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Posts posted by IDILIX

  1. Dear battlefront developers :

    One thing I wanted to say , as someone who is physically close to the area in question , and seen parts of it from the north side of the border.

    1. Syria is not desert all around. It is flat but not desert. So think about the landscape. Ones I c in the screen shots look like as if they are from mars.

    2. Even the Syrian army will not probably think of figthing in the open areas. In fact, realistic scenarios will include mountain warfare in the Border between Turkey and Syria, and urban warfare in the 'towns' and cities.

    3. What about a 'do not touch' holly places marker - ie destroy the mosque and syrians get low grade infantry reinf. ( masses of ordinary people hurling themselves against the m1a1 bc. they are just pissed no )

    4. What IF, Russians and Iranians decide to intervene and mount a flank attack over the Russian / Iranian-Turkish border to take the NATO forces from the rear. Maoist PKK and Fundamentalist Hizboullah decide to join. Again, will we have the chance to fight as a Nato member against OPFOR and/or Fractions.

  2. can we play as a NATO member ? or one of the NATO members ? Is the Kurdish PKK and Hizboullah simulated ? Can we take these guys and play them against a Nato Member ?

    Just some ideas which pop into my mind...

    However,I still find it hard to believe in 'well trained and equipped syrian forces'. Space Lobsters seem more likely...

    ( now that would be something )

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