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Posts posted by SKELLEN

  1. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    So after lambasting Seanachai for being "a grog" in the CMAK forum, you now come crawling with...

    ....meh, not worth it. Ask yourself how good you would be at hiding WITH A PAIR OF SKIS ON.

    You do know what skis are, yes? Those rather long things outdoor recreationists sometimes attach to the ends of their feet?

    Do you hold grudges against all people who might happen to upset you or someone you know, or do all grogs feel their better than any one else?

    I 'd have thought you could maybe hide skis under the snow as in real life, but if you can't answer a simple question then maybe some other kind and considerate person can.

    And no I don't think I'm better than anyone else and happen to think all men are equal, but what's dished out to me is returned in equal measure and works both ways.

  2. I played a QB against the AI the other night with ski units for the first time, and the first thing I noticed at setup was no hide command, which I thought strange.

    In real life this wouln't be a problem would it, so any advice or info would be vey welcome as always?

    Btw, I did a quick search but I never found anything regarding the hide command for ski units, unless I've overlooked it.

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Deary, deary me! There's nothing like trying to patronize an answer out of people, I've always said!

    Did you see where he called me a halfwit? I like that. Like I'd use that much intellect on someone who pops in to post 'questions for discussion' like someone with a clipboard preparing to grade the answers.

    I'm not after using more than a quarter of my full wit to jump through the flaming poodle hoops of your mighty 'I will set you all a discussion task' thread.

    Oh, how rebellious I feel! Wait till Headmaster SKELLEN (were all the lower case letters busy abusing serfs somewhere, and couldn't shuffle into line in time to make a screenname?), finds out that I've not only forgotten how to bob my head in an appropriately obsequious manner, but that I'm not even wearing clean undewear on my head while I'm bobbing!

    The shame! I imagine a letter home will follow. But I will persevere in my error and pride, be it ever so egregious, and not jump about like a frog before a concert master's baton (improbable image that it is) simply because some bugger sets a topic and then, er, 'invites' us to debate it.

    Also, I was primarily after abusing Grog Dorosh, which is simply a good thing in and of itself, and needs justifying to no man. Certainly not any man that's had to read a significant portion of his freaking thousands of posts, and I have.

  4. Originally posted by s3333cr333tz:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />As to having twelve man squads, it's probably not going to happen for sure as no home computer is powerful enough and I understand this, but I'm sure most people only want to see changes that are possible and understand the limits of todays computers.

    This is simply untrue. Perhaps if you sold that 486dx and got yourself a 2ghz+ cpu, I hear they cost about 150 dollars now. We also don't use whale blubber for lamps, welcome to today.


  5. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Shut the feck up!

    I can resolve this idiotic argument in moments, moments, do you hear me, you halfwit bastards?!

    I can resolve it this easily. What have any one of you luckless, pointless, worthlessly astray sons of fecking bitches to show for whatever it is you want to make a point of?

    Eh? Oooo, look! Your socks are down around your ankles!

  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    What the hell do you want, Skellen, for the tooth fairy to come down and hold your hand and tell you she really exists? You answered your own questions then got pissed when no one took you seriously.

    CMX2 is all talk so far and will be for at least two years, if BFC is to be believed.

    Can you predict what will be out on the market in two years? I don't think any of us can. But if CMX2 holds to the same schedule that the CM line has, it will likely be obsolete as soon as it is out the door. CMBOs graphics were not up to current standards at that time, and while CMBB and CMAK were improvements, they lag far behind - stuff like non-rotating wheels and really bad collision detection, not to mention the goofy way vehicles back up (especially when towing guns), mortar teams that look like they are walking their dog, HMG teams that run with their tripod mounts thrown over their shoulder, etc. This is shortcut stuff you don't see in other games.

    However, as has been stated many times, the play is the thing so these things don't necessarily detract - CM is not really about them.

    But if they are promising that the next game will be about them, prepare for a long wait, and expect other companies to be pushing the envelope as far as graphics and interface goes.

    If you are seriously suggesting BFC is the only company capable of putting decent, realistic computer wargames on the market, I suggest you take the blinders off.

    Then again, with stuff like EYSA coming out, one is easily distracted. ;) [/QB]

    What the hell do you want Michael Dorosh, eye candy or gameplay?

