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Everything posted by Terif

  1. May 26, 1940: French armies + tank retreat to evacuation ports, defenders around Paris reinforced. Italiy joined. Axis kill the defenders around Paris and has now 3 hexes occupied around Paris - France will surrender next turn.
  2. 2 allied units destroyed and german forces stand again in the outskirts of Paris. The canadian army defending Paris is reduced to str. 4 but holding - Italy will join next turn. The UK carrier is still sitting in the port of London and gets another interception hit without losses for the german air... so german OKW estimates it will retreat next turn.
  3. After attacking the german tank, Allies had not enough units left to protect Paris and left one spot open near it - but could be also a trap since a transport is standing outside the coast and Courageous carrier arrived in London. But doesn´t mattter even if Germany will probably loose a tank and corps next turn in the french counter: German forces destroy 2 allied units and take 3 hexes including the one in the vicinity of Paris - italian readiness is increasing. Only an unentrenched canadian army is now guarding Paris. Courageous carrier has been forced to intercept. No damage for the german airfleet. Unknown damage at the carrier. But since I used the most experienced one to force the intercept, the maximum carrier losses can be up to 3-4 str. points. Carriers are at the start of the game very weak against enemy airfleets. When they have collected experience and have some tech, carriers become very valuable but this needs time - usually until 1942/43 when Allies start D-day.
  4. We use a bid of 200, i.e 100 mpps for UK, 4000 USA and another 4000 for Russia. Standard opening without a breakthrough in Poland, but a turn more or less is not important there, as long as Germany leaves enough units to kill all poles until turn 5 if necessary. They surrendered in axis turn 4. At the moment (March 1940) Germany is slowly advancing through the french corps defence towards Paris and 2 hexes away from it. The outskirts should be reached within 1-2 turns. The corps defence is in deed the safer choice - especially since Allies have a lot of mpps in the long run. With an aggressive defence Allies have the chance to kill some german units, but they also risk loosing France very fast since they can not fill all gaps and it is much easier to kill unentrenched and damaged allied units in the counterattack.
  5. An italian gambit is still a posibility, also in veteran matches - with advantages and disadvantages. Besides the already mentioned ones there are some other important ones: - the ground units you are using for Italy are missing in the defence of France, so it usually falls earlier than normal. - Since you have to move most of your navy into the Med, you either can not shore bombard the german forces in France or at least you risk loosing them to german naval attacks. - when you first hunt the subs in the Atlantic, your ships have a good chance to not arrive in time near Italy before Germany reaches the outskirts of Paris - After the italian gambit the allied fleet is in the Med and needs some time to move back to England. Perfect opportunity for a quick Sealion. - When Axis don´t plan a naval warfare in the Atlantic they don´t really need the italian ships - but the ships are the only real valuable things they loose in a gambit. On the ground it is even an advantage for Axis (Italy is fast reconquered (=landed corps will be lost for UK), but USA is delayed and when beeing attacked Italy receives at the start additional 115 mpps(+ earlier war entry). Nevertheless, an italian gambit is the only realistic chance for Allies to hold Egypt (+ Iraq). That´s the main advantage of it - but it has its risks.
  6. Normally Axis has no advantage from not taking Moscow and when the russian player knows he can not build any more when loosing connection to his capital he usually can and will prevent it . Russia only has to place some corps east/northeast of Moskov and protect the area northeast of the river - so Axis has no real choice than to take Moskov first since they have no attack hexes north/northeast of it (BTW: behind rivers are the best defensive positions and Russia should always use its natural defence lines). Besides, when Moskov is threatened, Siberians arrive and with these forces Russia should have enough power to make the way free to Moskow in case Axis surounded it (they have an excellent attack position behind the river, HQ support, supply and even start with experience). If Russia is not able any more to establish a connection to their capital, then war is over anyway within the next few turns. But Axis needs Moskov as supply source when they want to advance to Urals. If they don´t take it, Russia can´t build any more, but probably it costs them even more time since they have no supply east of Moskov without taking the capital... Anyway, since you know you have to protect your connection/capital, it is extremely unlikely that Axis manages to surround Moskow without taking it. Like most things, you make the mistake once and then you have learned not to do it again . BTW: if you want you can forbid it in your games, but as far as I know it is usually not forbidden - perhaps because it nearly never happens (standard rules are: no Rome gambit and eventually: no amphibious landings in Italy/Russia in the first turn of DoW)
  7. Ok my little Stalker... Just to make this clear: I did not play Zapp the last 10 month and I will surely never ever play him again You proved to be a very bad looser and you are obviously without any honour and someone who can not be trusted. With all your lies and your behaviour in the last months you can be totally sure you lost the last little chance to play me ever again a long time ago.
