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Posts posted by kurt88

  1. CP's Turn 4


    In a great effort of the Central powers,the capital of the Polish people was surrounded and almost liberated.Attacks by the 2nd Austro-Hungarian Army,the German 11th and 8th Corps,the German 8th and Reserve Armies and the revolutionary Armored force commanded by Conrad almost succeeded in destroying the Russian oppressor.

    The Warsaw corps is estimated to suffered 70% losses.


    Support machine gun for Conrad's Armor.

    In the west the weak-hearted French desperately clench to their defence positions.

    Although Ludendorf admits that the war is turning immobile,he was proud to announce that again a complete French army was destroyed.Coordinated attacks of the 4th,3rd and 2nd Armies have destroyed the 3rd French Army.


    Photo taken 2 hours after the devastating German attack.

    The British corps that landed on the Channel coast behind German lines was immediately attacked by the 5th Army and 2nd Corps and isolated.

    In the rest of Europe the powers of the Central Powers are being inforced.

    Meanwhile in Berlin rumors are going around that the destruction of the French 3rd Army partially was achieved by the use of a new weapon.A weapon that could grant Germany victory in the west.


    Special unit before the German attack on the French 3rd Army.

  2. Freeing up HQ's of their supply function,would mean supply trucks!Like in The Ardennes Offensive or Korsun Pocket now.

    Individual unit that needs to move along with the front line to provide mail,shaving soap,ciggarettes and other usefull stuff.

    If this unit is destroyed,it would be pop up again for free some distance behind the front,leaving the frontline troops to crap without paper for a while.

  3. CP's turn 3

    Rumors of flying English warmachines don't impress the German soldiers at the front.Already one of the prototypes was brought down by a Zeppelin unit above France.


    On the western Front things are going still well for the imperial German troops.The 1st and 5th Army attacked the retreating French 5th Army.The commanding French General brought his sabre to the command post of the pursuing Germans.French POW's are being led back to prisoncamps on the Belgian border.von Moltke confirms to the US journalist in Berlin that the prisoners will be treated with all regards.


    Previously the symphatic female US journalist had stumbled into the German morphin labs and was easily convinced !

    Further attacks against the French were not so succesfull.But still High Command is certain that Paris will be reached in a few weeks,max a few months.

    On the Balkan front the last of the Serbian seperatists were wiped out by a passing Austrian Army up to full strenght.

    In the med and the Turkish front all guns are quiet,for now.

    Hindenburg has his forces in position now for an attack to free Warsaw.Conrad will join him soon.

    It's rumored the Austrians had a breakthrough in some top-secret research.Their arrival is eagerly awaited by the German East-front troops.


    The Kaiser's third official communique :

    'It seems our Italian friends are consorting with the Triple dudes.Germany will not stand for this!!Let them be warned.We can easily aim our guns at them as well!!

    [ September 26, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

  4. So you're the famous Les the sarge everybody keeps talking about!

    Nice to meet you finally.I guess I came here right after you left.

    Well I'm not so perfect at SC either.Although I have been practicing alot lateley.

    Looking forward to playing you someday Les. smile.gif

  5. CP's turn 2.


    The German offensive in the west thunders through Northern France!

    After carefull considerations from High Command the von Schlieffen plan is put in to motion.

    After the attacks across the Rhine to destroy the Maginot line,German forces now hook around the French defences through Belgium.Combined attacks from the 2nd,3th and 1st Army and the 2nd corps surprise the French 4th Army completely.Although it had just received fresh reinforcements,it was completely destroyed.Brave soldiers from Germany's Defence Corps rush along the Channel coast to close the line.

    3 German Armies settle into defensive position on the once mighty Maginot line.

    Citizens from nearby villages are rounded up to operate the mine in this area and production is already up to 80%.

    In the east German forces under command of the newly appointed Field Marschall Paul von Hindenburg are being brought in position to attack Warsaw and liberate the Polish people from the horrible clutches of the Russian Tsar.Already one Russian army was spotted by zeppelin reconaissance leaving the vicinity of the soon to be liberated city.


    In the Balkan area the Bulgarian Rebels were attacked by an Austrian corps and the Turkish Istanbul corps.The rebels lay burried.

    In the hills of Serbia,seperatistic elements still remain active despite punishment expeditions of the local Austrian garrison corps.

    The Austrian supreme commander,Conrad,is gathering troops to support his German allies to face the Russians.

