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Andrew Kulin

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Posts posted by Andrew Kulin

  1. I am curious about the decision making process (or technical problems) that lead to this limitation in the mapping editor.

    I can understand there being some issues in dealing with changes in water elevation along a river or stream where water tiles are contiguous and so there could be some graphical oddities along with maybe some computing issues in calculating where a sloping water surface and the adjacent ground intercept each or the (a.k.a. shoreline). And so leading to all such water tiles being the same elevation.

    What I do not understand is why all water elevations found across the map must be the same elevation, even if they are not connected??? For example, hilly or mountainous countryside with scattered ponds and lakes at various elevations in the hills and a river in a valley. All these isolated ponds must have same water elevation as the river???

    Could it not be set up something along the lines of that water tiles are:

    - all set to lowest mapped water tile elevation (as currently done); unless,

    - map-maker specifically hard-codes a higher elevation in the editor (with caveat that they will need to hard-code all water tiles they need to in a water body to ensure their map looks reasonable).

  2. OK here is what I wanted to say earlier, but I thought at the time it might be unfair. Don't think so anymore.

    Don't you love it when posters (their first one also) complain, describe their problems and moan about the game, and then do not even acknowledge those on the forum who take the time to try helping them with their issues?

    Could be the fellow is still at work and has not logged in to see what has happened since his post though I do agree his overall tone could have been better for first post and all.

    And I wholly agree with Gunnergoz' list of things to look at as source of the problem. Things you would not think of off the top of your head like inadequate (or cheaply built) power supply, overheating (dust control), mixed memory sticks, poorly seated components, etc. all should be looked at as a possible source of the issue.

    I run Win 7 64 Ultimate and do not have such an issue. I am having an issue with game occasionally freezing with some graphics glitch, but this similar problem has arisen with Far Cry 2 and Mass Effect 2 so could be a wonky card issue (drivers were updated and WHQL as of a couple weeks ago)

  3. Recieved mine this morning, Ontario Canada.

    $74.00 + $16.00 USPS duty = $90.00 to my hands...

    Good news is I plan on playing the S&*T out of this game so I'll be getting my moneys worth.

    I had a notice at my door saying to drop by the post office tomorrow after 1 PM to pick up a package (which I assume is the box). Bringing along $14.39 with me. Seems the duty is slightly lower in Pickering than it is up in cottage country.

  4. Does the editor allow you to underlay a jpeg/BMP/etc. image of a map/google image as a background so that it is visible and then you can set the contours, roads, terrain, etc. overtop using the map editor?

    Never got into the Syrian version so no experience with how the system currently works.

    Would be a great feature to have though if not already in.

  5. Andrew here.

    Went to work, skipped early (beautiful day in T.O.) picked up kids and went for a walk in the valley/woods (Spring finally!). Just got back.

    Got it to work. At least I can get the game started (exited to report back to you guys).

    Here is what I did, runnning ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite.

    Have Windows Task Manager running, showing process screen. Find zlclient.exe. (you don't have to do this first but I had it running for interest sake)

    Find the ZoneAlarm icon at lower right of windows desktop, right click - choose the Shutdown Option and deal with warnings about being sure because you're not protected, etc. (this is what I did everytime before but w/o later success in the licensing).

    Now work quickly because your leaving yourself wide open for all kind of potential attacks and crap from hackers, viruses, etc.

    Notice on Task Manager that zlclient.exe is still running (hmmm...) so end that process now, and ZoneAlarm is finally completely off.

    Start TOW, select Enter License and enter your key and select the off-line option.

    Copy absolutely everything that is in the white box (including the on-screen instructions plus all the random stuff) and paste it onto the white screen at www.license.net. Submit that.

    Next rather than save the stuff to a text file (which did not work for me before but may work now (I did not try, and won't try since I seem to be up and running now)) I copied absolutely everything that was in the output from within the white box at the www.license.net site.

    Then back to TOW and I posted what I had copied into TOW's white box and hit enter/next, and success! TOW said I was good to go.