  8. The turn after April 18, 1942: Yep, to invest in anti-air was obviously not a good idea for Allies - these mpps would have been better invested in Jets or some AFs. Another victim of the wrong strategy to invest into AA . In the last turn Germany conquered Minsk and the central russian mine. German tanks reach the area around Leningrad. Again 2 armies, 1 tank and 4 corps killed in the process. According to the report screen, Axis has now around twice as much units as Allies. Allies surrender - Axis people celebrating on the streets to win against the russian hordes . Thank you for a good game too, Kuniworth
  9. Yes, Germany now owns 10 AFs, ~20 armies/tanks and more than 20 corps. AFs and ground units have to be in the right balance to be the most effective Riga and Kiev conquered, 6 russian corps and 2 armies killed in the process, 2 additional corps cut off and reduced to str 1 each. Russian AFs attacking italians near Iraq. Western Allies retreat.
  10. Yes, German forces destroy in the counter 4 russian armies, 2 tanks and several corps . Russia started with a lot of mpp, but I doubt they can afford around 2000 mpp losses each turn very long... . Western Allies retreat their transports from Brest to bombard it with 4 ships so Axis removes the defender also . New transports near Brussel and Bordeaux (attacked by the german AF without resistance).
  11. Yep, there is nearly nothing happening during France and Barbarossa. Both sides are not allowed to take any offensive actions against other nations - something that usually gives the other side the possibility to strike back or to attack the weak spots of the enemy (with a wider coast and more land to protect, there are always weak spots during the ´collecting neutrals´ phase). Thats what makes a lot of fun in a normal game: to fight for the neutrals, lay ambushes and assault the enemy. But with these rules there are no weak spots and no battles cause all units are concentrated in a few areas and most possible counterattack areas are still neutral. Allies are limited to only 3 spots were they could possibly attack and Axis has nothing else to do than to block these spots and do a siege of England - they simply don´t need their units anywhere else. To take Egypt is no problem for Axis, even in a normal game they don´t need more AFs than 1-2 to do so (to use more is only more comfortable and it goes faster). In the end I can not recommand these rules. They extremely limit the possibilities and possible strategies for both sides. In principle players have only the choice between 2 things: Sealion or no Sealion. With these rules there is not much strategy involved, the path is clear from the beginning till the end for both sides and they can´t do much different - e.g. after Barbarossa started Russia has also nothing to do, they are not allowed to conquer Finland, Sweden or Turkey (+ consequently no Iraq/Egypt). The only thing they can do is to sit within their country and wait...
  12. August 23, 1942: War is over - Allies surrender unconditionally. In a last kamikaze attack they killed 3 of their own AFs and several ships - only one italian cruiser lost for Axis...
  13. August 9, 1942: Mass destruction in the west... UK corps appear along the french and german coast, supported by 5 UK/US airfleets around London. US/UK forces land west of Algier and near Tripoli. Additional transports along the algerian and italian coast - many targets for Axis air and navy... Royal and US Navy attack (including carriers) near Sicily and sink 2 italian battleships, but 4 german and 2 italian AFs + italian ships respond. Most allied ships and transports heavily damaged, 1 transport and a battleship sunk. In the east: German forces advance towards Moskov and Rostov, Mine conquered, several armies and corps destroyed. Siberians expected at the end of the allied turn.
  14. July 26, 1942: Russian survivors retreat, Axis forces reinforcing. Leningrad and Kharkov captured, 2 armies + corps destroyed. Western Allies attack in the Med. Several transports and battleships enter the seazone around Sicily. UK AF spotted in Malta. Italian AFs used against Greece (surrendered this turn) move back to Sicily. Italian navy engages the enemy and kills 2 transports and damage another one.
  15. @Willebra: Yes, the first screenshot was some turns after the battle so no problem. In the second one there is no unknown information cause all his damaged units just attacked my units so I already know at which strength they are @Rambo: Like usual I am not using the AA bonus. There is only one single german AF in France at the moment. It was only for spotting purposes there and normally I would have sent it to Russia too when the invasion started, but having 2 jet levels advantage is a good reason to stay... Anyway, Kuni needs a second front fast and he has total air superiority over Brest so the german air is no real problem at the moment.
