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Posts posted by ww2steel

  1. Very good idea Peterk! The designer could either select 'everyhting available' or just pic what unit they want you to be able to select from. Might be hard to integrate, but would certainly make the type of operation very customizable for the designer!

    I HATE the old '0n day 4 you have an 80% chance of getting this specific infantry company. WHat if enemy artillery just took out your last Pak40 and they're rolling on you with a platoon of T-34s???


  2. Will we be able to purchase units by their points during these operations or do we have to rely on the old way of just receiving reinforcements?

    I certainly hope we will be able to buy by points, especially for smaller battles!

    I also hope the ability to make your original OOB is as easy as it is in CMBB now. (‘I want a PzIVH, 2 tank hunter teams, and a 222‘... whatever, rather than just “a platoon of these, a company of this”) This is VERY important to me.



  3. In April '43 the German vehicles switch to a camo pattern.

    A cool thing I just noticed- the 251s are actually two different vehicles! The grey one is a riveted Ausf C, the camo model is a Ausf D with completely different rear, side stowage, etc. Kind of neat because not just the .bmp changes, it's the shape of the entire vehicle!

    Just thought I'd share and wonder if anyone else noticed (probably). HAs anyone else noticed any other vehicles whose physical shape actually changes with the grey-camo swap?

    (I still want my doggone vehicle MGs though!)


  4. I've been working on my personal CMBB vehicle book and am kinda annoyed by the lack of defensive MGs in the game. The HT mortar carriers, the 233 armored car, shoot, the 234/3&4 even have an MG graphic- but none have MGs in the game (they did in history). My books list MGs and proposed ammo loadlouts for many of these vehicles.

    IMO these should be flexible MGs that can be fired when unbuttoned. Especially in the mortar carriers with their 100m minimum range. They have NO way to defend themselves and IMO this is not completely accurate. :confused:

    ...and where's my Maus tank? ;)


  5. Hmm, maybe read about the game before posting... for lots of people that don't understand that this is supposed to work WITH CMBB. :rolleyes:

    Personally I can't wait for this. I have tried everything from ubercomplicated spreadsheets to even spending about a month straight to make a HUGE Civilization III mod.

  6. I have, on occasion had vehicles (including tanks) damaged by rounds hitting and damaging (eg- track) nearby vehicles, sometimes not damaging the original vehicle that was hit! I just had this happen with an HE on a pair of PzIII. I also remember an AP round not penetrating (don't remember if it fragmented or simply bounced off) and killing nearby infantry. As far as friendly fire goes, I have only seen it at night.


  7. Okay, I ran a search on this and didn't find anything so...

    Does the game count the rounds fired by an autocannon seperately or as one round... ie- when something like a 2cm or 40mm AA fires 6 or 3 or however many rounds in a burst does it calculate six shots, or just one 'burst'. Now there are two arguements for me...

    1) You see the proper number of rounds flying downrange, so yes, it must figure all of them BUT

    2) It only removes one increment of ammunition lost and when a target is hit you only see it give one report of impact (turret front...) .

    So- firing many calculated rounds or one goofy 'burst'?



  8. Hi,

    Anybody have the German version on an English machine? I was considering getting a CDV German copy and installing it. Not all CDV versions have multilanguage, correct? I actually need a German copy?

    Wondering if I will have to change my PC language settings to German. Also looking for the best place to get it from. I have the German BMP files but keep seeing other people with everything in German and I'm jealous! tongue.gif

    Thanks for any info!


  9. A quick note, and very debateable (sp?) one...

    In Korea the Shermans of the day were fighting T-34/85s quite victoriously. You can put this up to our superior training, but a few books state the Sherman as superior to the T-34 of similar year. Interestingly take German captured T-34s and put them up against different Shermans to compare. Correct CMBB modelling? Who knows, but the M4A2(76)W against the T-34/85M44 in two 12 tank battles with set ranges from 200m to 2000m, I took command of 12 tanks on each side to keep it equal... Anyway only 6 Shemans were lost and 23 T-34s (one survived at the 200m range).

    Thought this might be interesting.


  10. I saw an ad for the 2 disc CMBB special edition version from CDV which states:

    includes over 50 additional scenarios (over 125 scenarios in total) as well as winter camouflage, additional units and terrain and a printed manual with over 200 pages of detailed information!

    Are there really completely new units and terrain types? How much winter camo is included, as in mods for all vehicles appropriate uniforms, or far less?

    I figured I'd ask you guys to get an unbiassed response. Thanks!


  11. Thanks for the help... I have seen many cutaways that show DT mags stacked around, but I can never get totals that match up to any whole number, which leads me to believe that they were stored in differrent containers as well. Also I have some confusion about the DT mags... how much do they hold? I have seen most usually 55, also 65, and even 100 (and 47, though that's a DP)!


  12. Some help for my book perhaps?

    I am finding it much more difficult to find details of secondary weapon stowage on Russian tanks. The German vehicles have easy to find data on type of stowage and quantity in that specified container. The Russian vehicles it seems no two sources agree on how much was carried by a specified vehicle, and I have yet to find in any of roughly twenty book on the subject on exactly how it was stowed in any vehicle- the best I can find are cutaways with racks specified "DT ammunition stowage" or similar. It by no means even specifies how many drums were carried or if all of the ammo was even carried ready to use in drums. I understand that most German vehicles had belts ready to use and then often bags of additional ammo. I took the quantities of Russian ammo specified for different vehicles, even different models of the same vehicle- and found that there seemed to be no obviious number that each amount would be divisible by to specify a regular container size. In fact, some of the ammo quantities specified were prime numbers. This either indicates an incorrect source or stowage in two or more different sized containers.

    Anyway, as this topic is not well addressed in any book I can find I would certainly like to do so in mine and any assistance is appreciated!



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