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Posts posted by tagge

  1. I presume Tagge, you had enough left for an assault on the objective building? To completely school me, how did you manage that final push?

    By force, luck and (what we in Finland call) "sisu"...

    The clock was ticking so I had to push on. Not much finesse in those last moves. Unfortunately I have deleted those last game saves so no screenshots available. No big thing, I just play it again I thought. Yeah, right...

    I used my own Great Plan and everything went just fine and by the book until the 15th turn when I started the final assault from the cemetary towards the flaghouse. Then manure really started to hit the fan.

    The AT-gun that I thought was out of comission woke up to life and instantly opened up the tincan that used to be my tank. The russian spotter hiding in the house that I stupidly had ignored sent an most impressingly accurate bombardement right in the middle of my infantry troops in the graveyard (very convinient I now realise) where they waited for the "Go!" command. Furthermore CO "Batman" and DP "Robin" arose yet again to completely new dimensions of heroism when they kept back almost the whole B-company and delayed their envolvement in The Final Push. Long story short...

    Despite the whole Murphys Lawbook listings of things that can go wrong I managed to squeeze a minor victory out of the disaster. And got the flag too this time! I think this just shows that this is one tough battle and should be taken very seriously every time ;-)

    Below is the screenshot of turn 25. Just follow the arrow...

    PS Does the Stelth +1 count only when your squad(s) in question are sneaking?


  2. Tagge, excellent AAR, yes the CO is a complete pain, even with a T-26 parked 25 metres away a crack sniper engaging and two supporting platoons covering, the super-captain and his DP sidekick staved off two seperate assaults from veteran/average troops.

    Thanks! And yes, that russian CO & DP duo is hilarious. My tank (at almost point blank), a Maxim MG, two platoons and several HQ's unleashed a firestorm upon them for several turns with no effect whatsoever. Truly amazing, maybe he was Rambos russian ancestor...

  3. Thanks!

    Putting that Maxim MG in the house at the left really paid off. It almost single-handedly suppressed the enemy at the left flank end kept they’re house-to-house advancing troops alerted. I didn’t remember the HMG’s being THAT effective, not at least in any PBEM-battles against my friends… J Maybe the Maxim-gunner just had a really good day in Viipuri. OK, it had two sidekicks (the LMG and the sharpshooter) that also performed very well, but you could replace the LMG or the sniper with a second Maxim.

    Laying thick smoke in front of the church was also a very crucial move. Most of the Russians are deployed inside houses and it is, as Heinrich505 pointed out, a rather pointless effort to bombard them. Aiming the fire at the trenches in front and to the right of the cemetery could be a good idea, but I think the smokescreen really sealed the deal and made it possible to advance to the church without too heavy infantry losses.

    Going in from the center (and just a tad to the left of the church) was also one of my more cunning plans. And I mean going in EXACTLY were the arrow is drawn (in the last pic) because then your troops get good cover from the cemetery ground that sinks just enough to create a nice passage through the cemetery.

    When the church is captured you should bring in your tank, or whenever you get a confirmed kill on that nasty anti-tank rifle. The anti-tank gun is not a big threat at any time if you move the tank in from the right side of the church. And remember to keep a Molotov cocktail distance to the Russian squads!

    The approach through the center of the map also means that the single Russian mortar up in the left corner is unemployed and they’re spotter doesn’t have anything to target.

    I agree with Vark that the time limit of 25 turns makes you rush things with means more losses on your side. Maybe 30 turns would be ideal? But then again, war’s like that I guess.

    And yes, it was fun solving it. Although it first seemed hopeless…

  4. viipuri1.jpg


    Viipuri retaken! And a major victory too! The fleeing ruskis still greyed out the flag, but otherwise I'm more than satisfied by the result. This was the third try and I saved/loaded about every fifth turn.

    Seems that the right flank/center weighted approach is the way to go.

    And absolutely the hardest CM-scenario I've ever tried so far.

    Am I now promoted to demi-god status?

  5. I too had to install CMBB again and give it a try. And obviously I'm not a demi-god because my both trys so far failed miserably...

    Yesterday I tried to concentrate my forces on the left side of the map. They got quickly chewed up by russian mortar and arty fire even though I managed to get my troops pretty far up the map in the cover of scatterd trees. And the anti-tankrifle hiding in the church nails my tank every goddamn time no matter how carefully I try to move it to a usefull position.

    I think Vark is on to something. I'll try again today. Maybe this time I'll concentrate my troops to the right edge of the map, lay some smoke with my spotter in front of the church and then a assault the church with a platoon while the rest of my troops areafire the crap out of the church and the trenches to the right of the church. Maybe then I'll get my tank to join the game safely too...

  6. I bought a small program for not a lot of money and it recovered most of my family pics. The trouble is I cannot remember what the program was called ....

    Try a free Linux distro, anything that can boot from a CD. I've saved a few unreadble HD's (according to Win XP) with PC Linux OS for instance.

  7. My pet hate is people who design symmetrical maps or play mirrored and insist that it is "fairer". Somehow the desire to make the game more chesslike is innate in some people and despite a lot of evidence that the Germans have greater weapons, greater purchase options, and cheapness they insist a game will be equal.

    Well I'm one of those people. I like it when the odds are even, chesslike, everything else is up to skill and luck. Lately me and my PBME-mate have had a hard time with Shock Force (trying to get some sort of balance in TO&E). Eagerly waiting for the CM Normandy game as our saviour...

  8. ...or complete crap. I’ll leave the decision to you. Anyway, here goes.

    Sometimes in the editor I find the strategic, tactical and operational map bmp-files too small. It would be cool if you could change the splash screen background pic (the one showing while the mission is loading) in the editor to something fitting for the mission in question, a big ass map or sumefink…

    The background pic is in the gamefiles, I know, but could it be done?

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