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Posts posted by IDILIX

  1. Hi People

    I was not sure where to out this post so I am just posting here.

    It was my wish to start a blog about each game I play so people may actually comment about it as we play it along the turns. After many tries I and a friend started writing for an entire operation of 7 battles, 35K points.

    The battle is located in Dubno, late 1944 on a fairly large map of 4000 by 4000. We have tried to put down a few lines at every 3 or 4 turns and sometimes some more about the game and the tactics and 'events' ( recently I got a hit from a T34 over 2250 meters to a Panzer IV , it was a KO )

    Anyhow, please visit our blog and drop in a few lines of comment, and tell us what u want to see in such a blog. We appreciate every positive feedback.

    The blog is at http://thedubno1944.blogspot.com/


  2. Originally posted by Dave Stockhoff:



    Back when Russia and Turkey were fighting over the Balkans before WWI, the British press always reported Turkish atrocities. It never reported Russian ones. This made it tough for the Turks, diplomatically. The more things change . . .

    yes it did very much... since noone really cares about what u suffer , u start replying in kind with no remorse...
  3. Sorry - this one is a quote from the 'scramble' website that I should have attached to my above post... I am sure u can find similar statements in a few other books so what I am trying to say is we wont be far away from the action this time, one way or another.

    ( we are actually talking about a country who has actively tried destabilizing another country actively for the last 35 years, EU membership or not , TR should and will join the fray... )

    So far only a few MiG-29s are delivered and they are apparently based at two bases, one being close to Turkey (still one of the biggest enemies of Syria) and the other is located in the Damascus area. More Russian deliveries are rumoured
  4. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Lots of questions. Forgive me if I don't get to all of them...

    No Turkey and Israel involved in this game since you're in command of US forces only. For Modules we are looking to add other NATO nations. Turkey, although part of NATO, doesn't strike me as being a popular choice to focus on :D


    Why so ? We have some interesting hardware and OOBs. I would personally think it would be much more popular than having a add-on for some other obscure NATO member.

    Can help with the OOB and Equipment lists should u wish ...

  5. Makes more sense to me ... Better trained and armed enemy. Possible use of tacnukes,and added 'china intervenes' option so more weaponry on the battlefield.

    I seriously believe it makes more sense than simulating a war that will not possibly last more than the number of hours necessary for an M1 to cruise from Turkish border to Damascus.

  6. Michael Emrys :

    Me too. Being a visible friend of the US (and to the West in general) is not a very stylish stance in the Mid-East/Moslem world these days. I can see Turkey joining in if NATO gets involved either as a whole or as individual countries thereof.
    Turkey is ***NOT*** an arab country. She is a secular democracy , meaning if everybody is decided in having a go on Syria, religion wont matter and we will join the fray as a part of our 'responsbility' in NATO.
  7. umm I have to say this - missed some posts above, while agreeing with Steiner on the issue of Syria, and thinking the whole Iraqi op is a shambles , I do not support the maniacs who kill hundreds of peaceful ordinary people.

    However, the whole Iraqi operation is really really a mess. One wonders if any good will come out of it for anyone involved apart from Bush and his rich friends.

  8. Guys, I am Turkish and if Steiner is a neo-nazi he would probably hate me as well.


    What he says about Syria is true. Syria is only Israel's hit list. If US decides to have a go, she will be alone - again.

    And,I am not a oh for those of u who doesnt know where turkey is . we are a secular muslim multi party democracy since 1923, (and dont want to be liberated). And with over 700 years of peaceful coexistence with jews and 45 years of solid military alliance with İsrael we are not really 'antisemitic'. so if u want to have fire,u should know these before sending the salvo.

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