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Everything posted by reiver

  1. As a point of etiquette I think it is only polite that when you believe you have "blown it" that you should offer your opponent the option to play it out or your surrender. It can be quite entertaining making victory as arduos as possible for your opponent.
  2. I liked the movie, George C Scott is a good actor, Patton a great General. I also enjoyed a Bridge too Far and was always amused at the Runstedt - Model discussion about who was the best Allied General.
  3. October 5th 1941 The Axis juggernaught continues to spread its evil across Europe – in Spain Madrid is taken, USSR Kiev falls and is burned to the ground to offer no shelter to the Hitlerite invaders, the Middle East cannot last much longer and Malta continues to be bombarded. Soviet forces have formed a new defence line from Riga thru Smolensk and Kharkov to the Crimea – we pray that it will hold. The 1st Guards Tank Army swings into Finland and engages Finnish forces North of Leningrad. Soviet cruisers surprise German transports North of Stockholm, inflicting considerable damage, however a German surface group centred on Gneisenau and supported by U-Boats takes its toll. Reiver
  4. September 7th 1941 Madrid holds out against 2 German Panzergruppen an Army and a Corps, Spains IV Corp attempt to releive Madrid from SE bogs down against experienced German troops. Malta is again reinforced. Middle East is standing by to be overun – orders are to fight to the death. USSR reels from Barbarossa, heavy losses taken. Hastily formed Corp sized units are strung along a new defensive line running from Riga to Crimea. In the North Soviet forces launch a preventative strike on the Finns. Reiver PS I was really hungover this morning - need to get to bed earlier!
  5. Must stop drinking on School Nights
  6. USSR & Spain DOW'd on same turn - Arngrim has got a pair of brass ones! RAF continue bombing Europe. Looking bad in Middle East. Reiver
  7. USSR & Spain DOW'd on same turn - Arngrim has got a pair of brass ones! RAF continue bombing Europe. Looking bad in Middle East. Reiver
  8. July 27th 1941 Free French Air wiped out by the JU 87's, BF109's and ME 110's of Afrika Corps supporting Luftwaffe units. Not so good. Looking forward to receiving the help of the USSR soon, SOON I mean REALLY SOON!!! Bomber Command continue area bombing parts of Northern Europe. Reiver
  9. Nothing happening - as Arngrim said in his last e-mail a storm is brewing. Reiver
  10. June 29th 1941 Situation remains same in Mediterranean. Meanwhile RAF Bomber Command comenced its first strategic bombing operations of the war against industrial targets in Belgium. Losses were light and it was reported that industrial output in target area was reduced to 50% cpacity. Reiver
  11. June 15th 1941 Mediterannean Stalemate. Reiver
  12. April 27th 1941 Axis forces recomence operations against Middle East - Allied forces there receive replacements. Italian submarine a few hexes from Gibraltar gets hit by Allied Naval Air. Reiver
  13. April 27th 1941 Malta holds fast Not much else happening. Reiver
  14. March 30th 1941 Pro-Allied Coup in Yugoslavia – looks like Axis were poised to strike in Balkans. Support for War grows in USSR with 71% in favour, in USA the pro war lobby are gaining ground with 57% in favour. President Roosevelt needs something to bring the public with him – losing a few destroyers in the Atlantic is not enough yet. Malta still under sustained bombardment, reinforcements for the garrison are snuck in. In the Middle East British, Canadian and French forces await next Axis conquest attempt. Reiver
  15. March 2nd 1941 Italian IV Corps blunders around desert and gets wiped out by my Canadians. I attack the Caio Duilio with a carrier strike in vicinity of Gibraltar and hurt it good! That’s it for the Allies this turn but…. I GOT THREE TECH UP-GRADES I GOT THREE TECH UP-GRADES I GOT THREE TECH UP-GRADES I GOT THREE TECH UP-GRADES AND YOU’LL JUST HAVE TO GUESS THEM! Reiver
  16. Early December 1940 (I think) That Corps survives at 10% strength - bollocks or what! C in C Middle East is perplexed. Pity about Algeirs. Reiver
  17. November 24th 1940 Algiers is now under constant attack from Italian XXIV Corp and 2 battleships – reinforced back up to 80%. Coast watchers sight Italian transports to West of Algiers believed to be elements of Italian 1st Army. In Middle Eastern theatre 1st Canadian Army and 3rd Free French arrive after a lengthy trip around the Cape. The Italian IV Corp is battered down to 10% strength by a mixture of Free French, Vichy French and Canadians (I wonder if they were French too – Napoleon would be proud of the 2nd battle of the Nile) Reuters: international diplomacy …despite UK efforts less than half of US population were in favour of war according to recent Moray Pole, no statistics are available for USSR, however it is believed that there is more widespread support for the British Empire’s war against the “Axis of Evil” than in USA. Irony! Reiver….over and out! :cool:
  18. Hey I'm not a junior member anymore!
  19. Jersey Its that horrible feeling when you know that you have really fouled up and youve just got to wait for the next turn to see how bad. Thanks for the empathy, Reiver
  20. October 27th 1940 Royal Navy suffers worst defeat.....ever? Western Med is now an Italian lake. An Italian Army is wiped out by the Free French at Suez. Reiver
  21. That might be an erroneous date above - I think more likely that its still September 1940. Apologies Reiver
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