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Everything posted by SuperBadAssSweetDaddyMayhugh

  1. I have to say I also am impressed with the sounds of all three CM games. When I was first introduced to them three years ago, I didnt know about the voice sounds and had my speakers turned down. It was the middle of the night and my first time playing it. All of a sudden during one of the Action Phases, I heard someone saying, "Got it Sarge!" and stuff like "Over Here!" You can imagine how it scared the crapola out of me. But I must say this latest edition really really impressed me. It was very nice to hear voices I understood again (my Russian and German is a little rusty). Oh BTW Matt, say hi to your bro for me, he knows me and introduced me to CM, I was one of his students. Keep up the Good Work! :cool:
  2. Oh. I thought we could use armor to crush infantry in CMAK. </font>
  3. Hmmm, ive spotted regular mines before without predetonation. Whenever i see a place where i would put mines i just send an engineer squad and see if they can sniff em out.
  4. My experience with arty against tanks has not been too good. Most of the time, it was in an engagement where I was holding a small area against a horde of Germans/Russians, and i used the arty against them as a last resort. I did manage to blow up a T-34/85 once with a DIRECT hit. Blew up quite nicely. But, that is a rarity. If you got nothing else, use it. But if its a choice between firing on a couple tanks, or that nice battalion of infantry slowly marching across the plain.....
  5. The only way I ever discovered mine (without running over them of course ) was to have an engineer squad approach at "Sneak" Most of the time they will detect them. Then they use their explosives to blow em up. Cool sight to see. Hope this helps.
  6. When i first recieved CMBB, i had a 1.2 gig processor and a 16Mb vid card. It was unbearable slow, felt like playing in slow motion. I went out and bought a 64 MB vid card, no problems now. Works great.
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