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Posts posted by kurt88

  1. The best I've ever managed with them on Pentium II is the title page, then a crash, even after tinkering with the run properties.

    I just downloaded COS and that's exactly what keeps happening even with a bootdisk.

    Now I''l probably never get the chance to play that one.

  2. Liam,

    I agree all the way.

    HOI is a bit tedious,but that's micro-management,some love it,some can't be bothered with it.Try playing Space Empires IV or MOO3 tongue.gif

    EU2 has less of that so should be a step up in playability.

    SC is more straightforward,direct action,lot's of tactics...macro-wargame.

    Anyway I love'em all.Especially the events,they add SO MUCH to the game.

  3. HOI is something that has detail down to individual planes, vehicle uprgrades. Individual Convoy ships, precision Supply system. Which can at times be a headache. Anyone who enjoys WW2 woule likely enjoy it given the time to get over the learning curb and being able to play against real live oponents. it's a little tedious... Something is missing and overly resembles EU1-2, comming Victoria and other Paradox releases...

    HOI is getting better and better with each patch,one day you'll decide to give it another go and you'll love it.When it first came out it was a disaster,but you gotta praise Paradox for their commitement.EU2,same story.

    No point in comparing SC to HOI,they're totally different.

    I do hope Hubert picks up the event-engine for SC2 though.

  4. Today I read an article in PC GAMEPLAY,a Belgian pc gaming magazine,reviewing Strategic Command.

    The reviewer stated that SC proves once again that a well designed game doesn't need flashy graphics to stand tall among today's computer games.He also mentioned that it looks deceptively simple but that the game holds many layers that players must uncover to completely master it.

    The overall tone of the article was very praising,had 3 big screenshots and was a full page in size.The demo was included on the cover dvd.

    SC got a big 82% ! (as well as Galactic Civilazations,another new turn-based strategy game)

    Congrats Hubert! smile.gif

    [ October 09, 2003, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

  5. CP's Turn 18,


    The armies of the Tsar placed their lines closer to the German defence positions.Luckily von Hindenburg was prepared for such a manoeuvre and acted quickly.Defence positions in Hungary and Romania were strenghtened and additional troops were allocated.

    The Austro-Hungarian Army attacked a Russian army that ventured too close and together with the armored forces of Conrad the Tsar's men were destroyed.A bit more to the north the 2nd Warsaw Army and the Deutschland army conducted a limited attack on the Russian 13th Army bringing it back to 40%.

    von Hindenburg :

    Let the Tsar be warned that further offensive actions will not be looked kindly upon by the German forces in the east.Vengeance is on our side!


    German front line troops in their trenches.

    On the northern French front the main roads leading into Paris from the north were captured by our brave soldiers.Actions of the 5th Army and the 2nd Koningsberg Army destroyed a veteran French corps allowing the 8th and 1st Army to move in and seize the northern entrance to the French capital.In this action a newly arrived British army was reduced to 60%.

    On the southern part of the front another French corps was killed.Coordinated attacks of the 3rd,2nd and 6th Army with support of 'Die Grosse' cold not be held by the French.


    Elements of the German 8th Army awaiting the signal to advance during the battle north of Paris.

    Meanwhile German scientists achieved a breakthrough in a top secret research.After extensive testing and selecting this new weapon will be put into use.

  6. Hello everyone. Just wanted to say thank you for all of the great advice and topics. Need a little more practice vs the AI, then maybe I can try a PBEM game vs one of the other newbs.

    Feel free to join Curry's PBEM league,alot of new players signed up here so you'll easily find someone who's just getting into the game as well.

    Look here

    Welcome to the community smile.gif

  7. CP's Turn 17,

    Now the hinterland is clear of British invading elements,German High Command can focus his energy on te western front near Paris.Pressure on the French Capital is increasing as more Triple units are destroyed.

    Near the Channel coast a British Corps was defeated by the 8th and 1st Army.

