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Everything posted by Genghis

  1. Liam and JerseyJohn One of my big what-ifs wonders is having Hitler and Mussolini in opposite trenches of WWI and both shoot each other Just this little incident would have changed the world! Germany easily would have gone Communist in 1920's. hmm Germany allied with USSR in 1939? Stalin invades Poland in 1939? Scary!
  2. JerseyJohn Aye it's funny to see the Low Countries not get attacked until 1941 by an Axis AI long after France falls. Or even see a neutral Denmark survive the entire war I'm not sure what the chances are in SC for the Axis AI to declare war but Italy should have at least a 50% of declaring war on Greece in 1940 (after declaring war after France falls) while Germany should have a 50% of declaring war on Norway. To add incentive to conquering Norway...maybe give the Germans added bonuses for UBoat "disrupting convoy raids" if Norway is conquered
  3. Still trying to figure out how to have both JMBunnelle awesome unit icons without the HQ units he has and combine it with the HQ units of another mod in Elite edition. Again if anyone figures this out, pls let me know hehe.
  4. Will changing the difficulty setting actually make the Allies and/or Axis more agressive/passive in terms of declaring war on neutrals? I never saw the Axis AI invade Norway or Greece so I was just wondering if I increase the AI difficulty setting will the computer be more prone to doing more risky things?
  5. Hueristic Aye I get a lot of headaches looking past page 5 but that Search function is wonderful Anyways, my bad...all the mods work with v 1.06. I just had to reinstall the game using C: drive instead of F: I also wrote to JMBunnelle to see if there is anyway to edit out his HQ units and use Elite or other mod icons in it's place yet still keep his air and ground units which are absolutely stunning to have. If anyone still sees JMBunnelle, pls let him know about the HQ thingy heh!
  6. Ooops my bad...actually these mods all work with v 1.06. I just reinstalled it on the C: drive and now all the mods work. I think I had my SC game on a separate drive instead of C: drive so the main program probably was accessing the wrong drive and giving me errors.
  7. Heuristic - hehe ahem you mean regurgitated just call me the complete archivist...I've been finding a lot of good stuff to bring to the forefront again. Actually I was simply looking for new flag icons to replace the Current German cross flag which I think looks silly but instead found a whole treasure trove of goodies Again the SC Elite Edition doesn't seem to work with V 1.06 so if anyone can figure out how to fix it..PLS let me know hehe [ January 10, 2003, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  8. Ah found the Elite Edition mod...but be warned..it doesn't seem to work with v 1.06 as I just tried it and the game won't run. Not sure why as these are merely graphic changes to the bitmap folder. For those that want the more historical flags (German political and military flags) too there is a good set of mods on CvM's and Otto's site here: CvM and Otto's Strategic Command HQ site By the way, I do think it's silly for historical wargames to have to change Germany's swastika flag in order to market it in Europe. I can certainly understand banning the swastika in Europe but in the context of historical games history books, and/or WWII movies these should be ok. (i.e. I mean William L. Shirer's excellent esteeemed book "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" has a big swastika on the cover and I don't think that book cover is banned in Europe..is it?) having the german cross over a circle white border just looks silly and loses the significance of just how repugnant the swastika really is. [ January 10, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  9. Wow!! had to bring this up again for any newbies who feel like changing the way icons looked in game as well as reflecting tech level changes in units. JmBunnelle did an excellent job tailoring the icons and made the Russian armies facing westwards! You can still download it from his site..follow his link in his first post. I didn't have any problems running it even with 1.06 version and it looks beautiful! By the way, what is the Elite Edition of SC? did I miss something? [ January 10, 2003, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  10. hate to resurrect this very old bag of bones from the closet hehe but just curious what we other newbies here thought about the inability of having Lend Lease in SC? I'd like for the US to ability give at least 25-30% of the their MPP to Russia and/or to Britain depending on the year. Lend Lease was pretty significant. [ January 10, 2003, 05:53 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  11. Sven1969 I disagree. The Allied strategic bombing was effective in several ways. I mentioned it elsewhere in other posts but here it is: 1)it forced Germany to divert significant air assets from Russia to defend the Fatherland...basically from 1943 onwards, Russia had pretty much complete tactical air superiority over the entire battlefield. A point often overlooked by the Russians when they complain about Allied lack of help. 2)The Allied bombings of the Rumanian Ploesti oil fields and other vital oil targets in the Balkans forced Germany into hoarding their gas supplies and put a limit on their air and land operations. 