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Gen Von Television

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Posts posted by Gen Von Television

  1. Thanks mjkerner, ;)

    GYT, two things: Check the Changelog thread...I don't have time atm, but I think it states that they changed the Deploy/Set-up so that the units will start out in the set-up zone for that side.

    Are we talking about the Editor [Deploy Unit] command, aren't we?

    As for the deleting process, yes I got that: starting from bottom up. The oddity here is that with some units I can just keep the singled out platoon, while with other units I won't be able to delete the Bn HQ, and of course neither the Co HQ...:confused:

  2. OK here another piece of information on which I would greatly appreciate an expert view: with some units in the roster I can 'delete' the uppermost HQ units, while sometime this is not happening and I cannot figure why or eventually.

    Suppose I add to the roster a whole battalion, but want to activate a single platoon, how should I proceed?

    Would it be possible to add single vehicles or support weapons to that platoon without having to activate the higher HQ?

    Somewhat I'm puzzled.

  3. Another small issue I would like to solve, if it's possible at all: when you add new units, no matter if you have set up zones defined, when you activate the Deploy Units they all appear in a corner of the map, and sometime is tricky to collect them all as they may be placed inside houses etc.

    Is there any way you can force them to appear in a specific area on the map?

    In this case it would be very helpful to have a 'unit tray' off map from where you can select each unit for placement on a specific spot instead of going back and forth...

  4. I do not worry about everything going wrong: after all as in real wars no plan goes as expected!:rolleyes:

    It wouldn't be such a problem adding damages to buildings, but sure they will be arbitrary.

    What about vehicles?

    Of course I make different scenario for each Campaign battles: unit setups and Order of Battle, different AI plans, and so on. I just thought the CMX1 function of retaining the damaged buildings and terrain was a brilliant idea. Now I cannot recall about the burning vehicles, but possibly they were also kept in place (?).

    The only griping for me is that it should have been clearly stated in the manual something like:

    No Battle Damages, Burning/Knocked out Vehicles are ever retained from one battle to another.
    Instead there is just a quick note that if you decide to loop back to a previous scenario you will lose all the destruction of the battle you just lost as if on the contrary you will have all of them back.
  5. Good to know Pete, thanks.

    About the damages definition it seems to contradict what is stated in the manual. I'm going by memory here but as I recall it's just hinted there in a note that if you decide to loop back to the original battle scenario in case you lose a battle, you will then lose all the damages, burning vehicles and the likes from the previous battle.

    So to me it sounded like a 'be aware that if you decide to do so' then you will lose all those... or like saying the battle damages will be retained if you proceed in your campaign without looping back to the previous scenario.

    Would be a pity if we have lost that function (retaining battle damages on a map) during a campaign. This should be easily verified if I decide after all to play a campaign in CMBN (I still hadn't), but then again the campaign should have at least a couple of battles on the same terrain.

  6. Hi Guys,

    hopefully this thread will collect useful tips and advices on designing Scenarios, so everyone who's interested in using the Editor may expand his skills and profit from sharing information here.

    First off I should say that even if I haven't as yet grasped much of the mechanics of the AI section in the editor, it seems a great improvement on the CMX1 handling and planning for the computer soldiers.

    In play testing a scenario, how would you check what this pixel guys are doing? Do you turn on 'Scenario Author Test' skill so to have everyone on sight since you cannot have AI vs AI? But if you play in that mode did the AI see all the Human controlled units as well? This small bit of info is not covered in the manual as they point only on the 'player' units that are still 'blind'...

    I'm also planning on creating a Campaign that should stay on the same map for about 36 hours, almost in the same locations, but not necessarily so: I've read somewhere that using the same map would not keep damaged buildings, vehicles etc. but maybe it was a reference to the Demo, I'm not sure. Is that so? In the manual again there is a hint note about creating a loop or branch that get the player back to a scenario previously played that will reset the map to its pristine condition.

    So how it functions? I will not reload the same scenario, but recreate another one using the Core Units (if any) but on the same map. Will it retain battle damages? How can battle damages on buildings, vehicles etc. be transported to a new map?

    I'm confused here. Will I be able to advance or retreat on the same terrain map and retain the damages to the end of the campaign?

