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Posts posted by Destraex1

  1. Actually one of the things I remember being disappointed about in CMSF1 was that I felt like I had all this cool western kit and was fighting less capable enemy forces.
    A cold war scenario with West vs PACT would have been interesting. However it is what it is. I must ask as well. Will the AI this time around be less reliant on the map designer?

    Be very interested to see the list of what is different from CMSF1. I love the fact that you guys keep updating the previous games to the latest engine. It makes me happy to know that when I load an older combat mission cmx2 game I am playing the latest and greatest feature set. I cannot over state this. 

  2. Thanks Michael. Will have to keep playing coh2 and men of war 2 with friends then :( Poor substitutes really.

    You know I own every cmx2 so far except for black sea and barely touch them because I don't have time for single player (not a loner when it comes to gaming) and with my limited game time play more social games.

    Friends vs enemy AI or humans is my preferred way to play and sooooo many games do it.

  3. Right now all that's been spotted for sure has been T-72B3s in terms of what's in game. The Oplots and T-64 derivatives are all present in some form or the other right now, although the more advanced Ukrainian tanks might be around in single digit numbers vs in common use.

    Yep. They're still off map support. Realistically most air insertion forces wouldn't be dropping off so close to hostile forces, and especially with the sort of anti-aircraft assets are in CMBS, an Osprey wouldn't be putting itself so close to the frontline.

    no plan survives contact with the enemy. And hoping for no contact is a hard assumption to make. I still vividly remember those scenes of the Russian hinds rolling at top speed over Ukrainian I think roads aaaat the beginning of the conflict. Not saying choppers do not avoid conflict. But those hinds are armed to the teeth, they engage at kms range but I imagine there are instances where they are required to extract under fire.

    p.s. If I down repped you it was an accident on this phone. Let me know and i will undo it.

    things are tiny and the touch screen not very accurate.

  4. Myself and one other are waiting for this demo.


    I must say is it because it is a low key engagement before major escalation that we only get m4 and one (or 2) versions of the Abrams while the Russians have a lot more to play with.

    I wonder whether an escalation would include Chally2 and Leopards.


    I was excited about all the weaponry until I saw that it seemed like a limited deployment for the allies inside the manual.

    Also really not happy about the terrain. I know it's Russia but the Ukraine does not look so bland. I think that may be the colour pallete though which can be fixed.




  5. Boarding action is at the moment abstracted and is due for a "refit" later. So you come alongside and get to choose from a few tactics while the various boarding rounds are played out.

    I think from memory you can choose "attack", "defensive posture" and "use muskets"..... it's pretty rudimentary at the moment. It's a place holder that just presents essentially two excel spreadsheets bopping the numbers off as the crew die or are in whatever mode.


    I would certainly agree with the above poster that it is not a simulator and if it was it would be considered light. I would ask though what the alternative is at the moment?


    Some things are abstracted;


    (i) Ships boats are simulated in that you can turn a little even when taken aback. However this does not stop you being taken aback and the knots going into negative.
    (ii) Ship damage does not take hours to sink you. Understandably ships sink at the end of a duel instead of floating like they should and taking punishment for hours.
    (iii) Ranging shots are allowed. In real life as I understand it ships just fired by gun sections aiming individually. A happy compromise considering that the player does the aiming


    The devs will face a fight the whole way through development from the historical crowd VS the disney pirate crowd. Who knows what we will end up with. But currently the game is a lot of fun.

    As for pay to win... I agree I hope that any paid content is not going to give any advantage. The devs are certainly saying that any paid content of course would not ruin anything..


    30knots? I have sailed and it feels very fast compared to land speeds. I have however never sailed at 30 knots ;)

    Perhaps you are right? I don't know. The sailing part is the most exhilarating.



    From the facebook page. 
    Is the the famous Russian brig Mercury?
    My first new PC background for 2015.
    Open world distance and travel time testing is coming next year. 
    Happy New Year Captains!
    It seems the devs have created a joke where the ships name can be turned from "we will kill you" over to "you have killed us or escaped" depending on the outcome of the chase.
    Or another way to look at that name - "cherubim" is somewhat like "angel" right?  So like a hidden message "I'm not an angel, I'm a bad guy in fact". (thanks Inigo)
  6. Just curious as to what ranges tanks engage at these days and if maps are large enough to allow these ranges.


    Was reading this at gamesquad which made me curious:


    "Oh give me a break. Just getting the ranges realistic for ATGMs will be a major challenge in CMx2.

    The problem is that ATGMs have a range of up to around 3.75 km without loss of accuracy (they are guided). So they like to shoot up tanks before any of the tank guns come into range. 

    In CMx2 the maps are so small that a modern tank can usually fire at anything, or at best might be missing some diagonal range. But that isn't exploitable by the ATGM carrying unit since they can't move while keeping it that way.

    If you were to make the map big enough to fix this problem then nobody could see what the hell is going on, because CMx1's unit scaling for display purposes has been dropped."



  7. From a dev post in the forums.... consider that every ball is tracked when fired when reading the below;
    Ballistics and Damage model 4.0
    To make the gameplay feel real and provide more tactical depth: we will be gradually moving to the final damage model, which has passed several iterations before.  To find out how previous systems worked please refer to the Damage 2.0 and Damage 3.0 posts on forums. The new system is in development. Testing of this new model will start by spring of 2015 or earlier.
    Key new features
    Penetration classes
    Penetration exists now, but needs to be expanded for faster development and additions of new features. It also needs to be improved to allow for more customization of ships and weaponry. Cannons and ships will have a penetration class that will determine the ability to go through the armor. We believe that will provide more tactical diversity to combat. Ship armor will not be unified any longer. There will be weak spots to be exploited. Heavy planking at the waterline will make ship of the line more effective against lower level ships.
    Angles and ricochets
    Hitting a ship at narrow angle will ricochet from the ship hull. Longer guns with higher cannonball velocity will have better chances to penetrate at angles. This will make positioning very important. This feature is completely new and gameplay might change significantly and will require testing.
    Exact colliders and positioning of internal modules
    We are moving to the exact collision models that fully represent the shape of the hull.  Same will be done with important internal modules. To blow up a bow magazine or break a frontal pump you will need to shoot at the front part of the ship.
    Pass through shots
    Gun ports will be implemented in the damage collider models. If the cannon ball does not hit anything it will pass through the ship and could hit the next target
    Crew damage
    Crew damage will also change significantly as crew will no longer be a unified mass of people. Crew will be located deck-by-deck creating the situations where you destroyed everyone on the top deck leaving intact gun crews on the gundeck. This system also will allow for potential expansions of detailed crew management if the need arise. 
    Ballistics changes
    We were very unsatisfied with the ballistics of carronades and frog like double shot and have reworked the formulas to allow better customization of cannons and fast additions of new features.  Reload penalties will be added to certain types of shot. New system could also allow for types of powder charge type weight if this feature is be needed.  Gun sights experiments will continue and we will test a couple of implementations of the sights next year.
    Carronades will receive long overdue love and will be a formidable close range choice of weaponry. 
    Feel free to provide suggestions, feedback, and improvement ideas.
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