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David Chapuis

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Posts posted by David Chapuis

  1. Originally posted by Salkin:

    Oh, and I just wanted to say that I would really like to read an AAR by someone who has fought JasonC, or maybe an AAR by JasonC himself (spare me some of the details though, I have a short attention span tongue.gif ).


    mike dorosh and jasonc had an AAR on here a couple years ago. It was pretty entertaining. Just beware of the Dorosh mods - painful!!!!
  2. Originally posted by C'Rogers:

    My main worry is, that under the current system where there is no penalty, won't FOs after they have directed all the ammo just become a quick disposable scout?

    Wire spotters may become scouts, but they will be anything but quick.
  3. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    Can we please stop the "my country is better your countries all suck" posts here... it's kind of retarded making generalizations of millions of people, regardless of whether it is America, France, or Nepal.

    Or if you want to, go to the proper forum to do it.

    I hope you arent referring to me, because I there is no "your country sucks" in my post. what i dont like is the "no political speech unless it is GWB bashing" attitude - which your post reinforces.
  4. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    Much of hte ability of the US military to protect the free world is of course based around contributions by all sorts of other nations - the US could not and did not "go it alone" in this task.

    As for stepping on the toes of lots of americans - what's your point?

    The point is that IMO many people, esp europeans, have the faulty idea that Americans dont even like GWB so it is ok to bash on him. But the reality is that America is a much more conservative place than europe or canada, and so I dont think that political speech should be denounced unless someone is bashing on GWB.

    How this thread has not yet been locked amazes me as there is more bull**** here than in your average cattle yard.
    Agreed - and here is a monster pile.

    We Canadians generally join with the Europeans in denouncing:

    1. the Invasion of Iraq (In my opinion the invasion of Afghanistan was a good thing and there was just cause);

    2. Rampant American aggression around the world;

    3. Disregard for the opinions of other nations;

    4. The rise of the religious conservatives in your country;

    5. Ignorance of anything non-American;

    6. George Bush and his good ol' boys club in general.

  5. Originally posted by Retributar:

    Honch! ... im with you on your comment's,...i just sold my house in 'Oregon City', Oregon and have moved back to Canada for some of the reason's you just stated!.

    Im afraid that 'George Bush' may have some underhanded plan up his sleeve to stay in power after his Presidency legitimately comes to it's end!.

    What he is doing right now reminds me of how 'Adolf Hitler' consolidated the situation and rose to the postion of 'Full Time Dictator'!.

    George Bush bashing drives me crazy. America is a right-leaning, conservative nation. The ideology of the average american is much, much closer to that of George Bush than John Kerry or Screamin' Dean. So when you guys pounce on Bush, you are stepping on the toes of lots of Americans.

    And when you are back in canada safe and secure - remember that it is the US military (built under the direction of right-wing politicians) that protects your county.

  6. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by David Chapuis:

    [qb] but none of these suggested changes affect the worst problem of all of this - and that is gamey player abuse. As it is now, some players entire strategy is centered around timing the takeover of insignifcant minors with major battles.

    Does nobody else see this as a problem?!?!?!?

    Not really.


  7. Originally posted by Blashy:

    Because as Dave stated, news travels fast.

    They might not know where Tunisia is but they know ANOTHER country has been taken. One country, the moral bonus is not much but when news comes that 2-3 countrie have fallen it becomes cumulative, you're this soldier who knows nothing of the world (this is the 40s) and you keep hearing about the German war machine kicking everyones ass and now you have to face the juggernaut, your morale would be just as low. Even in todays world it would affect morale, soldiers asking "is no one doing anything about this?" .

    Even if you did buy into this argument, which I dont - the rules still need to be modified because of gamey abuses. Holding off taking a country until the turn before you attack Moscow is so preposterous - it baffles the mind that Blashy would even try to support it and say that it is a valid reflection of real life.

    :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek:

  8. Originally posted by Barcelona 1936:

    Well IMHO it isn,t gamey becuse ... if you dont take Denmmark ... I take more risk and employ more time in the first phases in the war but this tactic help me in the big task ( conquer Ussr with less units) there is a trade off time an points for moral boost.

    it is gamey because you are exploiting a game function for a completely unrealistic result. That is my definition of gamey. I wonder if Hitler ever thought, "Lets wait to take denmark until right before we attack Moscow. That will surely cause Stalin to throw in the towel." That so rediculous, i.e. GAMEY!
  9. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Barcelona1936 --- Interesting concept of waiting to take minors as a method for a power punch to take your favorite cities in Mother Russia.

    That sure seems gamey. The morale boost from benelux affecting french/brits/germans makes sense. A similar boost for taking over vichy affecting the soviets the turn before you attack moscow makes no sense, IMHO.
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