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Posts posted by Aces_and_8's

  1. Originally posted by Dave H:

    All you maggots waiting for turns from me, please accept my humble apologies. My wife and I met for two grueling hours with a Financial Planner last night. There are few things so numbing as listening to someone go on about life insurance, investment income, and so on and so on. Especially when her calculations were incorrect to begin with. Fortunately, after putting up with you maggots, this particular purgatory didn't seem too terrible, but it put me right out of the mood for starting any CM turns. It's true, I did spend some time in the relatively mindless Fiefdom. I think my brain had already shut down by then. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    It took two hours to tell you that you're broke and will be living the remainder of your sad life out in a cardboard box??? Sheesh.
  2. Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    Which just goes to show how screwed up your clocks are - it's actualy 7.40pm, you've had the turn for an hour already, and havev you got it back to me???!!

    Like heck!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Just for that I'm gonna sod off and spend the rest of the night dancing with a bunch of good looking women :D

    Oh...well then. Break a leg. No, really, break one (two being optimal, but one acceptable)...please!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Aces n Eights are you REALLY suggesting that you'd take out an entire hotel just to get me? Granted I'm worth it, but I do think you'd get too much political fallout ... oh but wait, you were talking about MrSpkr's plan ... well the bad publicity could hardly hurt HIS reputation could it.



    *Puts on lab coat and begins scribbling furiously*

    Lawyer x Bad publicity=???

    - Now we assign a value of 0 to the lawyer (as we all know they are universally 0's; think its a law or somefink)

    - Now assign a...uhm...-6000 to the value of bad publicity, I mean this is really bad...so bad its...er...super bad, or sad for short...yeah that's it!

    So: 0 x -6000 =

    Weeeel, imagine that...you're correct, no appreciable effect whatsoever, he's still a...

    zer<font size=+5>0</font>


  4. Originally posted by Wallybob:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

    Somebody send me a setup or I will send them one.

    Hokay, if nothing else other than for the fact that your sig is a slam at the combat arm of decision, SEND ME A SETUP, MAGGOT!

    Crunch, crunch, crunch, what's that sound?

    Grunts in my sprockets goin' round and round.

    M60-A3, M1IP, M1A1, M1A1(HA) </font>


    <font size=+2>MAAAAAGGGGOOOOTTTSSSS!!!</font> :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Somebody send me a setup or I will send them one. All three puss-lickers I currently have PBEMS with, return turns slower than molasses running uphill on a cold winters morn. :mad: Yes!!! that includes you Mike or Commie Phallic Symbol or whatever other nomme de guerre you go by. :mad: And dont give me that crap about being a day ahead so I'm actually the one behind, it makes my head hurt working through the logic! BTW, I never realized shooting a MkII in the fender would result in a catastrophic kill. Fenders as a critical vulnerability was not in the feckin notes!!! I suppose though, that everything on the Mk II is wafer thin and prone to exploding spectacularly. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    BTW Kitty, hope mom gets to feeling better soonest.

  6. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

    kinda like asking you to walk and chew bubble gum.


    You have wounded me, Sirrah! The dreaded "walking and chewing gum at the same time" insult leaves large scars! I had no idea your wit ran so deep! Long must you have toiled over the precise wording and punctuation to be sure your barb lodged securely and I was well fix'd upon the point!

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... </font>

  7. Originally posted by Mike:

    and finaly, but by no means least, Aces & Ates - how you enjoying your small place now huh??!! You like those 76mm TNT filled packages coming your way? Well? Do ya' punk??? :mad: :mad: <big>bwah ha ha ha.......ha ha ha ha .........</big>

    Mike, ya gamey bastiche, picking on my poor little Mk IIs with T-34s...Uhp, what was that? A shadow passing overhead? Ask not for whom the <font size=+3>Stuka</font> <Font size=+3>tolls!!!</font> :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Originally posted by Sokal:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

    Supposedly the Germans shot the face off the Lion of Babylon, least that's what the tour guide told us.

    There are lions on the Ishtar Gate of Babylon (or Nineveh maybe?). I think there was a reconstruction of the gate in Berlin before WWII. Perhaps your tour guide meant to say the Germans had reconstructed the Lion Gate rather than blown the face off the lion (which sounds like the story of the French and the Great Sphinx at Giza). </font>
  9. Originally posted by dalem:

    I gots no job - somebody send me a setup.

    Why sure you do...Official Seanachai Sidekick isnt it? You are Boo Boo to his Yogi, Gracey to his George, Costello to his Abbot, Godzookie to his Godzilla, etc...as a matter of fact, you should march over to his residence and demand payment for services as the straight man, or slightly bent man...Whatever the case may be.

    [ February 09, 2004, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Aces_and_8's ]

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