    Lastly about Core Units: I still have to try this out but I would like to know how's best to proceed: mainly I'm concerned about naming and detailing units levels/weapons/ammo: suppose I have actually just one core company through the whole campaign, but several units coming and going from the same formation. Should I add them to the Core Units, so I will have all their details already set?

    All answers will be much appreciated, and so for other inquiries, tips and solutions!


  7. Just lately I played a battle with the Red Devils and noticed one thing: when the para helmets show up as red, I just moved closer and the red beret is reappearing miraculously!

    I suspect there are other BMPs involved that are loaded with different view distances, or are these MipMaps?!? Another odd thing is that sometime the faraway soldiers seem without helmets at all, the Germans too, but I'm not sure this is coming from you mod (is the only one I have installed for any helmet!) or it's just a limitation of the graphic engine.

    Still I strongly suspect now there are some tricks to load different textures resolutions depending on the distance... What have you discovered?

  8. Yep, I did read that: actually I never ever saw chevrons sewed on twill tissue, but always on a woolen one; from thousands of pictures I saw in this magazine (and I'm regularly receiving it since issue #1) of all of the original combat uniforms depicted that have chevrons none of those look to me as with a blue background, but certainly so dark that it's black! especially you can clearly compare it when it is worn on below the shoulder patch of the Screaming Eagles, unless you like to say that the Eagle head is in front of the blue sky...

    Check also the other links I gave and tell me you see the blue twill somewhere: even on the one that seemingly with authority is defining those Army rules they depicted the ranks on a black background. Or is it blue?

    Ah yes, it is blue, so dark it looks black. That's final.

  9. All the WWII US chevrons I saw on hundreds of articles on Militaria Magazine regarding all original combat uniforms were indeed as I wrote: Khaki (sometime faded or light Khaki) on black (absolutely no OD).

    The only blue background ranks I ever saw are from the Navy, Marines dress uniforms, Civil War or from the 60ties... Wikipedia is wrong!

    On the links I gave they also describe the back as 'black woolen'.

    For reference you can also stop-frame Band Of Brothers and check them out: a faultless reconstruction of uniforms and insignias...


  10. Excellent work Juju, as usual! ;)

    I just happened to notice one thing, if I may: the background for the US striped NCOs ranks look like dark blue instead of being black. Is that so?

    If I remember correctly they should be khaki/light khaki on black. Have a look:






  11. The Reinforcements routine has been greatly improved in CMX2, and so I discovered just reading the short paragraph on the manual!

    Thanks anyway Jon! :D

    Instead of that single sign post stuck in the ground for an entire battalion or a whole division, now indeed you can deploy your reinforcements very carefully, and it's even simpler add them actually.

    What I realized in making this map (it's my first in CMX2) is that I missed a few things: a water tower I had to replace with a 4 stories single tile building without windows except on the top floor, and the Tobruk fortifications (again!): I would also appreciate to have unmanned guns to deploy.

    What the heck, we're in Normandy and we still do not have the Todt (Battlefront?:P) organization's produce of hard cement and steel!?

    Not even for a pit sake Tobruk?:rolleyes:

    On the plus side, trenches and barbwire are fun to play with and adapt very well to the terrain.

    Enough of those grunts, and back to the

    >>> roll call for Beta Testers <<<

    As I start to assemble the battles from the data I gather or converting them from ASL I indeed would appreciate some expert players to check them out before releasing them, and since Proving Grounds has not as yet opened a CMBN section (?), I would send them directly when they will become available.

    The battles should range from small for the majority to a couple of medium ones, so they would generally not require much time to play, and I will expect feed backs from the proposed Beta Tester in a reasonable amount of time.

    If you're interested, please PM me and we'll arrange the operation...:cool:

    Thanks for reading.

  12. 006mbv.jpg



    This small detachment of the 6th Independent Fallschirmjäger Regiment is going to relax at Ouistreham for the evening, maybe playing at the Casino if it's still open, and they'll come back through Benouville 'round midnight to report back to their unit further South.

    Finally an evening leave and some fun: so little they know!


    The set is ready and the show has been rehearsed so many times.

    Get ready for the upcoming ASL Pegasus Bridge battles and campaign conversions, coming soon to the Repository!

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