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Everything posted by imported_mike_the_wino2

  1. Per request, set-up sent to Lars. Seems like a nice enough lad. Drinks his fair share and might pose a challenge as I "probe" him over the next couple of weeks. I would hate him more but he harkens from Minnesota and Gawd knows Vikings fans have suffered enough over the years. I may take to hating him later, what with the "Rune" scenario suggestion and all. As it stands I will write it off as too much hooch and not enough proper spirits. I will endeavor to make milady, Y2K proud. Failing that I will fetch bottles from the cellar until such time she quits kicking me with pointy shoes.
  2. The door of Pool wine cellar swings open. In wafts the foul stench of dank and darkness that it produces...accented by hiccups. Suddenly, a figure lurches through the door, stumbling, the figure braces itself in the doorway, the aroma of alcohol exuding from the figure, filling the room. Sheeeshshhsh, dem's a lot of bottles down there. I have completed my inventory of the cellar..in a pocket...somewhere... With one hand bracing itself in the doorway, the liquor-soaked figure attempts to check all of it's pockets... *hiccup* Damn, it must still be down there. Have to check that later. There were some questionable vintages which I dispatched directly in the name of the fair lady, Y2K. But I did bring the lady a nice Syrah with bright, forward fruit for her to enjoy. Should that fail to please, here is a hearty Cabernet Sauvignon to warm her heart in this drab and dreary place. Lurching forward the figure stumbles to his knees,almost dropping the two bottles precariously nestled in his left arm For the lady. Leaning over to bow upsets the last of the equilibrium and the figure tumbles to the ground. Sprawled face first, the only sign of life is heavy breathing and.... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZ editted cuz wine will do that to you...beer too...and scotch. Trust me, I have done extensive testing on these matters. [ September 10, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_squire ]
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