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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. ...While I am on the modding track, does anybody have a clue on how to edit the 3D models in the game? Grateful for any tip at all. Dandelion
  2. Hi all, Noticed the list on US Wav files. Thought somebody might be interested in the german files too. They are all in the wav 2000 series and as follows (CMBO): - 2000 Los! ("get moving", not German, strong East European accent) - 2001 Auf dem sprung ("on the double", German voice) - 2002 Los, bewegung Männer ("move it men", German voice) - 2003 Aufgehts ("move out", German voice) - 2004 Auf dem Sprung, Marsch! ("on the double, move", German voice) - 2005 Vorwärts Marsch! ("forward march", not German, strong East European accent) - 2006 Aufgehts, Los ("Move out", not German, Strong East European accent) - 2007 Marsch, marsch, marsch! (not German, strong Eastern European accent) - 2010 Sie schlachten uns ab! ("they are killing us off" (sort of), German voice) - 2011 Wir werden alle sterben! ("we are all going to die", German voice) - 2012 [something] raus hier! ("[something] out of here", German voice) - 2013 Volle Deckung! ("get into cover", German voice) - 2014 Deckung! ("take cover", German voice) - 2015 Hilfe! ("help", not German, strong Eastern European accent) - 2016 Hilfe, rettet euch! ("help, save yourselves", German voice, strange sentence) - 2017 hilfe, [something] weg hier ("help [something] out of here", German voice) - 2020 Nicht Feuern ("hold your fire", German voice) - 2021 Feuer einstellen ("cease fire", German voice) - 2022 Spart Munizion ("save ammunition", German voice) - 2023 Feuer einstellen (as 2020, better sound though) - 2024 Spart Munizion Männer ("save ammunition, men", not German, strong East European accent) - 2025 Feuer [nur?] auf befehl ("Fire (only?) on order", not German, very strong East European accent, barely understandable) - 2030 Ich bin verwundet ("I am wounded", German voice) - 2031 Hilfe, Ich bin verwundet ("help, I am wounded", German voice) - 2032 Sanitäter, sanitäter, sanitäter ("medic" x 3, german voice) - 2033 Mein Bein ("my leg", not German, strong East European accent) - 2034 Hilfe, hilfe ("help" x 2, German voice) - 2035 Ich bin getroffen ("I am hit", German voice) - 2036 Sie haben mir erwischt ("they have finished me", German voice, rather Shakespearian sentence) - 2037 Ich bin verwundet ("I am wounded", German voice) - 2040 Kamerad, kamerad (self explanatory, German voice) - 2041 Nicht Schiessen, wir ergeben uns ("Dont shoot, we give up", German voice) - 2042 Wir geben auf ("We give in", German voice) - 2043 Nicht Schiessen ("dont shoot", not German, East European, barely German speaking) - 2050 Ergebt Euch ("surrender", German voice) - 2051 Waffen fallen lassen, hände hoch ("drop your weapons, hands up", German voice, personal favourite) - 2052 Hände hoch ("hands up", German voice) - 2060 Habt Ihr noch Muni? ("do you still have amunition?" Not German, Eastern European accent) - 2061 Meine Waffe ist lehr ("my weapon is empty", German, strange sentence) - 2062 Ich brauche Munizion ("I need amunition", German voice) - 2070 Nahkampf ("close combat", German voice) - 2071 In Nahkampf ausschalten ("destroy in close combat" (sort of), German voice) - 2080 Jaa! (German voice) - 2081 Jaa! (East European accent) - 2082 Ja, Volltreffer ("yes, bullseye", German voice) - 2083 Den haben wir erwischt ("we got him", German voice (?)) - 2090 Achtung minen! (Really strong East European accent) - 2091 Tretminen ("stepping mines" - i.e. AP mines - German voice) - 2100 Volle Deckung ("take cover", used when arty strikes, German voice) - 2101 Granatbeschuss ("shellfire", very strong East European, or possibly italian, accent) - 2102 Granatfeuer [---] ("incoming", very strong East European or Italian accent) - 2103 Volle deckung ("take cover", German voice, used in artillery shelling) - 2110 Feindliche Jäger (Enemy fighters (as in the aircraft category Fighter), German voice) - 2111 Achtung Flugzeuge (The legend No 2, barely German speaking, barely audible aircraft warning) - 2120 Ausschwärmen ("spread out", German voice) - 2121 (speaks fast, difficult to hear) Nach dem Zeug der sicherer? Waffen hoch und sichered? Help someone. German voice). - 2122 Jawohl Herr Unteroffizier ("Yes NCO", German voice, strange sentence) - 2123 Ausschwärmen ("spread out", East European accent) - 2130 Panzer (German voice) - 2131 Da! Feindlichen Panzern ("There, enemy armour", German voice) - 2140 Für Vaterland? (The legend No 1, barely German speaking, grammatically incorrect warcry, probably used when berserking or fanatic) - 2141 Steht auf und Kempft ("on your feet and fight", German voice) - 2142 Steht auf und kempft ("on your feet and fight", strong East European accent) I am leaving out the various cries-of-pain wavs. Obviously, some recording studio has hired people claiming to speak German with no possibility of verifying the fact ) Dandelion
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