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Posts posted by Retributar

  1. I myself have just voted TWICE for SC2!, in the two questionaire's where SC2 was a choice!.

    You'll have to register with a LOGIN[Name] & will later receive a PASSWORD when you check your E-Mail for Registration/Verification!. Then you can VOTE!.

    I didnt vote for any of the other Game-Related voting questionaire's as i am not familiar with them [Nor have any interest in them],...so i just 'Abstained!'.

  2. Originally posted by arado234:

    I also collect ss material.I had to stop because i couldnt afford it after i got married.

    Yes!!!...i have sort of experienced this myself!.

    My friend promised me that after he sold his home that he would pay me what he owe's me, roughly $30,000.00. BUT!!!...Guess what, his WIFE KNEW THAT HE HAD THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS,...and decided INSTEAD to spend the money on a BIGGER-BETTER-NICER-HOUSE in Kitimat,B.C.???. Women REALLY-KNOW-HOW-TO-SPEND-MONEY without ANY-CONSIDERATION for anybody else,...except their own selfish vices/concerns!. "God's CURSE on Mankind!."

  3. Moonslayer!... 1st off, im glad to see that this wonderful MOD is not 'Dead in the Water!'. Thankyou for not giving up!.

    As a General Foreman once told me when he made me Foreman, was to Delegate!,...Delegate!,...Delegate!,...and try to complete one important task at a time while several tasks are going on at the same time!,...in order to get the Job Going so that the work needed to be done will be accomplished!.

    Soooo!,...request help!,...the Discussion Forum has quietened down lately for what-ever reason!. Now's a good time to get other's involved to help you out!. Who know's what they might be able to contribute to make this a Stellar-MOD!.

  4. I have played many games for very long period of times,...and SC2 is nearing the top of the list!.

    Initially, i never expected to expend the time on this game as i have!.

    Honor's to the MODDER'S who have energized this game,...they are all a 'Precious Talent!'. They have 'Addicted-Me' to 'No-End!'.

    "Hubert",... if you are listening!,...You may or may not realize the potential of your effort here!. I am amazed, really amazed at what i have witnessed!. Please do more with this 'Creation' of your's!,...it is by no-mean's at it's end!.

  5. New Thought!!!...

    Based on my previous posting, could we not have another research item included in the entourage???.

    This would be for example, the German's researching 'Winter-War-Mechanics', in order to be able to deal with 'Freezing Soldiers & Equipment' ...This should be i think, a 'Very-Expensive' research item which of course would become cheaper and cheaper to research as each Winter went by!.

    Alternatevely, the same could be done for 'Desert-Warfare-Mechanics' or even 'Jungle-Warfare-Mechanics' [For our upcoming WAR IN THE PACIFIC_Which i endlessly hope for!].

  6. Stalin's Organist!

    History does repeat itself!, thank's for providing us this enlightening article that you have revealed to us all!.

    Napoleon! thought that he was 'Invincible', but,...in reality...the UNEXPECTED...'Heavy-Rains' the night before mostly decided his battle as well as Some Generals who controlled 1/3rd of his Army who galavanted around on a Wild-Goose-Chase,...thereby depriving the WarLord of much of his army that he needed at Waterloo,...which could have made all-the-difference!.

    So now the same with Adolf Hitler!, he thought that he was 'Invincible' or 'Untouchable-Mighty' as well...as he plunged deep into Russia!. He had forgotten that Napoleon's powerful invasion army was crippled by devastatingly cruel Russian-Winter's,...so thereby setting himself up to recieve the same medicine!. He thought that his Master-Race could never be defeated, yet the Lowly-Subhuman-Slavic-Russian's developed the 'T-34 Tank' which laid-out devestating losses to the Mighty Invincible Panzer Divisions,...as well as the Russian's had 'Mastered' the art of surviving in Arctic Conditions...and knew how to make their equipment operate in minus 20 Degree to minus 40 Degree temperature's [The German Equipment Froze up and was Non-Functional/Paralyzed!].

    So this $250,000,000.00 Excercise revealed weakenesses in the U.S. 'Operational Art Of War' procedure's and should have been taken up seriously with the utmost attention!,...But was dismissed/ignored by arbitrarily doing a War-Excercise-Reset & War-Games-Rule-Change...so as to not degrade the supposed 'Infallibility/weaknesses'... IE: "IMAGE" of the U.S. Armed Force's!. So,...follow Charle's Bronson's! advice from the Movies [The Mechanic],... "Be Dead Sure or Be Dead!" ,...Also 'Know-Your-Enemy!' ...so... "Be Afraid!!!,...Be Very-Very-Afraid!!!".

    [ March 19, 2007, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

  7. Find his name somewhere in this discussion forum...in these postings...and click on his name on the right hand side!...an E-Mail address that he has should be indicated there, then send him an E-Mail!.

    Other than that...create a NEW Separate Posting...calling him to your attention...as well as leave it open to anyone else to do likewise,...asking him to respond to your request!. Hopefully, also...someone else may interject and help you out also!.

  8. Original Quote by... Normal Dude

    I hope to make Italy be able to capitulate as they did historically, along with variability scripts for variety. We will have to see if the editor will allow it though
    If the 'Editor'...is 'Limited', then this is where we could use ' Huberts ' assistance to hopefully make the requested change's.

    This...and other fixes would be a positive direction for being able to increase the 'Realism' & 'Historicity' of these MOD's.

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