3)basic air attrition by the US/UK strategic bombing runs gradually reduced Germany's pilot quality down to nothing by war's end. Sure they had pilots but like the Japanese...probably not very good quality. Germany was building planes made out of wood in 1945!!! basically strategic bombing has to be made more effective in SC. Right now as it is, the game doesn't make it so. [ January 10, 2003, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  12. On a side note on garrison units, I always liked the idea of static defense units like the Germans had on the Atlantic Wall. Units would have great defense but no mobility nor can they really attack. They would be different from fortress hexes since you can at least place them anywhere on the map. they would be cheaper to build than regular infantry units but there should be a limited number of static units you could build. Also you can move static units at a cost. once a static unit moves, it loses it's good defensive value while only providing minimal offense and defense capabilities. [ January 08, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  13. Aye, just wanted to add that although I don't know Jim, but I do know JerseyJohn (JJ) as we had a number of discussions on SC and history in general. He's very knowledgeable and fun to talk to. I'm was very saddened about what happened recently but at least now the matter is concluded. I learned a lot about SC, tactics, and game situations from him. I hope to see JJ around again soon.
  14. ah ok thanks! hmmm wondered if the Vichy govt would have actually relocated to North Africa.
  15. How does Vichy France get conquered? I took over marseilles and destroyed the Vichy fleet but no surrender yet. do I have to physically conquer both Syria and Algeria as well?
  16. Just bumped this oldie topic up again in case any else was interested in why there are no other fortifications like the Siegfried line or the Atlantic Wall in SC. Although primarily a game design issue, I still think SC should give the Germans the Siegfried Line in 1939. It'll at least to stop an aggresive Allied play into the Rhine in 1939. Also when SC calculates casualties from units landing on enemy coasts, are the casualties the same regardless of geography (i.e. casualties from landing in North Africa same as landing in pas de Calais?) If so then I'd change the parameters and increase casualties on any landings on the Coasts of France. This should simulate the effects of the Atlantic Wall. [ January 06, 2003, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  17. Les the Sarge With 10 supply, a ship current in SC can actually stay at sea for like 6 months...so putting them in sea boxes wouldn't change much. I just have a problem with individual hex movement with ships on this scale.
  18. John DiFool Actually you may like this approach as it shouldn't be hard to implement and not too abstract. Plus we keep all the subs and capital ships counters in the game for you to move around We first subdivide a sea area into 2 box sections: patrol and movement. Merchant convoys and other ships that just want to move into and out of a sea area can just pay the normal movement costs. The patrol box is for Uboats and/or capital ships. To enter this mode, you either need to pay extra movement points or spend an entire turn in that sea area without moving. While in patrol, Uboats will remain hidden (until spotted or attacking) and hunt for capital ships or merchant convoys that move through. Similarly capital ships in patrol mode have increase chances of finding hidden subs and/or enemy surface units. Uboats and surface ships can detect adjacent area boxes as well. Research into Sonar as well as sub technology can help increase or decrease the chances for a Uboat to be detected, evaded or destroyed and vice versa. Convoys and/or capital ships that want to reduce the chances of being hit by a Uboat would pay extra movement points by entering zigzaging mode whenever they enter a new sea area. This also increases the time it takes for a convoy to reach its destination which of course happened in real life. Here is what I like to see when you right click on a naval unit. It's the same menu in SC but with more options: 1)Operate 2)Transport 3)Unload 4)Zigzag mode 5)Escort mode (allows capital ships to protect and respond to attacks on convoys by subs) 6)Patrol mode 7)CAP (Combat Air Patrol from CVs) 8)Smoke Screen (to increase chances of evading surface combat) etc. Oh and naval units have the ability to to stack within the same area. [ January 03, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  19. Japinard - well I just emailed you my torpedo junction mod 1939 myself :cool: Try both of ours Enjoy!
