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Everything posted by noob

  1. I think changing scotch to crotch would work well :- )
  2. In PzC you can use the assault function to resolve small contacts. However i think that sometimes the results do not correlate well with what one would expect from an equivalent CM battle, so i intend to experiment with the assault values of units to try and get a better fit.
  3. Yes, it has been created using the Osprey book about the battle, however, as i have removed some artillery that was present, it should be regarded as semi historical.
  4. Below is a screenshot of a small Panzer Campaigns Normandy '44 (PzC N44) scenario that i have created. The scenario covers the combat on the outskirts of Caen on the 7th June 1944. The battle is seven turns long, starting at 08:00 hours, and ending at 24:00 hours, with each turn representing 2 hours real time, and each hex representing one square kilometre. The Allies are attacking North to South, with the objectives being the villages of Buron and Authie. This operation is a test of the system i have created to use PzC N44 as an operational layer for CMBN. I will post two threads on this forum. One will represent the Allied HQ, one the Axis HQ. In each thread i will post a screenshot showing the deployment of the forces, and an identification key. The operation is open to all members, so anyone that wants to play a side must look only at their sides HQ thread to maintain FOW. Before the Allies perform their operational movement and firing, I will provide them with screenshots showing the reachable hexes for any unit, and the visible hexes from any hex requested. The Allies will perform their operational movement and firing first. I will provide screenshots showing the reachable hexes for any unit, and the visible hexes from any hex as requested. Once this has been done, the Allies can then decide on a plan of attack. Once a plan has been decided, it will be communicated to me using diagrams or text. If there is a conflict over different plans, a vote can be taken, with me casting the deciding vote in the case of a tie. After the movement and firing phase, any units adjacent to an enemy unit may initiate an assault, thus creating a CM battle. I want the players with the highest turn rates to fight the CM battles, with a minimum turn rate of seven CM turns a week. Anyone wishing to participate please answer this thread with the side you want to play, and your CM turn rate if you want to fight any operational CM battles that occur. Players that fight operational CM battles will be required to create an AAR in their teams HQ thread.
  5. I will be supplying a demo version of PzC Normandy '44 containing the scenario i have made, along with two 2000 x 2000m maps from Rocko's Caen map project representing the villages of Buron and Authie. I am also in the process of editing the whole PzC Normandy '44 OOB to conform to CM foot unit headcounts. This modified PzC OOB file will be attached to the relevant page in the "how to" guide. I will also attach an edited PzC parameter data file, so that anyone with a copy of PzC Normandy can just load both files and convert PzC to the CMPzC.
  6. I'm going to run an "open to all comers" operation on the CMBN forum. I will create two threads, one Allied, and one Axis. Each thread will show screenshots of each sides starting deployment in a small semi historical PzC scenario i have made. Once the participants have decided which side to play, i want them to put forward plans of attack that i will translate to the PzC game. If there are conflicting plans of attack team will have to vote on which to implement, if a decision cannot be made, i will decide which plan is used. I will then post updated screenshots of the new positions after each operational turn. When a CM battle is created, i want players that have high turn rates to fight them, and post the AAR's on their sides thread. I will post an introduction thread in the next few days, describing the scenario, and showing the operational hex map.
  7. I'm glad you like the system, i will be posting my own AAR in the next few days as a demo of how CMPzC works.
  8. I was forced to keep updating, as more and more revisions needed to be applied as the system was tested. Every possible situation needed a rule. Therefore i decided to shut it down until i had a version that i felt was the best i could possibly come up with. This version i am satisfied with, it may need some tweaking, but the basics are sound IMO.
  9. I have just had an email from Fizou about the CMPzC AAR posted in this forum, and it was all down to a misunderstanding. Fizou had mentioned posting a proposal for a CMPzC AAR teaser in a thread i had posted on, and he assumed i had read it, and therefore tacitly approved it. I am currently producing the operational starting deployment AAR screenshots for a CMPzC Normandy 44 operation i am going to run on the CMBN forum.
