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Posts posted by Sequoia

  1. I inquired on Board Game Geek Wargamers area and got this reply so far:


    "In about 1981 or maybe 1982, I was the S-4 of 1-34 Armor and we deployed as a part of REFORGER and drew a POMCUS set. The set of equipment was well maintained and we had no real problems during the draw, operations, or turn in. The equipment or at least some, of the equipment was not new. I remember looking at tank serial numbers - I don't remember if I had to sign verify the serial numbers of the equipment I was signing for or not - but I essentially signed for a tank battalion, one each complete. At least one of the serial numbers seemed to me to be one of the M60A1 Rise Passive tanks I had been signed for as a tank and cavalry platoon leader in 1/11 ACR. As I was leaving the 11th ACR just as we were getting the first generation of M60A3s (laser range finder, but no thermal sights), it makes sense that the tanks, only about 18 months old, would be put into POMCUS. As I recall, POMCUS sites were periodically updated, but were not necessarily the most recent tanks fielded."

  2. Hey, we need something to take on the ASU 85s !  :)

    I want to say I appreciate that Battlefront includes second line material in their hypothetical subject families. To me the biggest stretch was the Canadian Leopard I in Shock Force. Had the Syrian War in Shock Force been a reality, I still can't see any way Canada would ship its Leopard I's to participate in that campaign.

    P.S. Do I recall correctly Shock Force Canadians also had M109s that would have had to been taken out of reserve storage to be used?

  3. Thanks for the links guys. Part of the reason I was wondering was if the sites had older equipment we'd have even more reason for the M48s. Maybe even Sheridans were still in storage there for the 3rd ACR. Not that I'm trying to argue to include Sheridans this late in the development.

  4. I'm not saying you can't put down any wishes you like, but Battlefront's emphasis, since the new generation started with Shock Force I, on what gets put in a family is one of depth, not breadth    I can't see any modules outside the '79 to 82' time frame, and the only possibility I could see of a module set outside of Central Europe is maybe, maybe, northern Norway so the USMC could be included. Just my 2 cents.

    That aside I've heard the CM:Afghanistan game offers a lot of great game play just the way it is now. I doubt they'll ever update it. We were fortunate Shock Force got updated.

  5. Just curious for those in the know. My understanding is the US had motor pools of vehicles in West Germany aka POMCUS sites just awaiting whole units of troops to be flown over should the balloon go up. Could someone elaborate on that or point me to a link beyond what I find a Wikipedia please? I'm curious about if the stored vehicles were old or new and exactly how they were stored. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a wide variety. Any sources on inventory by year? I know that's asking a lot.



  6. I'm no armor expert but it seems as if this light tank fell out of the Soviet TO&E shortly after our time frame. There aren't any in Shock Force either in the Syrian Army. Was it a dog?

  7. IMHO what was done with the choice of the time period was perfect as it allows us to experience the transformation between '79 and '82,  when material factors switched. It was also not too far into the 80's during which a US build up numerically occurred, especially with the Navy which is an important factor. If the Soviets were going to go for it, they would have done so before the mid to late '80s.

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