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Posts posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. 1) I want the points of my side´s objectives displayed somewhere (In the briefing or hovering over the objective in-game). I don´t enjoy second guessing the priorities of the scenario designer. I often dont know if I´ve won or lost until the final screen pops up.

    2) Kill stats

    3) Even larger maps, so that the ranges of all that modern weaponry can be put to more realistic use.

  2. I suspect a lot more players than are willing to admit prefer playing WeGo because of their ability to replay-and replay-and replay a moment over and over until they've nailed down exactly where that rocket or that sniper shot came from. Sometimes referred to 'eye of God' gameplay because you are everywhere and see everything all at once. Yeh, I admit when I'm in a jam I'll resort to that - which is why I prefer Realtime. Playing Realtime keeps temptation away from me.

    Nonsense :o)

    It´s impossible to play a large engagement in RT without pausing all the time. Pausing a RT game destroys the whole point of playing RT IMO. RT is good if playing against another human because you can achieve actual surprise. Against the AI you´re just making the game more difficult for yourself since you can´t surprise the AI because it´s scripted.

    Anywho PBEM is the best way to play CM and you can´t play PBEM in RT can you now? ;O)

  3. And there is any ERA or other type of dynamic protection, designed for CV90?

    The RAFAEL system (see Lethaface´s link)

    According to the dutch Wikipedia page on the CV90, they even stuck RAFAEL onto a dutch CV90 in 2006 for a demonstration. (At least I think thats what it says, Elmar help!)

    Het Israëlische bedrijf RAFAEL heeft voor de CV9035 een aparte modulaire pantserset ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op hun IRA (Insensitive Reactive Armour)-principe, waarbij voorkant en zijkanten van romp en toren van dikke beschermingslagen worden voorzien tegen holle ladingswapens. Het waarschuwingssysteem is in deze optie nog uitgebreid met een radarverklikker en een waarschuwingssysteem voor inkomende antitankraketten. Een CV9030 MkII werd in 2006 in Havelte, voorzien van het RAFAEL-systeem tentoongesteld als voorbeeld van een mogelijke invulling van de Nederlandse armour upgrade.

  4. On the other end of the scale: The CV9035 is a colossal disappointment.

    It's spotting suite isn't as spectacular as I'm led to believe the genuine thing is. Don't think the passengers are using the available optics at all. The KETF ammo is seemingly not actually KETF, and will be fired in to every light armour that comes along. Its one saving grace is that its protection seems better then what the UI shows it to be.

    I´m not impressed by the protection either. The side ERA of the warrior could shrug off anything up to an AT7. So far my CV9035s die or ar completely immobilized with a dead engine by every RPG7 hit.

  5. Yeah, second mission I had trouble with, first time I managed to lose all of my guys, second time I thought I was doing great until the AAR gave me a minor defeat :(


    How does that work? I lost 5 guys: 2 killed, 3 wounded, and took out 90 of theirs: 61 killed and 30 wounded. Yet they won on points, is it even possible to win that scenario?


    The scenario briefing is rather lacking on that one. I think the bridge is a touch objective for the Muj and the hill a hold objective.

    I moved my troops off the hill across the bridge in the 2 functional BMPs and crushed the Muj in the corner there, then just waited and killed all the advancing Muj before they could reach the Bridge. In the last few turns I retook the hill. major victory.

    The briefing on no. 3 is even worse, still trying to figure out where the Muj exit objectives are.

  6. In a similar vein:

    When I dismount from a TOW Humvee my team has three missiles to fire and three remain in the vehicle. After firing all it´s missiles I am unable to reload through any means. You can´t acquire the remaining TOWS, entering and leaving the vehicle doesn´t change anything. (I´m not even sure the the remaining missiles can be used from the vehicle.)

    I had this situation in a PBEM game, anybody else noticed this?

  7. In my book on the Golan tank fighting the Israelis were always fighting with the hatch open, peering out with binoculars (leading to many commander casualties). They only closed the hatch when shelled by arty. I am admittedly totally ignorant of the spotting abilities of the LeopardII , but I presume that the canadian leo1 has quite good spotting abilities with the hatch closed, so i still think the T55 would be closer to the actual israeli abilities. Now if we had a early LeoI to play with...

  8. I would give the Syrians lots of old T62s and T55s with very low experience (which would be historically correct) vs. old T55s with high experience for the Israelis.

    IIRC the T62 didn´t work well in the Golan because of it´s lower ground clearance (lower than the T55) getting stuck on rocks all the time, don´t know if that is simulated in CMSF.

  9. Afgh:

    Not well written but has interesting details:

    A Million Bullets: The Real Story of the British Army in Afghanistan

    by James Fergusson


    The civilian side of the occupation:

    Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone

    by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

    History of the invasion:

    Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq

    by Michael R. Gordon, Bernard E. Trainor

    History of what went wrong after the Invasion.

    Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq

    by Thomas E. Ricks

  10. Yup, there are some very real issues surrounding the sudden immigration of large numbers of people.

    The raising of such issues is not per definition racist, xenophobic or bigoted. But it often gets portrayed as just that.

    Only that the ultra right wing parties base their electoral success not on recent surges of immigrants but on well worn prejudices against well established communities. I.e. The Front Nationale vs. North Africans in France or the "Freedom Party" vs. the Turks in Austria.

    I don´t recall the BNP getting 30% of the vote in Britain after the surge of Poles.

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