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Posts posted by WindyCity

  1. Why developers still open up forums years before the game has any hope of a release date is still a mystery.

    Why waste the gamers enthusiasm !

    Spare me the “when its ready” or a link to some 1-2 month old post. I have a full time job and family just as all of you and I can find the time to post a few words on forums., and I don’t stand to gain a monetary value to do so.

    How is it that a developer is to busy to post on their own fan forum,

    get serious :rolleyes:

    Its like running a retail store and putting a new product in a display window , but when the consumer comes into the store to inquire about the item, you proceed to either ignore them entirely or just silently point to a poster stating


  2. Originally posted by Scipio:

    ... LOL, swastikas as a sign for the freedom of speech. Seriously man, please think about it...

    The US goverment uses 9-11 like the nazis have used the Reichstagsbrand. The US invades foreign countries just on suspicions, lies and to save the worlds oil resources for themselves. This week has the President signed a law that allows even torture to save the lives of "US citizens", and what else is Guantanamo Bay as a KZ?

    You (the US citizens) should better take care that the Stars and Stripes will once not mean the same to the world as the swastika flag.

    Campaigning for the swastika and trying to add validation to your asinine request by comparing your perceived similarities to the Stars and Stripes is extremely offensive. :mad:
  3. Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

    always with calling people neo nazi's, you people need to grow up, the swastika is used today as a religious symbol for buddhists and hindus, the symbol orginally stood for the sun, life, good luck and strength. yet 6 odd years of bad use and its banned in countries even now 61 years on.

    Get off the high horse ,

    Maybe you should go back and re-read this thread and how our enlighten forum members try to explain the workings of the Bill of Rights and how they apply to Battlefront.

    It’s a joke, why would anyone even ask such a question, perception is reality , that’s why !

    Example: Ever go to a book store and approach the counter/sales person with a German WWII book in hand.

    Did you feel uncomfortable as they looked at the cover with a swastika.


  4. Originally posted by civdiv:

    Ditto, I am with Hitori on this one. The Swastika is thousands of years old and it still shows up in different and distinct cultures to this day. And I agree, leave it out as it adds little to the game, avoids problems for BFC, and it can be freely added as a mod as desired. And sorry Windy, if you are that ignorant or uninformed in regards to the origin and continued use of the swastika in non-Aryan nation usage, then I just pity you. Before you attack someone try and have a grasp of the topic at hand.

    Lighten up, Frances

    Am I the only one that has a hard time taken this forum serious. To tell you the truth I could care less about the symbol or any of your personal view and beliefs others on this forum have.


    how can anyone be offended to a reply they received on a swastika thread :rolleyes:

    IT’S A JOKE !, kind of like this thread. :D

  5. Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

    alot of people in this discussion seem to only see the symbol as pure evil, i hope you all realise that the symbol had been used for centuries before it was used by the nazi party (acient greek and medieval japan for example)and is still used today, people shouldnt be so offended by a symbol.

    - Hitori kyo

    Is still being used today…………….Hmmmmmmm.

    Do we have another one coming out the closet here. :confused:

  6. Originally posted by Murock:

    I never post anything, but I am getting sick and tired of people posting mumbo jumbo crap and all it does is delay the game. The developers have to log in answer the stupid questions before people freak out and spread rumors. Please people find something else to do. The game will be released when it is done, they don't need to repeat themselves over and over again. Let them finish the product!!

    Thanks for clearing this up :rolleyes:
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