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Everything posted by DesertFox

  1. I don´t think Erdo will make it. But before tomorrow morning we wont know.
  2. Correct! The main gun is the NATO 105-L7 as in the Leopard 1s or M60s. More details here: M-55S - The Upgraded T-55 Sent to Ukraine - Tank Historia
  3. Yeah I saw that, but maybe it is little surprise in the waiting. Time will tell.
  4. Hope it is not a typo. More Leo2 for Ukraine.
  5. Meanwhile at Dachi on the southern side of the Dnjpro.
  6. This might be a hint for the black sea fleet:
  7. The other side of the medal. Allegedly ukrainian ammo or fuel dump at Khmelnytskyy destroyed: Edit: Might have been old soviet ballistic rockets and their fuel stocks
  8. Found this map-site helpful to keep track of the Bakhmut situation. Some of you might know that site already: The War in Ukraine : Scribble Maps And a tweet about the actual situation:
  9. Ugh, sorry I missed that. Looked up about the AIM-120 AMRAAM. Impressive! Yes I know wikipedia, jada jada, nevertheless 160km is impressive! The AIM-120D is an upgraded[when?] version of the AMRAAM with improvements in almost all areas, including 50% greater range (than the already-extended range AIM-120C-7) and better guidance over its entire flight envelope yielding an improved kill probability (Pk). Raytheon began testing the D model on August 5, 2008, the company reported that an AIM-120D launched from an F/A-18F Super Hornet passed within lethal distance of a QF-4 target drone at the White Sands Missile Range.[37] The range of the AIM-120D is classified, but is thought to extend to about 100 miles (160 km).[38] AIM-120 AMRAAM - Wikipedia
  10. Rare Mi-8 and now even more rare...BTW if understood that correctly then the location of the Mi-8 crashsite is about 50km distance from the ukrainian border. Makes you wonder what got him?
  11. Some heck of smoking going on beneath that bridge...
  12. Perhaps 4 and the day isn´t over yet. Maybe someone hacked their IFF System. Who knows?
  13. Not that I had any doubt, but now we have proof. Storm Shadow for the win! https://twitter.com/JimmySecUK/status/1657323371812601858?s=20 https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1657020349479809025?s=20
  14. Among other things, Pistorius seems to have made a change. Finally!
  15. Not really a pro, however...There were 5-7 guys crawling out of that bunker at the end of the vid which tells me that bunker was constructed with grenade/splintercover inside (as it should be), basically a bent of the slittrench after the entrance with ideally a firingslit to aim at the entrance. Now imagine what would happen if you storm the bunker 1 sec after the grenade right in front of the splintercover detonated in the entrance area of the bunker. Really not a good idea. You need something with more "Oomp" than a handgrenade fired or thrown into the entrance which really drives the rats out,
  16. Still rumors, but I guess we will learn soon:
  17. Russian held northern part of Bakhmut. Much smoking going on there...
  18. So there are two impact sites? Very good. Doublestrike!
  19. Yes. That and their logistics hub in Melitopol. I guess we are right now in the beginning phase of the ouverture to something bigger.
  20. Good impressions of the impact site in Luhansk
  21. This is interesting. MALD decoys used parallel to the Storm Shadow strike in Luhansk? MALD Decoy | Raytheon Missiles & Defense (raytheonmissilesanddefense.com)
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