    Of course I'm not suggesting BFC is the only company capable of making realstic wargames, but the point I was trying to make was could any other company make this particular type of game and as good, in the same way any other company could make a Nintendo game as good as Nintendo for example.

    Of course eye candy is nice, but great graphics do not a great game make and gameplay should always come first and I admire BFC for this way of thinking and hence the topic title.

  7. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    CMX2's harshest critics will probably be CM's biggest fans. If CMX2 includes 85% of this board's 'wish list' I could probably name which one of us will immediately stat complaining about the 15% that didn't make it in!

    So how fast a pc are we eventually going to need to fight entire divisional battles showing all twelve men per squad... with 3-D rotating tank wheels... and a Quartermaster corps cooking hot meals for everybody back at depot?!

    Let me get this straight and say I'm not a harsh critic of CM in any way, but I would be lying if I said CM can't be improved in a number of ways and anyone who says otherwise is obviously playing a different CM to me.

    I also happen to love this game to death which is why I now own the trilogy of CM and will continue to support the game and BFC, with or without any future contender to CM's crown.

    As for how powerful a Pc will be required, that's an inevitable consequence of progress that neither I nor anyone can prevent in the constantly changing world of computers and software.

    As to having twelve man squads, it's probably not going to happen for sure as no home computer is powerful enough and I understand this, but I'm sure most people only want to see changes that are possible and understand the limits of todays computers.

    So to conclude yes, I'm looking forward to the next CM as much as anyone and can't wait, but I also don't want to see CMX2 delayed any longer than necessary to include changes and features which are perhaps too ambitious or impracticable.

  8. CM is undoubtedly unlike any other game out there, and the reason being as I'm sure you're all aware is because there is no other game like CM (to my knowlege anyway), however what if there was?

    And I know it's only hpothetical talk, but I would appreciate some serious and positive answers here please, because one day as much as I would hate to see it, we could well be faced with a serious contender to CM's crown so to speak.

    Also, how would this fictional company possibly improve on CM if at all and would it be better even than CMX2, now there's a scary thought!?

    I could easily state a number of features here now that could improve CM in a major way, but won't, as CMX2 could well have these in place and will obviously be an awesome game when finally released, but will it be enough to beat any future competition, and more crucially what effect would it have on all of us, especially BFC?

  9. Originally posted by Sergei:

    Because nothing else seems to work? :confused:

    Why should a reviewer be paid and not the scenario designer, and besides, I think a reviewers payment in a sense is the free scenario they have just played?

    My point being, is the least anybody could do, having played a third party scenario is review the scenario in appreciation of the designers efforts.

    If you didn't like it, say why in a review, as you have lost nothing in the process except the time spent playing the scenario, but everything has price to pay in this world I'm afraid.

  10. Originally posted by Sergei:

    [QB] First of all, have you checked from BFC if you actually CAN make money with scenarios? Normally all your bases are belong to game developer (who own the rights to the game, the editor and the scenario file format), unless you make a deal with them.

    I don't know if one is allowed to make any money from any self designed scenario, or if you would first require permission from BFC.

    What is the situation here please BFC, if you would be so kind to give me a reply, thanks?

  11. I've recently created a scenario of my own and have played many others and I've had much enjoyment along the way also, but isn't it time scenario designers made some pretty green for all their had work?

    However, how many of you would pay to play and what would be the best method?

    I only ask because I'm not a tight arse, but I appreciate others hard work and don't expect anything for nothing and feel we should offer some form of payment to show our gratitude, whether that be money or material things.

    And yes, I would be happy to pay, but how much would be an acceptable amount and should only the best rated scenarios have to be paid for or all?

    I hope this comes accross as positive and not negative, as that is not my intention, but how many designers agree or have never even considered such a thing?

    Btw, I'm obviously referring to third party scenarios here and not the cd scenarios, just to make it clear.

  12. Other Means,

    I wasn't referring to Campaigns at all, but my point was having some form of reward for the players hard work and not just some AAR screen.

    Come on people just think of the things that could be done:

    1) After completing a scenario you could be given some information on a particular Tank for instance and its first introduction or info on a particular unit for example .

    2) Disclose information on the area the scenario was based and why the designer chose this region in particular or any other facts that could be of great interest.