  20. Ok after some prodding by another member *cough cough* here are some good points to bring up again regarding Uboat effectiveness and the battles in the North Atlantic in SC. I do have some suggestions to add for SC2: 1)German Q - Ships (Atlantis, Pinguin, Komet etc) to act like HQ units but only for subs by keeping them supplied. Didn't these ships have a big impact in re-supplying Uboats out at sea so they wouldn't have to return to Kiel or Brest etc? Also they were armed with 5 in naval guns (though obsolete) but they were able to sink quite a few merchant ships including a cruiser! The Australian CA "Sydney" that was caught off guard and sunk near Australia in 1941 by the HSK Kormoran. Both ships actually sunk each other. Unfortunately no Australian survivors were found....but there were German survivors and their stories are surrounded by controversy. Anyways, for SC2, it would be nice to give a chance for Germany to resupply her subs at sea using these Q-Ships. Not sure about the Graf Spee..I think she had to be resuppied in a real port. Q-Ships then can be resupplied back up to full str when they captured other Allied merchant ships. Again I'd like to see SC2 abstract the Uboat/Q ships war but enough depth (sorry for the pun hehe) to make a noticeable impact in the game. [ January 03, 2003, 06:00 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  21. John DiFool Aye, BB's weren't really sub hunters...CV's and CA's in SC should be the most effective. Hopefully in SC2, subs are no longer counters on the board...they should all be abstracted somehow..same thing with ASW warfare. I would imagine tha a Uboat captain's topmost priority was to sink merchant ships even though sinking capital ships made headlines. Of course out in the Pacific, the Japanese subs went after all kinds of capital ships and, unfortunately for them, learned very little from the North Atlantic campaign and the value of DD escorts and ASW tactics. America essentially won the Pacific war through the use of their submarines by denying Japan their resources. [ January 03, 2003, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  22. There are quite a few posts on stacking issue in SC but thought I bring this one out...has some good points (also mentions retreating options as well). I too wondered about stacking...army as single stacks is fine but the ability to stack at least 2 corps level units is not too far fetched and a very excellent tactic when using tank units. Hubert didn't answer the stacking issue in this particular posting but I didn't see his response elsewhere but I gather it was just a design decision again not to have stacking period. Oh well...we'll wait and see for SC2. [ January 02, 2003, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  23. JerseyJohn What you don't like torpedoes in your coffee in the morning? To paraphrase Col Kilgor in "Apocalypse Now" : "I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It tastes like victory!" Hehe thanks for the award! well at least those Uboats kept you on your toes and stressed you out much like the actual UK counterparts. Agreed that there is probably no good fix for the Atlantic campaign for now so we'll just leave it as is. I'll tweak the mod again and come up with a saner situation and maybe giving the brits more cruisers to use them as scouting ships. I found out that the subs will come to you more than likely in my mod so there is no need for scouting as much. [ January 02, 2003, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
  24. JerseyJohn, Aye I wouldn't mind paying for a separate map and or unit editor as well. The ability in setting up neutrals is a big improvement. Also the ability to design other theater conflicts as well that could be done with the current SC engine (i.e. WWI, Pacific Theater in WWII, Arab Israeli conflicts in 1948, French in IndoChina 1950, Korea war 1950-53 etc) Editing names, changing values forresources/cities, and create new types of units like Airborne or Horse Cavalry troops would be awesome. Or get really crazy and do some fun fantasy/medieval battles like Tolkein's Battle for Middle earth or Helm's Deep if the programming worked. There was a computer game called Universal Conflict Simulator or something release in the early 90's. They used one engine and had modules that spanned from 1914-1990's but the program allowed you to make your own battles.
  25. JerseyJohn well if it was Dom Perignon you were drinking...save me some :cool: Ok sent you the file again wow great info...I didn't even know about the Peter Strasser. Conway's only mentioned a "B" sister class ship that was broken up in 1940 and that the Seydlitz was to be converted to a light carrier in late 1942 but the conversion stopped in 1943. [ January 01, 2003, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]
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