.

    yes, if you make a bad decision early in the minute it can be hard to watch. But I still consider that more realistic than RT and having such perfect knowledge of what I need to do and being able to get out of it immediately. So I think of it as a little help to the AI side to play in Wego.

    Then I have found RT takes me longer than Wego to play when I am playing the game against the AI - IN Wego, I can fast forward through the turns if no action is going on.

    RT can be a real bore if there is no action for about 10 minutes, just not the way to want to spend my time. Waiting for something to happen, reminds me of real life, except we could wait for days for something to happen, not an aspect I want to recall in any manor.

  21. My tactics became a attack up the middle.

    After losing the one panther on the right flank to enemy armor fire and a Jag IV to immobilization. And on the left having a event with a  immobilized panther to a mine field. I felt that the flanks had no threats to my advance. So I would have to rely on the strength of my armor and force my way up the middle on the thin single route.

    That was what gave it the feel that helped make it a great battle for me. Every time I had to pull a unit off the road and I knowing that bogging and immobilization was a real threat was part of the fun. I hated but loved it at the same time.

    If a tank was killed on the road, it was a real bummer, knowing every unit behind it would have to risk the mud.

    Some points along the route required I send my armor off the road to gain the positions and firepower I needed to force my frontal attack along.

    Needless to say, there was nothing pretty about my win or was I going to get easy kills by out positioning the defense. So it just added to the difficulty of the situation.

    My infantry had to use the ditches and waterways as their routes to advance and get cover. So the whole thing just became a battle that had a real feel of realistic challenges and working through those challenges for me.

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