  10. I have just had an email from Fizou about the CMPzC AAR posted in the CMFI forum, and it was all down to a misunderstanding. Fizou had mentioned posting a proposal for a CMPzC AAR teaser in a thread i had posted on, and he assumed i had read it, and therefore tacitly approved it. I am currently producing the operational starting deployment AAR screenshots for a CMPzC Normandy 44 operation i am going to run on the CMBN forum, so watch this space.
  11. Please refer to the same thread on the CMBN forum for information on updates and revisions to the guide.
  12. I have added more to the section entitled Combat Mission / Map Set Up.
  13. Please post further responses to this thread on the same thread at the CMBN forum.
  14. After running two test operations using CMPzC, it became apparent that if others are going to use the system, one has to have a rule for every possible event that can occur in a PzC game. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
  15. I would never use these settings in a CMPzC game, they increase the amount of emails to be sent threefold, and also reduce flexibility, as they compartmentalise actions, thus forcing players to have to perform all movements before being able to fire. Using the alternative settings in my guide allows players to perform all movement and firing without sending any emails before the assault phase.
  16. I did, Kuderian asked me a few months ago, and i told him i wanted to be the one who decided how and when the system was presented, so i just assumed that it would never happen unless i gave permission. If Kuderian never told Fizou, then he was presumptious, but not underhanded.
  17. Because Fizou has published an AAR using an inferior version of my system for using PzC as the operational layer for CM, i have been forced to present this "how to" guide before i have finished it. It is very close to completion, and i will point out any additions as i make them. So before people get used to the inferior version of my system, i am presenting the official version that i have been working on with the help of Poesel, Kuderian, Fizou, Eric Cole and others who have play tested various versions, and helped modify the rules. Presenting this publicly will also allow forum members to ask questions, and hopefully iron out any wrinkles. Here is the link to the website containing the guide: https://sites.google.com/site/cmpzcoperations/
  18. Because Fizou has published an AAR using an inferior version of my system for using PzC as the operational layer for CM, i have been forced to present this "how to" guide before i have finished it. It is very close to completion, and i will point out any additions as i make them. So before people get used to the inferior version of my system, i am presenting the official version that i have been working on with the help of Poesel, Kuderian, Fizou, Eric Cole and others who have play tested various versions and helped modify the rules. Presenting this publicly will also allow forum members to ask questions, and hopefully iron out any wrinkles. Here is the link to the website containing the guide: https://sites.google.com/site/cmpzcoperations/
  19. I just want to point out that i have asked Fizou to stop this AAR, as i did not give permission for him to publish any part of my system, or present the concept. The optional rules and tables that are shown have been modified, so effectively what you are seeing is an inferior representation of my project and should be ignored. I will be publishing the finished manual in the next few weeks, and then i will be running an operation on this forum to demonstrate the system. This premature release in my opinion is only going to confuse players and create misconceptions about the official version, also it's stealing my thunder, and considering i've been working on a way of splicing together PzC with CM for two years now, you can imaging how pissed i am at discovering this thread.
  20. If you log into Battlefront.com and go to "My Account", you will see a list of the games you have purchased. Click on "view" to see the purchase order of the game, and there you will find the license key.
  21. I have been trying the same sort of tactic with PIAT's. The reason being that they are designed for firing prone, so it seemed remiss to force them to kneel. The logical next step is to put them in crops. The only problem with PIAT's however is that against tanks they usually have to hit multiple times, which allows them to be spotted. So they need to be regarded as suicide AT troops in such terrain, however, one tank kill at a cost of one PIAT is a good trade off. Shrek's on the other hand are better used kneeling, and the fact that they can kill with one hit means a better chance of relocation and thus survival. This means they definitely need to be hidden in crops, especially since potentially good hedge locations usually attract area fire from seasoned players. I played this scenario recently as the Axis, and found it difficult to bring them to bear the traditional way, so i think this is going to be a standard practice for me in future, great idea sfhand. p.s. One more advantage of deploying shreks in crops rather than hedges is that a field has so much more surface area than a hedge, so more places to hide.
  22. Grenades are thrown by the AI when enemy units get within 30m, so i would use that as a guide to the maximum range.
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