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Posts posted by ww2steel

  1. Yup, it should be working if my website ISP doesn't let me down. A friend of mine was just able to download and open the Excel version.

    The next one I am working on already, but is understandable taking forever, is pitting all of the above vehicles into battles at preset ranges with me on one side then the other. That's 24 tanks per side. I then keep score of who wins at what range.

    See ya,


  2. I just finished a new chart. It shows, for all the Soviet/ German tanks in the game the % chance to hit a target at 200m, 500m, 1000m, 1500m, and 2000m. I also timed the rates of fire and got a pretty accurate average for each vehicle (on regular). I then computed the average time it will tank to hit a target (T-34/ PzIIIF) at the above ranges given accucacy at that range and rate of fire.

    Hopefully you can open/ convert a Works spreadsheet!

    You'll see the CMBB link at the top of my website. http://www.ww2steel.com

    Let me know what you think and if you Excel users can open it (if not I'll put it into html). It took me forever to assemble, so hopefully you can use it! More coming!


  3. I had a few problems, mainly just with assembling everything right. Oh, and the game has to be open when you drop the build program into USCW or whatever it is.

    I just wish it had more flexibility as far as units availabe instead of an infantry comany and a tank platoon.

    I run XP and it seems to function fine so far (though I haven't done much experimenting).

    I also just emailed Battlefront about making a campaign tool, and offered to assist with funding development. I really hope to see one similar to what we had in Close Combat III- a game I still play when I want a 'unit' to take through the war- despite the obvious inferiority of the CC engine/AI/interface.

    See ya,


  4. That brings up a good point... though it doesn't specify 'days' if the delay was very significant I would think that they would use air/ artillery attacks. I should think it was maybe for only a few hours.

    You also bring up something I intended to put in my original post to agree with the author's original post for this thread (though I think CMBB is great!). I feel that vehicles when buttoned up can see far too well in the game.

    As a whole I think the Vanguard/ Osprey books really have their stuff together. I take the stuff in them as reliable.

    See ya,


  5. Perhaps a bit more help please?

    I have extracted the lzx files, set up my colors, created the Ger and Rus save directories (but not the A, B, C dir's), and I've set up the colors.

    I run RGCinitial both with the game open and not and am using the date 4106. It gives me an error saying U-Script: It isn't defined: MAPTYPE


    Any idea what I did wrong. The only difference I know of so far is that I do not have CMAK, so I specified the CMBB folder for CMAK.



  6. ...and why is it so unbelievable... :confused:

    1) It's from a German source, not a bragging Russian source.

    2) No one disputes the inability of the 37 or 50mm guns to destroy a KV2 from front. (35mm and 55mm with standard Pzgr ammo @ 500m, 30deg, borrowing game figures / vs 75mm@30+ of the KV2)

    3) We have no idea how far away the 88 was, or what ammo was available to it. In analysis now it seems maybe only HE, maybe a high deflection angle to the surface it was shooting at. Even the turret rear at a 45 degree aspect angle would be 106+mm relative thickness plus shot deflection. Quite possible even with Pzgr or especially Pzgr40 to have only a 33% penetration. The range is obviously far enough that they could expect to 'sneak up' on the crew and ready the weapon without being seen (don't know if they unlimbered or not). The tanker writing the report didn't specify any of this.

    -trying not to be abrasive, but I don't like my posts being called "fairy tales" with rolling eyes.



    [ May 01, 2004, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: ww2steel ]

  7. Here's something from real life similar to the first post... yes... the KV's were that good.

    (From many other examples- this is the closest to the original post)

    (Zaloga, Vanguard #17, p20)

    "...Freed from the threat to the north, a platoon of PzKpfw 35(t)s was dispatched the next day from the bridgehead and worked its way to a small wood near the lone KV-2 at the crossroads. They kept up a steady stream of fire to distract the Russian crew while another 88mm gun was carefully brought up from Rasyeinya. When in position it opened fire, scoring six direct hits. The tank crews dismounted to inspect the KV, which had not even burned. On reaching the tank they were appaled to notice that only two of the six 88mm rounds had penetrated the armor. There were seven small gouges from the 50mm strikes, but there was no damage evident from their 37mm guns. As a couple of the tankers climbed on board the gun began moving towards them. An engineer who had accompanied them had the presence of mind to drop a couple of grenades through the holes in the turret rear, finally putting an end to this troublesome roadblock. This single KV had played a prominent role in delaying the advance of..."

    There are many, many accounts like this. KV's taking hundreds of AT hits, etc, and returning home. Often they simply ran over enemy guns and tanks after they ran out of (or were not supplied) ammo.

    BTW- I am writing a book about the armor of the East Front (about 300 pages). If anyone is interested. ;) It will be complete in a few months.

    See ya,


  8. This seems really great, but I have a few problems...

    1) I have the difficulty of not being able to read the error messages because I don't speak... um... whatever that is. ;)

    2) I don't know what to do with an .lzh file... where does the uswc.exe come from?

    I think that's it so far.


  9. Thanks, yeah, I the PC was fine with both cards up, but XP was not- just a different hardware selection at boot now to select the card to start windows with. I did get the 440 and I have fog... and oh yes it's worth $100 to me! smile.gif

    I just have to figure out why it is scrolling so slow now... I think I saw some other posts on that though. I'll look them up.

    See ya-- Mike

  10. Hello everyone, I've been reading these posts for quite some time, but this is my first post...

    I am aware of the graphics (fog) limitations of my Radeon 9000 AGP. I get no fog whatsoever. This issue is still unresolved, correct?

    In annoyance I suppose I must replace my new video card... I see from other posts that the Nvidia cards are the way to go? I saw many errors on the troubleshooting boards for CMBB, are they all fixable?

    I was wondering the best AGP card in the $100 to $150 range that will actually display the came correctly.



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