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Posts posted by AZGungHo

  1. Jersey John,

    We agree on the cold war part, but I don't know about it developing along historical lines. Since the Cold War was won economically, at the very least it would have taken several more decades to push the Soviets into bankruptcy.

    And I'm still not sure that we and the Brits would have, or could have accepted the Soviets being in charge of that much of Europe. I still think the economics of things might have pushed them into some kind of "hot war" of one kind or another.

    Oh, and on the war weariness, not only were the Western Allies and the Germans weary, so were the Russian people, and even the Japanese people were tired of the whole thing as well. Everyone was sick and tired of all the killing and destruction, but whether or not that would have stopped things is and will remain an open question.

  2. Oh I agree that we were war weary, no doubt about it, and yes promises were forgotten at the wars end. But there's no way from an economic stand point that Russia's dominance of the Continent could have been allowed to stand. If something like that had happened it would have radically changed people's views of the Soviets.

    Even if we didn't enter into a hot war with the Soviets, the cold war would have started right then and there, and would certainly been a lot nastier than it was in reality.

    I think the economics of a Russian dominated Europe would have driven America and the UK to do something to reverse it. Exactly what of course we'll never know. I'm just happy things turned out the way they did. In the long run they paved the way for a better world.

    As far as the Bomb goes, well maybe they would have waited until we had more of them, and then if the Russians didn't withdraw we could have always started hitting their homeland with them. Just idle speculation of course, but it does make you think doesn't it?

  3. If the Russians had overrun all or most of Germany and if they had refused to withdraw, I don't see that the Western Allies would have had any choice but to attack them. There's just no way Churchill could have accepted that, and I don't think Roosevelt would have either.

    So, Russia without all our lend-lease aid (seldom discussed but it made a massive difference) and us with at least one or two A-Bombs to use as a threat if not more (remember the Russians knew about the Bomb), what would have happened?

    Who knows? It would have been a bloody mess that's for sure. Given the raw numbers, unless our airforces could have overcome the Russian airforce and then evened up the odds on the ground, I find it hard to see us winning a completely conventional war with the Russians. But you can bet your bottom dollar ol' Patton would have LOVED it!

  4. SeaMonkey, I like the way the IJN made the big counter attack on you. I've found that the AI usually does that at one point or another in the game. It usually comes in different places and at different times, but you are right it's a sight to behold when the IJN comes calling.

    You've done well, as I usually lose at least a couple of carriers, keep up the good work, I too look forward to your next report.

  5. As to India, it was many things. A huge resource of men for the British Armed forces - especially the Army. It was a huge resource of money and manufacturing resources as well. Not to mention a base to keep China in the war by supplying them, and to wear down the Japanese by making them fight for Burma, etc.

    If the Japanese had conquered India it would have been a huge blow not only to Allied morale, but to the British ability to continue the war.

  6. Interesting ideas. I especially like the one about the cities. Kuni you are right on target there. I think there needs to be a severe reduction in readiness and supply, getting worse as time goes on, unless the city has been reconnected to a supply line. Otherwise there have to be limits on how long a city can continue to supply men and material.

  7. Hi Carverrt,

    Just finished the new version as the Japanese and won a strategic victory. That was at the basic setting, so now I'll ramp it up a bit. One very odd thing happened (or didn't happen!), the US never showed up at Iwo or Okinawa. No Navy, no nothing!

    That was doubly strange since I had been thinking that if Japan had really conquered India, I'll bet the US would have been forced to aid the Brits in taking it back, and it would have probably changed the course of the war.

    Was this planned in the scenario or...?

  8. Hey Scottsman,

    Yes, I've seen that happen, but it doesn't seem right that the United States of America wouldn't have enough resources to rebuild one little air unit does it?

    On another front, my second game as the Japanese is moving forward nicely. However, the garrison rule continues to baffle me. I replace a corp in Manchuria with a anti-aircraft unit. I got the Stalin Discovers Japan Has Light Garrison statement. But just for one turn, then it stopped. Now, it's late 1939, and I've replaced another Japanese corps with a Manchurian division I built, and the Garrison message started up again! I didn't leave the city empty either time! Hmmmmmm...

    I'll keep playing this and let you know how it progresses. So far it's waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the stock scenario and I'm enjoying it!

  9. I was surprised to see how limited the US MPP's were. I know you don't want us building units etc. that would skew the game. I'm wondering if you could just forbid the US from building all but a very few units, but give them enough MPPs so that they could reinforce and/or rebuild their units easily, as was the case historically.

  10. One note of interest to anyone playing as the Japanese in this scenario. I bought some division and was sending them into Manchuria to replace the corps there for use in China. I made a mistake and for ONE turn one of the must garrison cities was empty. Every turn thereafter I got the note that Stalin knew Japan had weak garrisons there. The USSR entered the war against Japan in 1939!

    Needless to say, I'm going to have to restart the game! Don't make that mistake - I sure hope I don't!

    I won't be down near Shanghi, but will see T Square and at least one section of the great wall, along with the caves Mao lived in during most of the war, etc.!

  11. Hi, I just finished playing the East Asia scenario, and I really enjoyed most of it. However, there are some odd AI actions (and non-actions) and other things.

    1) At the end of the game, I, as the Allies, held all four of the cities listed to win a major victory; ie: Mudken, Chungking, Dehli, Irkutsk. However I was told I had only achieved a Stalemate.

    2) Late in the game, a decision box came up with no writing in it! I said yes, but have no idea what I said yes too! The Atomic bomb box came up a few turns after that.

    3) Burma - lots of issues here. The only unit that originally invaded Burma was the Thai unit. I had pulled the Burma Corps out of Rangoon (BIG mistake) so it captured Rangoon, and the entire country as a result.

    4) I was worried because the Brits only had one or two units as things developed. I needn't have, as there were NO Japanese in Burma, only the Thai unit in Rangoon. I invaded Burma too late, and the AI sent ONE Japanese corps and ONE air unit. I killed both and was moving on Rangoon when the next strange thing happened.

    5) Thailand surrendered! I had no units there at all, and there were several Japanese units there, but they surrendered, and the AI made no effort to occupy Bangkok even through it was wide open for several turns till I could get someone there to capture it.

    I'm sure that's more than enough for now. I think I'll play this as the Japanese next and see how that goes.

    Thanks for the fun!

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