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Everything posted by DesertFox

  1. AFAIK UKR only has 5 out of 35 new brigades in the fight. We are not there yet.
  2. Hmm, I guess someone is pulling a leg, a pegleg...
  3. Mosquitos vs moskovites...could make for an interesting Quentin Tarantino flic...
  4. Haven't seen any footage in the field yet. Just this one on transport:
  5. Left of the Dnipro, downstream the dam - they have to pay for this
  6. If you go into an enemy trench you kill everything which isn't making it very clear that it wants to surrender. This is no video game. And if you are on a command operation you don't even take prisoners if that would jeopardize the operation. Trenches look very clean. I wouldn't be surprised if this is an HQ structure somewhere back of first line.
  7. That was really lucky, I guess. The crew can celebrate a 2nd birthday party.
  8. Good news, but if they really operate 10 klicks behind the bomb-line then it will be a while until we'll see some evidence.
  9. Storm shadow strike on ammo depot this morning is now geoconfirmed. I guess after 6 hours of constant explosions the village is no more...
  10. My bet would be there is only talk between Poland and Israel. Poland takes the 200 Merkavas and sents 200 tanks out of their arsenal to Ukraine. I don't see Israel allowing Ukraine to use Merkavas. However we will know for sure once the deal is fixed.
  11. Correct. We have already seen other higher ranked ex-military figures been completely off or following an agenda. MacGregor or the german ex-General Vad to name only a few. This is also a war about dominance in the information space.
  12. Thats why I advise to judge his output on the merit of its quality. Every online figure on twitter or youtube has to. They all are after earning money with their accounts. Hence all of them have an agenda, this way or the other.
  13. Here: Hes no noname. Ex Seal Team Six Squad Leader. But remaining skeptical until confirmed by other sources is always advisable.
  14. Exactly. Enforcing a No-Fly zone up to 50 klicks beyond the bomb-line by look-down/shoot-down capability would be perfect. But we are not there yet.
  15. Would love to see a deal, giving them the phased out Chally 1s from Jordan. They have aprox 400 of them.
  16. Nice one. I guess they have some new tools to play with
  17. Looks like you nearly can walk on foot from Nikopol to ZNPP now:
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