    More to the south,near the Swiss border yet another French corps was destroyed by actions of the 3rd and 6th Army with support of 'Die Grosse'.

    Finally just north of Paris a newly arrived French corps was brought down to 30% by attacks of the 5th Army and 2nd Koningsberg Army.


    A clear message!

    On the Polish front the Russians are showing their ugly faces again.von Hindenburg positioned his troops to deal with a suspected attack to begin shortly.German High Command is confident that the armies of the Tsar will be held at bay while FM von Falkenhayn deals with the two Triples in the west.


    German zeppelins are scouting above the Russian lines,telling them of their impending doom!

  8. CP's Turn 16,

    von Falkenhayn :

    No point in having new helmets if German sniperbullets always hit right between the eyes!

    On the western front the Germans are mopping up the British invaders with great expertise.German High Command expressed it's content with the actions conducted to clear the hinterland.Several units were brought into action with great succes.

    North of Essen the 1st Cologne Corps destroyed the first of British units.The british corps that had occupied the port of Kiel was engaged by a Austro-Hungarian corps and the 1st Essen Corps.Finally the new 1st Berlin Army under the personal leadership of the Kaiser himself swept in from the east and finnished the invaders.


    Destroyed British armored unit at Kiel port.

    On the French front the British again paid a heavy price for their incursions.Infuriated by the news of British misbehiavor in German villages,the German soldiers fought with a never before seen tenacity!Near the Swiss border the Egyptian Colonial Army was completely annihilated by actions of the 2nd and 6th Army with support of 'Die Grosse'.The 2nd Munich Corps was thereafter moved south to close the line and attack a French corps bringing it down to 70%.

    North of Paris another British corps was destroyed by furious attacks of the 5th and 1st Cologne Army.The northern defences of the French capital now lie in ruin and no Allied units are left there.The Triple dudes will have to bring in green troops to protect this side of Paris.

    Finally a British corps that landed on the Channel coast near Bruseels was surrounded and attacked by the 8th Army and the 2nd Koningsberg Army.


    British prisoners that survived relentless attacks the northern suburbs of Paris.

    the Kaiser :

    Germany today has showed the world that they still hold the greatest might in Europe.I'll not waste any words on the weakhearted French for today our most important enemy are the British.They cowardly invaded our fatherland,not daring to confront us directly,man to man.Today we showed them how we welcome island savages.Furthermore the enemy has yet to find the answer to our brilliant commander in the west FM von Falkenhayn.His rotation method has left the Triples baffled.Onward to victory!!


    German citizens discover the deeds of the British invaders,US journalists are notified.

    All quiet on the eastern front...

  9. I for one can highly recommend 'CvM's The guns of August'.Ofcourse if you're not interested in WWI,don't bother.

    This scenario is very well balanced for two players.Currently I'm playing this one against Blashy and we're having a lot of fun,just check out our AAR.

    Another great mod is JJ's revised 1939 scenario.He's obviously put a lot work in it.The OOB has been completely changed,lots of new units on the map from the beginning.Germany gets more naval units and the Allies look very strong in air.I only played this one against the ai and it made a whole diferent game.

    Most mods can be obtained here

    I'm sure by asking around a bit,lots of the players will share their creations.

  10. CP's Turn 15,

    German High Command is becoming more and more concerned with the increasing British landings in te German hinterland.These incursions must be stopped as not to harm the campaign in the west.

    Commander von Moltke frees up more forces to repell the stuborn invaders.

    Near the Channel coast the German 5th Army and the 1st Cologne Army destroyed a British corps,hereby setting the example.

    Conrad's armored forces openend the attack an an invading British corps near Essen.1st Army and the 1st Cologne Corps come to aid the Austrian commander and together they brought the islanders back to 10%.The British corps occupying the port of Kiel was attacked by the 1st Essen Corps and brought back to 50%.

    More forces are being moved in to protect the German homeland and to eradicate all British elements trying to land.


    British cyclist scouts under attack near Essen.