    BUT FIRST (before launching the game), I IMMEDIATELY RESTARTED Zone Alarm so my computer was re-protected with firewall, anti-virus, etc. Probably helpful since one could be on-line for hours and hours ...

    Then I hit Launch. And saw the start-up movie and so on.

    And now I'm going to see if this thing actually works.


    p.s., this worked for me, individual results may vary.

  6. I did try that(on-line-license method) with ZA completely shut-down with no change in result.

    Also tried what you suggested. When I click on the install from file button, nothing happens but a hang-up again. I don't even get a pop-up screen that asks me where the file is sitting.

    Any other suggestions? Can you fly up to Toronto to help out?

  7. I've downloaded the software and installed the game. When I try to run the game, I am asked to type in my license key.

    I copy and paste the code from the e-mail and submit via internet connection. I get a three messages:

    checking internet connection

    connecting to internet

    getting license

    (messages disappear - hourglass forever)

    Windows task manager indicates program not responding.

    Tried off-line method too, but program hangs when I try to enter the saved text file I received.

    Users directory is empty of files at this point so nothing to delete there

    What to do?

    Core2 Duo (e6600)/680i MB

    2 GB Ram


    XP Pro (fully updated)

    ZoneAlarm Int. Sec. Suite (ver 7.0...)(3rd party headers unchecked in Privacy settings)

  8. I had a blast playing Version 1.0 a few years back. Experienced my most memorable (worst) minute in CMBB which I still have saved on my PC.

    Something really bad happened involving a 200 man human wave attack against (as I found out later) a single, unsupressed platoon of Germans, and having three of my best tanks (at various angles/ranges) taken out by a single German tank.

    All in the same 1-minute movie.

    I still hate you for that Malakovski!! :D

  9. One thing I'd like to see is the ability to somehow instruct the battery that the target to be plastered is located over a defined area rather than as a point target. Nothing more frustrating than having your targeted fire fall in a 20 x 60 m north to south aligned strike zone when the defensive line you want to target runs east to west.

  10. Maybe this suggestion for an improvement will help vets and newbies. It's an idea building upon the current game system's way of showing roughly how strong a tank's armor is (the orange to blue line representation for front-rear-side-top you see with the profile view of the tank at the bottom of the screen when the tank is selected).

    1. Modify the way these coloured lines are represented so that they are seen at the approximate (or exact if you wish) armor slope (or better still, have the coloured lines surrounding the vehicle profile (as in matching the shape of the vehicle) and changing colour at the armor strength thickens/thins at the various locations (as refined or coarsely segregated as coding permits (currently modelled as upper-mid-lower) - side armor strength could be shown by a coloured line running along the centre of the tank profile, or by adding a second vehicle profile from the front and repeating)

    2. It would be sweet if at the same time within the same portion of screen real estate used for the above, to show (using same colour coding system), the penetration strengths of your weapon system at the range (actual or approximate) at the various angles (currently unit info screen shows this for 0-30-60 degrees). A 90 degree arc with shading changing over the arc could accomplish the same thing and would provide a quick and dirty visual comparison of your gun against the armor of the enemy tank. This could eliminate switching back and forth between units (hunter and hunted) with the unit info screen selected.

  11. Steve:

    Why not just unlimit the number of units/points a person can run a scenario with and then put a disclaimer at the beginning of the user manual to the tune of:

    "At the time of release (2005/2006), this game is optimimized for a reasonable play experience at the company sized (or battalion) level on a computer that meets the minimum (or recommended) specifications identified. If the user wishes to simulate an engagement comprising every single soldier and vehicle of an Army Group, and they enjoy a play experience simulating one honkin' big screenshot, then they are welcome to go knock themselves out. Larger scale engagements may be playable in the future as computer hardware becomes more advanced, but Battlefront makes no claims, warranties, etc. that this game will provide a playable experience at anything over a company sized (or battalion) level engagement for which it was designed."

  12. I think what you ask for in your second last point will be do-able with the new engine. Steve said in the terrain thread that there will be the ability to overlay different terrain types over each other so I would think the ability to overlay railway tracks on a bridge, or crossing a road should now be possible.

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