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Everything posted by dfritch

  1. 6.22.07 1734 Zulu. 1C having a good old time in the Urals, presumably.
  2. 6.20.07 1944 Zulu. Word on the street: Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zip. Nichevo.
  3. 6.11.07 1825 zulu. Status/updates of any substance: Zilch. Nada. Zip. Nichevo (for the 1C folks - I can't type the cyrillic text here)
  4. This is absurd. I'm the real idiot. I spent $123 on this...*thing* - bought the game TWICE (gave it away the first time as unplayable) and then bought again because I read and believed the untrue statements put here by we all know who in the now Orwelian post which has been edited (as if it appeared in Pravda) that said in no uncertain terms that the patch would be out by the end of the month. Sheesh. Believe me, the money to me isn't the issue. It's the flat out untruths told here, and the fact that I've been so gullible as to believe what was said by a guy "selling" for BFC. Spare me the get it right stuff (does that really need to be said...shouldn't it be implied?) and just lets get someone from BF, from whom I've bought plenty of great games before, to actually come give an update. It takes no time to post something. Yet, we hear nothing. Stunner that 1C is involved. Really. Or something. Sure, the answer may be that BFC shouldn't have said "by the end of the month" but they did, and now another $63 (on top of the prior $60) later it really irks me not only that they said it about the patch and I believed it, but that now it's just gone, as if it was "unsaid" because its not there anymore and we're imagining our memories of actually reading it. [ June 09, 2007, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: dfritch ]
  5. IL2 engine = They always know where you are (like in IL2, clouds mean nothing to the tie fighter AI)
  6. Yeah. I've actually got that in the budget for June though. I haven't fessed up yet to this dumb, dumb act on the SHQ board.
  7. I'm pretty sure it was edited out or removed. It'd be nice if the BFC person who wrote it would make an appearance and fess up and at least give us an update. I've been looking for it too, but whatever they say, we all know it was there. I'm really a sucker: I bought this one, gave it away, and got suckered AGAIN by the patch by end of the month speech and BOUGHT IT AGAIN. I've now paid $123 for this...thing (that's as pleasant as I can put it). Yes, $123. $60 the first time and $63 the second. So needless to say, I'm really ticked that I believed these folks. As Costanza said, "a little respect, please, for I am lord of the idiots."
  8. Promises Promises. I guess there are still several hours before it's no longer May on any single spot on the globe. [ May 31, 2007, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: dfritch ]
  9. Anyone get an answer to the question re the "by the end of the month" promise?? Bueller?
  10. Thanks. Still no eLicense control panel, but adding the switch to the .exe worked.
  11. Martin, how do I do that? I'm looking for the unlicense option and don't see it or the "eLicense Control" folder that I've had in the past. Thanks!!
  12. Hello, can I unlicense TOW so I can give my copy to a friend? It's not my cup of tea. With other eLicense titles I've had in the past (OOTP Baseball, etc.) you could "unlicense" your copy and have the license available to be reinstalled then. Thanks!
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