    Meanwhile on the French front von Falkenhayn keeps up the offensive.Attacks of the 2nd elite Army and the 6th Army heavily hit a French corps south of Paris.Casualties on French side are said to be 70%.4th Army attacked a British Army knocking it down to 30%.Other units were reinforced and moved into position to continue the offensive.


    French prisoners receiving their midday soup rations.US journalists are allowed into the prison camps.

    In the east defences are being reinforced.German scouts saw some further retreats of Rusian units.

    For the time being both sides are happy to leave eachother alone.But the Central Powers are suspicious and prepare in force.

  11. CP's turn 14,

    Feldmarshall von Falkenhayn is proud to report that again the southern approaches to Paris are again in German hands.Now they must be held at all costs if the attack on the French capital has to have any succes.

    Almost at nightfall the French Called Up Army defending the roads into to Paris was surprised by the elite 2nd Army.One attack was sufficient to wipe out the French defenders.The commanding officer of the 2nd Army reported afterwards that the French are throwing young boys into the slaughter.What chance would they have against heavily armed and experienced German veterans?Our soldiers showed great compasion by making them prisoner instead of shooting them.The American journalist in Berlin was notified of this and she immediately passed the word to Washington.


    The French must be completely desperate if they are sacrificing their little ones.Thank God for the deceny of the common German soldier!

    Once the position was cleared of enemy troops 3rd Army moved in hereby attacking the French HQ.

    Several units engaged the British invaders in the hinterland.These spoiling attacks are becoming quite bothersome.Sofar they have only been a nuissance.New units are being erected to keep it that way.

    von Moltke :

    We have to praise our English opponents.They prove they have courage by attacking us wherever they can.The French on the other hand are cowards of the most despicable sorts!They run every chance they get,when they attack they run straight into our field of fire out of pure stupidity and they let children do their dirty work.If it wasn't for the brave islanders France would have fallen long ago.


    stupid French soldier...

    On the eastern front the Russians have retreated.von Hindenburg decided not to pursue them,that would be disastrous.Now his troops are in full supply and digged in.Also near the Rumanian-Russian border troops are organizing their defences.The Tsar may not be underestimated.


    Austrian units gathering to hear an anouncement by their commander.

    Much has been speculated about the US.British propaganda has been implying that the Americans are bound to enter the war to come to aid of the Triple Dudes.The Abwehr has sent agents to Washington to investigate this rumors.

    Today they bring us the news that only 32% supports entry in the war.


    Our man in Washington.

    [ October 11, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

  12. CP's Turn 13,

    von Hindenburg:

    It seems the enemy is relentless in his attacks.With great force has he come to threaten the Polish capital once again.But today there is the army of the Kaiser to fight him off!

    The Russian army is running into strong defensive positions outside Warsaw.In the southern sector our Austro-Hungarian friends of the 2nd and Balkan army countered the attacking Russian 5th Army knocking it down to 40%.In the northern sector actions of the 2nd Warsaw and 2nd Koningsberg Army decimated an attacking Russian corps.

    In the rear reinforcements are being brought to the lines.German High Command feels confident that the overall situation is in our favour now we are fighting closer to home.Our failed invasion was caused by supply limitations and unfavorable terrain.Now it is time for the Tsar to experience the same!


    German strongpoints along the frontline.

    In the west a French corps was destroyed near the Swiss border.Again 'Die Grosse' played a major part in this operation.The crew is gaining experience and now was able to score two direct hits.German 3rd and 6th Army also joined the effort.

    Near the channel coast the 5th Army heavily damaged a British corps.

    In the rear units are being reinforced and brought into position.


    German infantry of the 3rd Army advancing over a hill.

    German Navy command considers the battle of Jutland lost.It seems the Triple Dudes will now rule the seas of the western front.The fatherland is being prepared for possible invasions.


    the Kaiser,von Hindenburg and Ludendorff at German High Command,discussing the defence of the hinterland.

    [ October 05, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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