  16. ok, here some guidelines : - first make sure you have air superiority at the place where you want to invade, otherwise your transports will be killed, you cannot destroy the defenders to make space for your landing units and you have no chance to establish a beachhead. - if Axis has some AFs in Norway: forget it and invade in France. - Spain is usually not a good idea for your main invasion. You can start some small (surprising) operations to bind some axis forces and to cut off Africa to reduce supply and income for Axis, but since you can´t escape any more when it fails and Axis can easily bring in reinforcements it is better not to land in high numbers. - in France you have the geographical advantage at Brest. Axis can only protect it with air if they bring it within reach of your UK AFs from England. IF they do it: kill the enemy AFs. - during the invasion itself, your first and most important target is to conquer a supply source i.e. a city (with port as escape and reinforcement possibility). - to conquer a city you need enough AFs and ships to kill the defenders and move an own unit inside. When you have a city, then you can land your main forces (including HQs). Never land your main forces when you are not sure to conquer a city within the next 1-2 turns, or they will most likely be killed in the beaches since they are out of supply and cannot be reinforced (even when a HQ lands with them, they can max. reinforce until str. 7 as long as they don´t have a city and this is not enough to prevent them from beeing destroyed). Last but not least: When you have your city and beachhead, land enough ground units to establish a solid line to prevent cut offs and to be able to protect your HQs in the second row.
  17. 2nd turn Barbarossa: - Portugal and Iraq surrender - Odessa conquered; a lot of russian corps to destroy at Riga, Minsk and Kiev; another russian cruiser sunk Western Allies attack Brest with 3 AF, 1 Bomber 3 carriers and the Royal Navy. Several army and corps transports outside the french coast. When the german AF attacks a transport in the axis turn, UK reveals Jets lv 1.
  18. November 16, 1941: Barbarossa starts... - Axis declare war upon Portugal, Greece, Iraq and Russia. - Greece surrenders, Iraq and Portugal surrounded - they should fall next turn. - UK transport near Brest under attack by a german Lv 2 AF, UK Lv 0 AF intercepting. Russia: 33 combat units supported by 7 german HQs lead the first strike: all 9 border armies cut off or destroyed, 2 tanks + 1 AF + 1 cruiser killed, 1 AF damaged. Now Russia has 7960 mpps to spend. Germany reveals Jet 2, LR 1 and AT 2.
  19. End of July 1941: Norway AFs Jet lv 1 attack UK battleship near Edinborough. 2 UK AFs Jet lv 0 intercepting.
  20. Ok, I just tested this readiness jump...still something new to learn in SC : It had nothing to do with the transports. After December 1941 russian readiness always jumps ~8-14% each turn (instead of 2-6%), no matter how much (or where)units are at the border. So it is not possible to delay russian war entry longer than beginning of 1942.
  21. Yep seems so. My longest game against him was 15 turns. Now with his house rules where we play the first game that is longer than that, his actions are a strong hint that he probably nearly never played past the battle of France .
  22. July 12, 1942: Russia starts an all or nothing counterattack near Kharkov with everything left. One german tank killed, another one barely survives at str. 1. The revenge is awful: 4 russian tanks and 3 corps destroyed, huge airfights with russias lv 0 AFs, the remaining russian armies heavily damaged, Kharkov surrounded from 6 sides. Axis DoW Greece and conquer the capital. Cease fire until tomorrow morning. To be continued...
  23. June 28, 1942: Yes, in the west there are 4 german AFs + Manstein vs 1 US AF at the moment - don´t know where the UK AFs are hiding... Smolensk taken, Kharkov under siege from 3 sides. 4 Axis armies reach Leningrad and reduce entrenchment to zero in a first step (together with some airstrikes). Known techs: Germany: AT 1 ; HT 1 ; AA 2 ; LR 1 ; Jets 1 Italy: Jets 2 No known allied techs - russian and UK AFs are hiding since a long time.
  24. June 1942: Italian task force attacks Iraq, Bagdad captured by german Africa corps. Minsk taken. One german tank lost, russian tank and 2 corps killed in return, 2 corps survive at str. 1. 2 russian tanks heavily damaged. Minor airbattles around London, US AF moved into London and was immediately forced to fight.
  25. May 1942: Kiev and western russian mine conquered. Reinforcements from Sweden and Vichy moving towards Russia...several russian corps and armies destroyed. Intelligence reports russian forces consists now only of 5 tanks, 2 armies, 5 AFs and some damaged corps... First UK transport near Kiel - 5 german corps are blocking.
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