    3) How about an AAR being given from some previous game for all to ponder over or even the scenario in question?

    4) Several movie files could be given from the designer's previous PBEM game and the others could become avilable to you if you could manage a certain victory percentage on a replay of the scenario.

    This is the type of thing I have in mind with regard to giving a player full satisfaction and fullfillment in the next CM, and there has got to be some interest here from both fans and BTS, besides huge potential of course.

    I just wanted to make my point clear and to say I can see the potential of taking CM forward in the new engine, but how many of you can and what are your thoughts?

  13. I suggest you buy a variety of party noisemakers and an album of patriotic music if you find you need to be jazzed up after winning a battle.

    I certainly don't need to be jazzed up I can tell you, but there is something missing from CM and I'm not talking about the satisfaction and enjoyment side here, but that extra something that gives you that feeling of completion that's also found in other games.

    And I'm not trying to compare CM in any way shape or form to any other game, because there is no other game like CM obviously, but I simply feel that CM needs to offer some form of bonus to the player.

    Imagine you've just completed a scenario and being told you have earned the right to play x scenario part 2 or being given some info on the making of said scenario, how long the designer took to make/how much testing required/inspiration behind the scenario etc., and I'm talking comprehensive information here and not short and sweet.

    I can see loads of potential here and maybe BTS and others can also?

  14. The first time I played CM was from a demo on a magazine cd and I remember thinking, this is awesome while at the same time being slightly overwhlemed with the learning curve, initially anyway.

    I also remember vividly the highs and lows of both winning and losing, but the point I want to make is that of completing a scenario or QB and feeling slightly underwhelmed after all that hard work gaining your first victory.

    I was expecting some type of reward - Promotion, extra ammo, a secret scenario of some kind etc., but this is not what CM is capable of. I would really like to see some type of reward in place for the next CM to give you an extra sense of achievement and fullfillment.

    It's nice to see an AAR screen with your victory and not your opponents, but it leaves you underwhelmed and I'm sure there must be others who do are have felt the same.

    I just feel this is where CM could benefit greatly in future versions and I can see a lot of potential here for BTS and its expanding fanbase - or perhaps you differ?

  15. Originally posted by Crank_GS:

    It seems that I barely peek out from behind a hill and all the German tanks poke hole after hole in my tanks, whether they are T-34s, IS-2s or ISU-152s. What is the secret?

    Don't get downhearted Crank_GS and perservere, as I have only had CMBB for just over a month myself and know how it feels.

    I'm currently playing a scenario in CMBB and by using a Green KV-1 have managed to knock out 3 Panzer 3's & Light Tank, and I achieved this simply by using a small slope for cover and the Shoot & Scoot command.

    Use the terrain to your full advantage and if need be use another tank you are prepared to sacrifice to distract any German armour aiming for you, and then pop out for a shot and reverse back or use Shoot & Scoot if you prefer.

    The solution is always there, either by using the terrain to your full advantage, smoke screen if possible, sacrificing lesser tanks to give you that crucial shot that eludes you or by buttoning your opponents tanks with Mortar or Artillery, which will also give you a slight advantage.

    I don't for one minute claim to know much about CMBB, but from my experience so far in the scenario I am playing these are some of the things that have worked for me, but you will obviously find others that will also work for you along the way.

    Remember, if I can knock out 4 tanks with a Green

    KV-1, then I'm sure you or others can accomplish the same - it can and does work, but you have to stick with it.

  16. Would it be possible for CMX2 to have a built-in Mod manager, but done in a similar way to the scenario editor?

    This idea first came to me while Moding CMBO for the first time, and I have also been told that this is an excellent idea by a 'Boots & Tracks' member.

    However I obviously would like to hear from the masters BTS, or anyone else who would like to give an opinion.

    I'm no expert in this field, but it can't be that difficult, can it?

    I also think that CM is crying out for something like this, IMHO.

  17. I know it's early days to be talking about CMX2, but could someone please tell me what version (minimum) will be supported?

    I'm currently using OS X 10.1.4 and am thinking of upgrading to Panther, but would I be better off waiting for the release of CMX2 before I decide?

    How many people have used Panther, just out of curiosity, and how do you rate it?

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