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David Chapuis

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Posts posted by David Chapuis

  1. Actually the screen shot shows a supply of zero.

    Here is a better description of the events:

    Axis turn A: paratroop drops into desert and moves one space towards Amman. No allied units in Amman at that time. Had a supply 9 so prepared to fly again (which i think is not good).

    Allied turn A: Op move a unit to amman, which is next to paratroop. Dont worry about it because it should have a supply of zero - which the screen shot confirms (even though i didnt move that tank group to it until a later reload).

    Axis turn b: paratroop flies into Beirut

    So it never prepared when it was next to a unit - although it did take off being next to a unit.

  2. Originally posted by SteveP:

    First: there is nothing wrong with playing against the AI, and if you are satisfied to learn tactics based on what works against the AI, then that is fine too. You own the game, so do what you like with it. smile.gif

    Sure there is nothing wrong with playing the AI. And I am in no way implying that one should be like me and never play the AI. But... if you never have played a human, you really ought to at least try a game - a 400 point QB or byte battle is quick and loads of fun. (I would be happy to play anyone who wanted to. :D )

    And I would bet that most people who have played both feel that a human player is much more fun to play against.

    Actually i would like to hear it if some people who have played against human opps really just think playing the AI is more fun. That would surprise me (unless you are like my bother-in-law who likes to play FPS games with invincibility/unlimited ammo/etc cheat codes).

  3. I wasnt refering to AI. And I am not talking about a massive kill sack - although there are ways to do that. My point is that once you show yourself as a defender, you *should* expect to be killed very soon, because the attacker not only has more troops, but he can also concentrate them and attack limited units at a time.

    So the issue is, do you show yourself from a long distance when you will not significantly hurt the attacker, or should you wait until you can eliminate him.

  4. Originally posted by markshot:

    Sorry, I could not resist commenting on the fact hide may still be of use when units are in good cover despite having assigned arcs.

    No doubt about that. especially for AT assets. Also during winter months in non "tall pines" cover, hiding units is a good idea - but make sure you leave some units (especially HQs and units with binoculars) unhidden so they can spot.
  5. In general option 1 is better. as other people mentioned, it is not really good to engage an attacker at range in cover.

    a few other things to note:

    Option #1: Set up your squads in heavy buildings (ground in most of the arc area would be classed as open) with covered arcs of say 30-50M with a posture of hide. When they have successfully engaged the enemy in the arc, then order them to cease fire and go back to hiding.

    in general you should not hide your defenders. they cannot see anything while hiding. If defenders dont shoot they dont get spotted - unless they are in open ground or the enemy is with 20m or so (winter spotting is significantly different)

    However, since close combat results in higher rates of fire, this will burn ammo very fast. Option #2 would burn ammo quite a bit slower, but it is my guess that less will be achieved for each round fired.

    as a defender - generally - you need to worry more about living & killing than conservation of ammo. Once you shoot as a defender, the attacker (with superior numbers) can bring concentrated fire on you to kill. the idea is to kill him before he sees you.

    A good rule of thumb (not original to me) - dont shoot anything unless you are going to kill it.

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