    The Turkish front was heavily reinforced.British and maybe French forces are believed to be Egypt in and might begin operations against the rich oilfields of the Ottoman Empire.

    In the med the CP's fleet reaches secret bases.Strong Allied naval presence is suspected.More U-boats are being ordered.

    The U-boat in the Atlantic goes into hiding after sinking an UK battleship.

    More merchant ships are being sunk.

    Kaiser Wilhelm II speaks to world:

    We advise our American friends to stay neutral in this war.Germany will settle this issue once and for all.America's gains will be greater if they let the superior German army and it's allies conduct operations whithout US interference.'


    German soldiers and French ladies already seem to get along well !

    [ September 26, 2003, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

  6. On the 3th of august Belgium refused to let German troops pass through it's territory to strike at France.On the same day Germany decides to declare war on France.WWI begins.

    In the week that follows countries in Europe take sides.

    The Central Powers (Germany,Austria-Hungary and Turkey) stand against the Allies (France,Belgium,UK,Russia and later Italy).

    First turn CP :

    General Erich von Ludendorf commences the German offensive in the west.


    Germany's 1st Army takes Brussels without any resistance.A bit more to the south the 5th Army attacks the Belgian Corps together with the 2nd Army destroying the weak corps.

    A German Defence Corps moves into the Ardennes to attack the French 4th Army.

    German troops boldly cross the Rhine to engage to French before they can settle in their Maginot line.German 4th Army engages it's French counterpart destroying fortifications and occupying a French mine along the way.6th Army also crosses attacking the French 1st Army and occuppies another Maginot fortification.

    To close the gap between the 6th and 4th,German 3rd Army moves up across the line destroying the last Maginot hex.

    German High Command is satisfied with the first reports from the western front.The Kaiser sends out messages to the American and Italian governements not to meddle in affairs they know nothing about and should have no interest in.


    On the eastern front German troops reinforce and reorganize to engage the forces of the Tsar in the near future together with their Austrian allies.

    In the Balkans the Turkish Istanbul corps moves north to engage Bulgarian rebels.In this action the Austrian corps in Sofia comes to aid it's Turkish friends,together they crush the rebels beyond combat effectivness.

    Secret operations in the Med commence to bring the Central Power's fleet into a better position.

    German High Command depends on it's superior U-boats to bring the odds in their favor.


  7. August 14th,the war to end all wars begins!

    *campaign : CvM's 'The Guns of August'

    Houserules :

    1.No Tech whatsoever,not even anti-tank.

    2.Restriction on airfleets :




    No bombers allowed

    3.Airfleets can only attack corps,armies,HQ's

    and other airfleets.

    4.No aircraftcarriers allowed.

    5.Only Germany may build subs.

    6.One rocket (artillery unit) per country.(This

    means Germany will get three-Germany,Austria,


    7.America in the war :

    -If the Central Powers have DoWED neutrals,then

    US may commit 3 armies,1 corps,1 HQ and 3 ships.

    -If the CP's have not violated any neutrals,then

    US may commit 1 army,1 corps,1 HQ and 2 ships.

    -If the Triple Alliance has violeted any neutral,

    US may not move at all.

    8.Russia may ONLY reinforce on 2 first turn's,

    except HQ's and naval units.

    9.Serbian and Bulgarian units may not move outside

    their respective borders.

    10.Italy may not fight or cross the border untill

    Allied turn of july 1915.(Italy is represented

    by UK units so in SC terms Italy is neutral)

    11.No violation of Turkish territory (land) untill

    Axis turn of december 1914. (exception: Germans

    can use straits)


    FOW ON









    The Joly War begins...


    First turns to arrive soon!

    [ September 29, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

  8. We got to turn 37.

    It's been over two weeks now since I heard from him.

    The game was going his way since I had a hard time taking Paris,I also failed to take Oslo in one turn so got stuck in Norway aswell.

    With Barbarossa coming up quite fast,Allies are in an advantage.

    Disorder should win this game.

  9. Lucky Zorba,

    You're overreacting here.Newbies ARE welcome here!

    You just got off on the wong foot.

    I came here some time ago as a complete wargamer newbie and I'm doing just fine.There are a lot of people here that are newbie friendly.Dragonheart is also a newbie and he's getting along just fine.

    So stop your whining and make a little effort.

    Comrade Trapp already explained his reaction and Kuniworth is a big goofer,he's just fine,put in some effort on your part.

    And if you wanna play,I'll also play you,big chance you'll win. :D

    Welcome to our community,it's hell! ;)

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