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Johnny Canuck

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Posts posted by Johnny Canuck

  1. RT in CMBN is possible, but not pauseable.

    So, yes there is RT, but no, you can not pause it. Across a LAN, you can go direct, and across a WAN, I'd use Hamachi.

    Then, of course, there's Firewall issues.

    Battlefront have done a great job in requiring the most 3rd party services (such as forums for finding games, email, Dropbox, Hamachi, etc) of any multi-player game I've seen.

  2. I have been asking Scenario designers to do this since release day.They don't listen,well most of them don't listen.I just install and hope for the best,sometimes I need to move a File or two,but something in the description to tell us whether it's a Scenario or a Campaign would be real cool.

    Ideally, the web site owner could add a select field called 'Type', which could have values of 'Mod', 'Scenario', 'Campaign', etc. When a user submits a scenario, they could select the 'Type' field as part of the upload process.

    Of course, it's up to uploaders to provide adequate documentation either way. Too bad many don't.

  3. Well, that worked out quite nicely as a proof of concept:



    I can add/change fields, sort on any of the fields and filter the values in them. As far as I'm concerned, these are things that a decent repository should have. Users can upload scenarios or mods and fill in the data (or choose from a select list) for each of the fields.

    The only problem is that between Scouts and Soccer, my volunteer time is already spoken for. Anyways, there's already a couple of popular scenario/mod warehouses.

    This prototype was accomplished with Drupal 6, Views, CCK, Fivestar and about four hours of getting up to speed again.

  4. It sure would be nice to have a scenario repository with decent filtering and sort capabilities.

    For instance the BF repository at:


    shows ratings and total votes, but can I sort by rating? Doesn't appear so. Can I filter out scenarios with <5 votes? Again, no.

    GreenasJade's repository at:


    has a couple of basic sorts, but that's about it.

    I would love the ability to display scenarios sorted by name with the following filters in place:

    - CMBN

    - 500 - 750 points

    - Greater than 5 votes

    - 4 stars or more

    - 1/5 on a difficulty scale

    Allow people to rate the difficulty and stars. That would be pretty sweet.

    Maybe I'll play with Drupal and CCK/Views in my spare time to see if I can at least prototype something along those lines.

  5. In my case, I:

    1) Took a copy of Veins TerrainDesaturation as found at http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1164

    The reason I use his mod is that it limits the number of files I need to edit

    2) Unzipped it and moved the .brz file to 'Mod Tools\RezExplode\input'.

    3) Ran RezExplode.exe.

    4) Loaded up Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge (CS5 - which I bought via a course I was taking).

    5) Opened the 'Mod Tools\RexExplode\exploded' directory with Adobe Bridge (their file manager).

    6) For most of the .bmp files in the various subdirectories that were larger than 16x16, I added a grid using the technique found at http://www.bluesfear.com/tutorials/Grid.htm.

    6a) For the 1024x1024 and 512x512 files I used a 128x128 grid. The 64x64 and 32x32 files just had a black grid line on the left and top edges. None for the 16x16 files.

    7) Once I edited all the files, I then moved them 'RezPack\input' and ran RezPack.exe.

    8) I then renamed and moved the resultant packed file to 'Data\Z'.

    I think there are other files not included in the mod that could also be changed, so this would be a work in progress.

  6. Yeh, me too been on it for a few months now from when is was a beta version.

    Does get a bit "samey" after awhile but good mindless fun. Would be awesome to play in a team rather with random participants.

    I'm a member of a clan and we've got 21 peeps that play the WoT off and on. Members that have a premium account form up platoons, and we get on teamspeak to taunt each other. Loads of fun. Feel free to look me/us up at www.dpguild.net.

    We actually started up when Return to Castle Wolfenstein was released, so we've been around for a while.

  7. so i guess no help for kidd?

    I would either find a local technical guru to help out or find a remote technical guru and have them examine your desktop using something along the lines of Teamviewer.

    Really, the problem can be any one of a thousand things, and without access to your Desktop, would be saviours are just firing in the dark.

    Oh, and did you try setting up a VPN using Hamachi?

    Oh, and your new workstation probably has a different IP address than the old one. Did you re-program your router to point any traffic for port 7023 to the IP address of your new workstation?

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