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Posts posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. EDIT: As of the 1.2.2 release, there is a new version of the download mentioned below. The URL to this new download will be posted here shortly. You need this new version, or some images in the game will appear upside down. Alternatively, you can delete your .dds files if you want to wait until later to get the updated download.

    There is a new optional feature you can use to make scenario loading faster. In order to use this new feature, you must download and install the DDS Texture Pack:

    1. Download the DDS Texture Pack. URL is in the post below.

    2. Unzip all of the files to your DropTeam installation's "data" folder. In Windows, this is usually C:\Program Files\Battlefront\DropTeam\data. In Linux, it is usually ~/DropTeam/data. In Mac OS X, you can open Finder and go to your Applications folder. Double click on the DropTeam folder. Right click (or click the gear thingy for you maniacs still using a single-button mouse) on the DropTeam application icon and select "Show Package Contents". Double click on the "Contents" folder, then on the "Resources" folder, and finally on the "data" folder. Drag the contents of the zip file into that "data" folder.

    Once you have placed the DDS Texture Pack into your data folder, you are finished. The next time you run DropTeam scenarios should load faster than they did before (especially when Texture Cache is turned on). The amount of gain you see is highly dependent on your video hardware but generally lower-end systems see more gain than higher-end systems do.

    If adding the DDS Texture Pack to your DropTeam install causes any problems, then you can simply delete all .dds files from your data folder to remove this optional feature. If your video driver has resonable OpenGL support then you won't have any problems, but some of the wonky implementations of OpenGL might choke.

    [ February 03, 2007, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: ClaytoniousRex ]

  2. That's good news, Monk. In that case, you're all set. The only thing I hope to change in time for your game is to release the updated demo that includes all of the improvements from the retail version. Hopefully it will be released in time for your event!

  3. ...is now available via Update. You should be prompted to update automatically the next time you run DropTeam.

    Changes in 1.2.1:


    • Fixed a bug that was making armor penetrations inaccurate. Specifically, the angle of penetration was sometimes being calculated incorrectly since the 1.1.7 release. This led to rounds sometimes bouncing off the target when they should have penetrated.</font>
    • Sweeping improvements to the physics engine including correct densities and masses for units - try ramming a Thor with a Shrike now, for instance...</font>
    • Improved suspensions for wheeled vehicles</font>
    • Improved tracer and hit effects</font>
    • Optimized bandwidth used by voice chat</font>
    • Optional DDS loading to make scenario loading faster (see separate topic)</font>
    • We no longer torture you with the old "backloop" noise while loading a scenario</font>
    • Fixed bad colors in some of the tree models</font>
    • Infantry are now slightly harder for bots to notice (unless their jets are hot enough to appear on the sensor net, as usual)</font>

  4. Is there a sound change as well or was it cause of the video recording?
    The cause of that is a Creative SB Live! card that is bent and no longer fits firmly in its PCI slot, leading to a lot of funky crackling and popping. Anyone else would have recorded the video on a different machine but not this intepid director.

    No sound changes in the game itself.

  5. But please note, after an update has been released and your install patches itself, you then *must* run the top level DropTeam.exe (such as by going to Start/Programs/Battlefront/DropTeam) just to make the update finish correctly. Then you can go back to running the one in \bin directly.

    Ugh. Would be a lot easier to put this switch back on the Options tab wouldn't it?

  6. Which DropTeam.exe are we talking about? The one at the root level (Program Files/Battlefront/DropTeam) or the one in the \bin subdirectory? You need to pass that arg to the one in bin. So in your case, at a command prompt, you would cd to \program files\battlefront\dropteam\bin and then type:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">DropTeam.exe -usedetailtextures false</pre>

  7. Yes, 3PM EST.

    Looks like 4 on the Dev Team today, so we'll be happy to have 1 or 2 Upstarts defect if you so choose. However, feel free to use the Switch Teams command if you guys want to stick together. If nothing else, at least Magellan* and Ecclesius* can put down some good mortar fire for us.

  8. WC, sitting alone in an Apollo, surrounded by a closiing circle of armor on my team. He stands calmly like Bruce Lee and waves us on with one hand.

    Wack - Grappler is down.

    Wack - Clay is down.

    Calm, deliberate shots. Focus. Chi.

    Wack - Kevin* is down.

    Wack - Clay is down.

    Bah. A lil' close assault with infy finally did the trick, though, didn't it? :D

  9. The damage model should handle it fine. You you will have to experiment with making only the front axle steerable or maybe also making the middle axle steerable (use the IsSteeringWheel tag on each wheel to control which ones turn when steering). This just depends on where they are located vs. the shape of the vehicle.

    The ERP and CFM tags control the suspension. You can make it more or less stiff, for example. You should leave those at 0.15 and 0.1 until the 1.1.9 release. At that time, I'll show you how to use the 2 values to control the suspension. If you play with them now in 1.1.8, it won't respond the way it should.

  10. Fully featured???... You can't even place an item by clicking on the map... how the hell does that rate "fully featured"??
    Yes, you can place items by clicking the map. You can even drag and drop items that are already on the map. Like so:

    Shockwave video - give it time to load

    "Dropteam is already using XML files for modding and reads data from professional GIS (Geographic Information Systems) packages such as ArcGIS and Terragen, and as such is becoming one of the most extensively moddable game packages available."

    Where?. Where is the import for shape files and GIS data.. Just bieng able to open a heightmap doesn't make it GIS.

    I think Matt is referring specifically to the fact that DropTeam reads in the common raw binary heightfield data that is easily exported from all major GIS systems and smaller tools like Terragen, as opposed to some proprietary terrain file format as many games use. So there is an easy export from GIS into DropTeam. However, he may also be referring to our Demeter terrain engine which DropTeam uses for terrain (as do Northrop Grumman and the US Army Research Labs) which natively supports and loads over 30 types of data commonly found in GIS packages, including (but not limited to):


    • ArcGIS (adf or ascii)</font>
    • BSB Nautical Chart</font>
    • dted (all levels)</font>
    • SDTS</font>
    • DEM</font>
    • GRASS</font>
    • FITS</font>
    • tif</font>
    • bt</font>
    • and many others...</font>

    Any or all of which can be used by scenario authors in DropTeam via the use of our GDAL plugin by putting it in your bin directory - but honestly, I think you will agree that simple .raw files are all we need as scenario authors and already provides compatibility with every decent GIS tool in use.

    And he did not say any of this "makes it a GIS". He said "reads data from" GIS.

    "This brand new Scenario editor allows for the creation of entirely new worlds, maps and missions, including Physical Properties, Skybox, Ambient Sounds, Particle Emitters, Elevation Data, Textures, Terrain Types, Fluids, Game Types and Objects and more."

    No it doesn't... well certainly not the version i got from the link in the first post. The manual also makes no mention of bieng able to do this nor how to do this.

    It does. Here's an example of placing a particle emitter:

    Particle Emitter (give it time to load)

    The other features mentioned are there, too.

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